Editing Christopher Adams The Enigma Factor

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Michael waited until the doctor was finished before he gave his report.  "Without their computer operations and without a commline open to our computer deciphering their systems was slow going and basically a no go for anything outside of ships systems. When we go back we should be able to get more answers as to what they were up to prior to this rift opening,"  Michael said looking over his PADD.
Michael waited until the doctor was finished before he gave his report.  "Without their computer operations and without a commline open to our computer deciphering their systems was slow going and basically a no go for anything outside of ships systems. When we go back we should be able to get more answers as to what they were up to prior to this rift opening,"  Michael said looking over his PADD.
"However, Sir, I have an issue with this rift opening.  There are two
"However, Sir, I have an issue with this rift opening.  There are two
possibilities, either they managed to cross the exact location of a proto-rift, or somehow their drives malfunctioned in a way which basically burrowed itself into sub-space, causing a rift to form.  I find the first option highly unlikely, and would highly recommend we not let the Science ship go to warp before their systems have been given a complete look through, if they tried to warp out of here with the rift still open, I can't say what would happen, but I highly doubt it would be pretty."  Michael said sitting back.  He would include his recommendations that the Doctor and Ensign Adams get commendations in his written report.  
possibilities, either they managed to cross the exact location of a proto-rift, or somehow their drives malfunctioned in a way which basically burrowed itself into sub-space, causing a rift to form.  I find the first option highly unlikely, and would highly recommend we not let the Science ship go to warp before their systems have been given a complete look through, if they tried to warp out of here with the rift still open, I can't say what would happen, but I highly doubt it would be pretty."  Michael said sitting back.  He would include his recommendations that the Doctor and Ensign Adams get commendations in his written report.  
(Reply Capps and rest of the Away Team)

After each member of the Away Team had given their report and all questions answered, Eva stood again and looked at everyone once more before speaking.
After each member of the Away Team had given their report and all questions answered, Eva stood again and looked at everyone once more before speaking.
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"Aye Captain." Matrix looked directly at the Captain, "I and my team have already processed the majority of the initial scan data and are working on prioritizing energy reserves and structural plans. I'll keep the Commander informed."
"Aye Captain." Matrix looked directly at the Captain, "I and my team have already processed the majority of the initial scan data and are working on prioritizing energy reserves and structural plans. I'll keep the Commander informed."
=== Day: 2 – Stardate: 2407.01.28 ===
(Reply ALL)
==== (USS Paladin - Sickbay - Subspace Specialist Huor Mahtanion Inglorion - 07:32) ====
Huor woke up on a bed in what seemed to be the alien ship's medical ward. After their encounter yesterday, Huor wasn't sure what to expect, but it seemed to him that things were more or less business as usual. However, there was one change that he noticed. The meaningless chatter they had used to communicate with each other seemed to make sense now. ~It seems,~ he thought, ~that they have some sort of device that can translate for them into any language.~ He called out to nobody in particular, but did attract the attention of one woman in a uniform with a blue collar.
T’Rihn was efficiently performing her duties, treating the sort of minor injuries and medical complaints that were so common on a ship the size of the Paladin. It never ceased to amaze her how irrational humans could be when they were even the slightest bit ill, but she calmly went about her work. As she passed one of the biobeds that an alien was occupying, he caught her attention.
“Yes?” She responded, wondering if he was in pain or having some sort of adverse reaction. He appeared well, at least according to the biobed sensors. 
"Excuse me," he said, "but where am I? And what is the situation on my ship?"
“You are on the USS Paladin, a Federation starship.
More precisely, you are in the Paladin’s medical facility, popularly known as Sickbay.  Your ship is safe, but it is currently under repairs and you were brought aboard for medical treatment.” T’Rihn answered, wondering why the alien seemed more concerned with his ship than his own injuries. While they were not substantial, it would seem that they should be his first priority. “Are you experiencing any pain or discomfort in your shoulder, as it was injured while your ship was in the rift?”
The alien moved his shoulder and touched it lightly.
"Yes it is feeling better. Tell, me, where is the one they call Adams? Can I see him?"
~Adams?~ T’Rihn thought, not entirely familiar with the named crewperson. “Just a moment, I will contact him and determine if he is available and if it is advisable for you to receive a visitor.” She explained, giving the alien male a sharp nod before heading over to another part of Sickbay. Doing a bit of research, she found the Adams in question; an officer in Engineering.
==== (USS Paladin - Deck 55, Personal Quarters Ensign JG Adams - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 0734) ====
Ensign Christopher Adams was finishing off his breakfast and getting ready for his first shift on the Sunda. He had organized his engineering crew and met with the Aiglos's engineers to set up a plan of attack. He was looking forward to the challenge.
There was a beep from his badge and the unemotional voice of a Vulcan female was heard over the comm system. <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>Nurse T'Rihn to Ensign Adams. <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>
Adams set down his fork and touched his comm badge. "Adams here."
<nowiki>=^=</nowiki>Good morning, Ensign Adams, <nowiki>=^=</nowiki> stated T'Rihn. <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>One of the aliens, a male, has regained consciousness in Sickbay and is asking for you. Would you like to come down to speak with him? <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>
==== (USS Paladin – Sickbay – Medical Technician Nurse T’Rihn - 0736) ====
T’Rihn waited as there was a short pause from Ensign Adams. <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>Huor? Is his name Huor? <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>, he replied after a moment.
It had not occurred to T’Rihn to ask the alien patient his name, though it was certainly a logical question for Ensign Adams to ask. “Just a moment, Ensign.”
T’Rihn said as she tapped her combadge and quickly walked back to where the male alien lay. “What is your name? It would be prudent to have in our records should we have to communicate with your people regarding your status.”
Giving a short nod to the alien, T’Rihn walked a short distance away and tapped her combadge again.
==== (USS Paladin - Deck 55, Personal Quarters Ensign JG Adams - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 0737) ====
Ensign Christopher Adams was eating breakfast when a Vulcan Nurse contacted him about one of the aliens wanting to talk to him.
<nowiki>=^=</nowiki>Nurse T’Rihn to Ensign Adams, <nowiki>=^=</nowiki> came the calm Vulcan voice over the comm system. <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>I can now confirm that the alien’s name is Huor. Will you be coming down here to visit him? <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>
"Yes. Absolutely," exclaimed the ensign. "I will be down there shortly. Adams out." Ensign Adams touched his comm badge closing the transmission. He then stuffed a few heaps of his eggs into his mouth and headed out the door, the fork clanking against the replicated china.
==== (USS Paladin - Deck 13, Primary Sickbay - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 0747) ====
The doors parted as Ensign Adams approached revealing the Paladin's main Sickbay. There was the usual hustle and bustle that always happens on a ship this size. Looking around, Adams finally spotted his Kirian friend Huor.
Huor heard the Sickbay doors slide open, and looked up. He wasn't expecting it to be someone he would recognize, but this time it was. He smiled as he saw Adams walk through the door and over to him.
"It is good to see you well, Huor," stated Adams sideling up to his bedside. "It's also nice that we can actually communicate. Without your help, I don't think we would have ever been able to figure out what each of us was talking about."
"Very good indeed. However, you seemed to catch on to what I was saying pretty quickly, and I appreciate that. Tell me, what is the status of the Sunda?"
"The repairs are starting," informed Adams. "I just had my first meeting with the engineers from the Aiglos last night. We put a plan of action together and now it's just a matter of executing. I've formed my team and I meet them in engineering in just over an hour. We are going to be working on figuring out how the Sunda's engines formed the rift and making repairs."
Ensign Christopher Adams stood at the bed side of his Kirian friend Huor, giving him an update on all that was going on between his two people's ships while he was recovering in the Paladin's Sickbay.
"I'm glad," stated Huor after Adams was finished. "And what of any other survivors? And the prince? He must have been very angry to find you in our territory when he came."
"We found over eighteen dead," responded Adams, his brow furrowed as he told his friend the bad news. "We've opened an joint investigation with security from the Aiglos to try and figure out what caused the rift to open. No leads yet.
"From what I've heard," Adams continued. "Your prince was pretty angry about us boarding your ship. He wasn't used to other races helping each other out. The captain calmed him down and insisted on the joint operation. I think he's been impressed and I hope this opens up talks between the Kingdom of Kiria and the Federation."
=== Day: 3 - Stardate: 2407.01.29 ===
==== (USS Paladin - Deck 55, Personal Quarters Ensign JG Adams - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 1721) ====
Ensign Christopher Adams collapsed on his bed and kicked off his boots. Arms outstretched he breathed a big sigh. "Computer," he said to the empty room looking up at the ceiling. "Glass of root beer with ice."
The replicator in his quarters whirred to life produce a fizzing glass of carbonated liquid. With a grunt, the ensign rolled off the side of his bed and lumbered over to the replicator to retrieve his drink.
"Ahhhh," sighed Adams after taking a couple of big drinks. He set the drink down on his desk and once again addressed the computer. "Computer. Start recording personal log."
"Personal Log. Ensign JG Christopher Adams. Stardate 2407.01.29.
"The repairs on the Sunda are complete. Two solid days of working with the Aiglos engineers determining what went wrong with their drive system. It turned out that the clear box that I repaired in their communication circuits was their Universal Translator. With that repaired, it was much easier to work with the other aliens in figuring out what was wrong. I downloaded their linguistic matrix into my tricorder and was able to translate all of their computer's readouts with ease.
"Once we figured out the problem with the engine, it was just a matter of coordinating the repair list between their engineers and the team I brought aboard from the Paladin. I got the tasks assigned and then just followed up while the crews worked together to fix the Sunda. The final system was repaired just thirty minutes ago and I'm ready to hit the rack. I've got to pick up my regular duty shift, in charge of Gamma Shift in Engineering at 0100 hours. No rest for the weary.
Computer. End personal log."
Adams reached over to his glass of root beer and downed the rest of it in a few gulps. The ice clinked at the base once he righted the glass. He placed it back in the replicator and hit the button which returned the glass back to the atoms from where it came.
With a yawn, Adams stripped off his uniform and pull down the covers on his bed. Within a few minutes snores could be heard in the empty room.
=== Day: 4 - Stardate: 2407.01.30 ===
==== (USS Paladin - Deck 7, Life Sciences Lab - Petty Officer Julia Williams - 0235) ====
With the rift finally closed, the sensors were finally freed up for other assignments and Life Sciences Specialist Julia Williams was going to take full advantage of the time. While on patrol on the edges of the Neutral Zone, long range sensors had picked up a pre-industrial society on the sixth planet in the Dessica System. She was running scans on the society when the distress signal diverted the Paladin's attention and all sensors were taken over in order to study the rift. Now that the crisis was over she knew she only had a limited amount of time before the system was out of range.
The double doors to the lab parted when the young scientist approached. The lab was completely dark except for a few lights emanating from the computers in the lab.
"Computer. Lights," said Julia to the empty room. The lab's white lights momentarily blinded her as they blinked on. She walked over to the main sensor table sitting in the center of the room. On the screen she could still see the layout of the village she was scanning four days ago. The society was very interesting. From the layout of the village, she could tell they were very religious. There appeared to be some sort of temple or alter in the middle while houses radiated out from there. From the scans of the village, they were roughly 30,000 humanoids living there and they had discovered how to forge metal and build structures which were resistant to the harsh winter which appeared to be going on there right now. Fascinating.
Julia started pushing a few buttons to bring the long range sensor back online and start scanning the system where the planet was located. The long range sensors weren't much, but during this war you took what you could get. Hopefully this would be all over and we would get back to exploring the galaxy again. Three beeps alerted the petty officer to a problem with the sensors.
"Lateral Sensor Array Offline," read Julia out loud. "What the…" A few more taps on the computer confirmed it. She reached down and touched her comm badge. "Williams to Engineering."
<nowiki>=^=</nowiki>Engineering. Ensign Adams speaking, <nowiki>=^=</nowiki> came the voice on the other end.
"Adams," responded Julia. "This is Julia Williams in the Life Sciences lab. I'm trying to use the long range sensors to scan one of the systems we passed a few days ago, but the computer is saying the Lateral Sensor Array is down. What's going on?"
<nowiki>=^=</nowiki>Upgrade to the power conduits on Deck 35, <nowiki>=^=</nowiki> responded Adams. <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>Power has been cut to almost the entire deck while the work is going on. Sorry, Williams, but we had to get these systems upgraded now before resume our patrol. <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>
"I saw the posting of the outage, but I thought it was supposed to be done by now," said Williams. "The report I read said that it would be done by 0200 hours. I don't have that much time before we move on and the society I'm studying goes out of sensor range."
<nowiki>=^=</nowiki>Sorry, but all the people and equipment needed to do the upgrade were diverted to the Sunda to help them get their ship back in working order, <nowiki>=^=</nowiki> explained the ensign. <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>We're back logged on all of our maintenance here on the Paladin. Sorry, but the maintenance reports must not have been updated with the new completion dates. <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>
"Wonderful," responded Williams sarcastically. "So, when will power be restored to the deck?"
<nowiki>=^=</nowiki>The upgrade is going to take 19 more hours, <nowiki>=^=</nowiki> responded Adams. <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>So it won't be back up until 2100 hours. <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>
"2100 hours!" exclaimed the life sciences tech. "That's outrageous. I hope you all love your little war, while the science by which Starfleet was founded gets pushed aside."
<nowiki>=^=</nowiki>Sorry, ma'am. <nowiki>=^=</nowiki> said Adams apologetically. <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>Not much I can do about it. <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>
"Fine. Williams out." Julia touched her comm badge and cut off the signal and then slammed her fists into the sensor table. "Argh," she shouted in frustration.
After a few seconds of letting herself calm down, she looked up the list of Science Officers who were on call. Maybe one of them could talk some sense into Ensign Adams and get the sensors back up sooner than 19 hours from now.
Julia once again touched her comm badge. "Williams to Belden"
==== (USS Paladin - Deck 5, Olesia's Quarters - Science Officer Ensign (jg) Olesia Belden - 02:38) ====
Olesia's hand appeared from under the bedcovers, where she had settled an hour or so earlier. It slowly moved towards the comm panel, and pressed the respond buttion. Groggily, she said, "What is it?"
<nowiki>=^=</nowiki>Sorry to call you so early in the morning, sir, <nowiki>=^=</nowiki> Williams came Williams' voice, <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>but, this is urgent. I'm doing long range scans of the Dessica System studying a pre-industrial society on the sixth planet. It's very critical that I get more time on the lateral sensor array before we head off back on our patrol of the Neutral Zone border. However, the array is down. Apparently Engineering is doing some maintenance and power to the deck won't be restored until 2100 hours. Can you believe it? How could a power upgrade take so long? Is there any way you could contact Engineering and talk to Ensign Adams? Get him to speed it up? <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>
==== (USS Paladin - Deck 7, Life Sciences Lab - Petty Officer Julia Williams - 0235) ====
Life Sciences Technician Julia Williams had just received news from engineering that the lateral sensor array was down and it wouldn't be ready until 2100 hours. This was going to be way too late for her to continue her study of the pre-industrial society on Dessica VI. She had contacted the Science Officer on call, Ensign Olesia Belden, in order to complain.
<nowiki>=^=</nowiki>Well,<nowiki>=^=</nowiki> came Ensign Belden's groggy voice over the comm system. <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>I believe that the auxiliary array is still operational. Why don't you try that for now?<nowiki>=^=</nowiki>
"Unfortunately, the Dessica System is too far away for anything other than the lateral sensor array," explained Williams. "The auxiliary array doesn't have the power. Besides, it's being used by Stellar Sciences. They are pulling double duty studying the rift and how it formed before we have to leave the area."
==== (USS Paladin - Deck 51, CEO's Office - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 0904) ====
Ensign Christopher Adams stood outside Chief Engineer Matrix's office. His duty shift was done and it was time to review the Activity Report with his CO. PADD in his left hand he reached out and pushed the door chime.
Matrix had been at his desk since 0431. It was going to be a long day.
Repairs around the ship were underway. Damage to the Paladin was widespread, but not major. As Matrix studied the condition boards the door chimed.
"Enter." said Matrix.
The young Ensign entered and stood across the desk.
"Ready to review the Activity Report?" asked Adams.
Matrix looked up at the Ensign, almost annoyed at the interruption. " Yes Ensign. Proceed."
"The upgrades to the power conduits on Deck 35 are almost complete. We had to take Transporter Room 5 and the lateral sensor array offline while the conduits were repaired. The Life Sciences Group are pretty stressed because we told them the sensor array would be back online by now. It should be done around 1300 hours.
"There was an incident in the main shuttle bay. One of the transports which was ferrying people between the Paladin and the Sunda pulled in too fast and damaged one of the walls. It ruptured a plasma conduit, but it was contained and repairs have been started.
"Some of the holo-emiters in Holodeck 3 are in need of repair. The luau that went on last night must have been pretty wild. I've added it to the repair list, but haven't started repairs. I've entered a standard warning if someone tries to use the holodeck until repairs are made."
Ensign Christopher Adams sat in a chair in Chief Engineer Matrix's office looking down at a PADD which contained the activity report for Gamma Shift, the shift that Adams commands. Looking up the ensign could tell that Lieutenant Matrix was annoyed at what went on during the early morning hours.
"Very well Ensign," said Matrix. "Have the transport pilot who damaged my wall report to me immediately. Also, let Ensign Cohen know about Holodeck 3, he may have had some experiments running. Also, fine job Ensign. Thank you."
"Yes, sir," replied Adams. "Thank you, sir." He started to get up from his chair.
"Oh, Ensign," interjected Matrix. "I'd like a list of all who personnel who attended the luau too. I'd like to know who's tearing up my Holodeck. Dismissed."
"Aye, sir," responded Adams quickly. He wanted to get out of his CO's office as fast as possible. He could tell Matrix was not in a good mood and he didn't want the chief engineer's wrath to start heading his way.
Adams left Lieutenant Matrix's office, door sliding shut behind him, and he headed over to one of the engineering stations and touched his comm badge. "Ensign Adams to Crewman Frederik."
There was silence then finally someone answered. <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>Yes? <nowiki>=^=</nowiki> came a groggy voice on the other end of the comm signal.
"That's, 'Yes sir?', crewman," corrected Adams.
<nowiki>=^=</nowiki>I'm sorry, sir. Yes, sir, <nowiki>=^=</nowiki> responded Frederik. <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>I was asleep. Rough night, as you know. <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>
"Yes. I know," said Adams. "And now Lieutenant Matrix knows. He wants to see you right away."
<nowiki>=^=</nowiki>Great, <nowiki>=^=</nowiki> Frederik yawned. <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>I already got an ear full from Chief Brant. Now I have the Chief Engineer pissed at me too. Acknowledged. I'll be down there in a couple of minutes. <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>
The comm signal ended and Adams reached down to the engineering station and pulled up the Holodeck 3 status sheet. He forwarded the damage warning to Ensign Cohen so that he would know about the problems. With a sigh he touched his comm badge again. "Ensign Adams to Ensign Trei."
"Hey…uh…yea," stammered Adams. "Hey, Dentron. There was some damage to some of the holo-emiters on Holodeck 3 last night and Lieutenant Matrix is pretty mad. Do you happen to have a list of everyone who attended the luau last night?"
After reporting the damage to Holodeck 3 from the Luau last night to the Chief Engineer, Ensign Christopher Adams had the duty to getting a list participants. He knew Ensign Dentron Trei had organized the party, so he decided to find out if he could get the list from him.
<nowiki>=^=</nowiki>Trei here,<nowiki>=^=</nowiki> responded the young security officer over the comm system. <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>I am having breakfast in my quarters. The list is here with me. Is there a problem?<nowiki>=^=</nowiki>
"About mid-way though Gamma shift," started Adams. "I had my men run a level three diagnostic on all holodeck systems. It's standard procedure because Gamma shift is usually the time when most of the holodecks aren't in use. Anyway, the diagnostic revealed that several of the holo-emitters had been damaged. I reported it to Lieutenant Matrix this morning in my standard Activity Report for Gamma shift and he wanted to find out who attended the meeting. I assume he wants to get down to the reason why his holodecks are getting damaged. You know what, maybe you should contact him directly with the list of people. You probably know more about what happened in the party, since you set it up."
(reply Trei, any)
Ensign Christopher Adams was standing at an engineering station finishing up some last minute tasks before heading off duty while Alpha shift started ramping up for the day. After his duty shift activity report, Chief Engineer Matrix wanted him to contact a few people, one of whom was Ensign Peter Cohen, who was conducting some experiments in the now damaged Holodeck 3.
"Ensign Adams to Ensign Cohen," said Adams after touching his comm badge.
(reply Cohen)
"Not sure if you would get my message, so I thought I would contact you by comm system," explained Adams. "Apparently the luau caused some damage to Holodeck 3 and Lieutenant Matrix wanted me to contact you to make sure you knew about the damage. He said you might be conducting some experiments?"
(reply Cohen)
==== (USS Paladin - Deck 51, CEO's Office - Crewman 2nd Class Thomas Frederik - 0922) ====
Crewman Frederik was still trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes when he exited the turbolift on deck 51. He was not looking forward to this. Five hours ago he had accidentally crashed one of the transport shuttles into the side of the main shuttle bay. His CO, Chief Brant, had given him an ear full and had actually pulled him off the flight roster. Now, the Chief Engineer wanted to see him. He stood in front of Lieutenant Matrix's door and straightened out his uniform before pressing the door chime.
Matrix was reviewing his day's work; repairs and his crew contingent when his door chimed. "Enter!" said Matrix
"Crewman Frederik reporting as ordered."
Matrix stood up, "Aye crewman Fredrik, nice of you to stop in. So, tell me, are you responsible for the damage to the main hanger deck?" Matrix sat on the corner of his desk looking intently at the crewman.
"Yes, sir," Frederik responded quietly.
"Well crewman, I'll let your CO deal with your flight prowess. I just wanted to meet the person responsible for tearing up my shuttle bay and causing undo crew hours to repair. I can't imagine what you did to the shuttle craft." Matrix stood up and walked around to his chair and sat down.
"Yes, sir. Chief Brant has already pulled me off duty," explained Frederik. "The shuttle's starboard side struck the wall during the incident almost ripping off the nacelle."
"Did you get the occupants aboard safely crewman?" Matrix asked in a snide tone.
"Yes, sir," responded the pilot. "Your engineering staff is safe. Just a few bumps and bruises. The inertial dampeners absorbed most of the blow."
Matrix smiled, "Excellent. That is the most important thing I guess...but be careful you could have killed yourself and your crewmates. We can repair the ship and equipment."
"Aye, sir. I will, sir," said Frederik still looking towards the wall at attention.
"Very well crewman. Dismissed." replied Matrix.
Crewman Frederik nodded, did an about face and walked out of the chief engineers office. When the doors slid shut behind him, he exhaled a deep breath. He was so nervous his hands were shaking. Then a giant yawn appeared on the crewman's face. He stumbled back to his bunk and fell fast asleep.
==== (USS Paladin, Ready Room,  CO Captain Eva Straton, 1300) ====
Eva lifted the steaming cup of herbal tea from the replicator and moved over to her desk.  Sitting down, she took a small sip of the tea before placing it down on her desk.  She lifted the PADD containing all the reports from the Sunda on it and looked it over again before placing it down again.  Picking up her tea again she leaned back in her chair and took another sip.
"Computer begin recording," She said.  The computer chirped to signal that it was recording.
"Captain's Log: Stardate 2407.01.30.  Having received a distress call from a ship of unknown origin while patrolling the Romulan Neutral Zone, the Paladin set course to render whatever assistance we could.  We arrived to discover an alien craft trapped inside a subspace rift.  Unable to establish communication with the craft, I ordered an Away Team to beam aboard to search for survivors and render any medical or technical assistance possible.  Several wounded aliens that outwardly resembled Vulcanoids, but internally are vastly different, were beamed to the Paladin's sickbay to treatment.  A second alien ship arrived identifying themselves as the QHL Aiglos of the United Kingdom of Kiria.  While trying to explain our presence to the commander of the Aiglos, communication was suddenly cut when the ship trapped in the rift suddenly activated their warp drive resulting in the rift expanding and disrupting communications and transporters.  At this time we lost contact with our away team as well as our transporter lock on them.  Hostilities nearly broke out between the Paladin and the Aiglos, but luckily cooler heads prevailed and I lead a second away team aboard the Aiglos to met directly with their commander and discuss exactly how we could work together to recover the trapped ship, which we learned called the Sunda.  The Aiglos used their version of a tractor beam to drag the Sunda out of the rift while the Paladin used her tractor beam to re-enforce the Sunda's structural integrity.  Once the Sunda was towed to a safe distance from the rift our Away Team was beamed back on board and a senior officers briefing was called. 
"After the briefing the Paladin crew assisted the crew of the Aiglos and the survivors of the Sunda in determining what had caused the rift and how best to seal the rift.  After a through investigation over the last two days it was discovered that the Sunda's warp drive, which is a quantum singularity drive similar to what the Romulan's use, was indeed sabotaged by a Romulan spy on board the Sunda.  Further investigation into the Sunda's computer system lead to evidence of a number of Romulan spies operating within the Kingdom of Kiria.  The Commander of the Aiglos was quite upset to learn of their allies duplicity and has promised to launch a full investigation once he returns to their home world.  With the knowledge of exactly how the warp drive was sabotaged our respective science departments were able to work with engineering to seal the rift.  The Commander of Aiglos was very impressed with the work and professionalism of the crew and has expressed interest in the possibility of opening formal relations with the Federation and will be forwarded to Fleet Commander for follow up. 
"Now with the rift closed and all teams back on board the Paladin, we are preparing to return to our patrol of the Romulan Neutral Zone.
Commander Rulestaad has been in contact with the Battle Group through out the current mission and with nothing major to report.  We shall be heading out within the hour.  End Log."
The computer chirped that it was no longer recording and Eva lifted her cup of tea to her lips for another sip as she reflected silently on the events of the past few days.  ~Hope that Romulan spy enjoys his stay in the Aiglos's brig.~

=== Credits ===
=== Credits ===
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*(posted by Spencer)
*(posted by Spencer)
*(Posted by Sarah Feldman)
*(Posted by Sarah Feldman)
*(Posted by Steve)
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