Editing IRW DihVael

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| class="even" align="center" style="font-size: 90%" colspan="2" | IRW DihVael
| class="even" align="center" style="font-size: 90%" colspan="2" | IRW Dih'Vhael

| class="odd" | Class:
| class="odd" | Class:
| class="even" | [[Romulan_Warbird|D'deridex Warbird]]
| class="even" | D'deridex
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== Current Mission Overview ==
The [[IRW DihVael]] has been ordered by the Romulan Senate to patrol the Romulan side of the Neutral zone, she carries on board the Tal'Shiar operative N'Alae and has been assigned to the role of official diplomatic courier to Proconsul T'Hara Jotal, the Romulan Ambassador to the newly formed Galactic Cooperative.
== Status Report ==
Stardate 2408.06.01 - After standing down from high alert at the borders of the Romulan side of the neutral zone, Commander Talok has been ordered by Senate to resume standard patrol duties pending further orders. Tal'Shiar Officer N'Alae has been recalled to Romulus for debrief and is to be joined by V'Enar who has rumoured, but unsubstantiated close links to the Obsidian order. Talok is already suspicious of the overzealous N'Alae, and her imminent arrival back on board with the Cardassian cohort V'Enar in tow will only serve to compound that suspicion.
The DihVael is currently standing by for orders.
==Operational Mission Posts==
Stardate: 2406.11.27
(Romulan neutral zone – 1 parsec off the federation border – IRW Dihvael – 09:00)
In one moment, the silently scanning sensors of the cloaked D`deridex class warbird, IRW Dihvael picked up the first useful information from the otherwise normal comms chatter that had been usual during the last few months. At the comm terminal, N'alae the senior officer of the Tal shiar sprang to her feet with an order to wake Commander Talok and get him to the bridge forthwith.
It took only a few minutes for the commander to arrive and immediately begin barking off his orders. “Report”, he said in clipped authoritarian tone as N`alae then appraised him briefly on the recent developments.
“Are we still cloaked?”, said Talok, “We are sir”, answered the Romulan officer stationed at ops. “Are they scanning?”, added Talok watching the view screen as it focused in to display a graphical and tactical representation of the comms network and area they had been eaves dropping on.
“They are scanning routinely at intermittent intervals, although we remain undetected”, said N`alae, “We ARE wasting time, we must report now to the senate and act now or risk loosing the moment”, she added. “Strike while the iron is hot, their guard is down and they are in disarray”, said N`alae.
Talok fell silent as though contemplating the next move, then he moved to sit in the command chair where he brought his fingers to his chin in further contemplation as he relaxed into the chair.
“What exactly are they saying?”, he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“The Klingons have allied themselves with one half of the split federation”, said N`alae. “They are proposing to move on the renegade faction in a combined move, we won`t get another chance like this”, she added. “They are at their most vulnerable now, we must report back to the senate or strike”
Talok paused and then looked to the Romulan stationed at ops, apparently ignoring N`alae as he did so. “Are they moving at this time?”, said the commander. “They are stationary sir, they are maintaining their positions and communicating via scrambled subspace transmissions”, said ops.
“Then there is no need to rush”, said Talok. “they are not aware that we are here or even listening in on them”, he added. He then turned to the arrogantly stanced Tal shiar officer to his side who seemed most annoyed at the commanders inaction.
“Report our findings to the senate, do not initiate anything that might indicate hostile intent at this time, return to your station”, said Talok as he casually dismissed the young officer with a wave of his hand.
N`alae furrowed her brow in response and fidgeted anxiously. “If you do not do as I say or strike now, I will relieve you of your command!”, she cried, at which point the Romulan commander stood to face the young, aggressively poised Tal shiar officer.
“You may be Tal shiar N`alae, but on this ship, I am in command and you will do as I say”, hollered Talok. “Return to your station, your views have been noted, make a report if you wish but remember where you are”, he added as N`alae stumbled back from Talok`s impending forwards motion as he spoke. She then returned to her station to report their progress to senate, albeit reluctantly.
(Romulus – Romulan senate – Proconsul T`hara-Jotal - 10:00)
“The reports are confirmed, the federation is moving and the Klingon`s have allied themselves to one side, clearly they will attempt to move on the Romulan star empire in time”, said Proconsul T`hara-Jotal.
“This is not assured”, said the imperial praetor, “We cannot move until we know that their coalition is offensive, to risk this now without confirmation would be planetary suicide and it could leave the empire wide open”, he added turning to an advisor immediately to his left so as to listen to what he was saying to him.
“The Tal shiar are confident”, said the advisor, “if we move now we can avoid unnecessary bloodshed later”.
The Imperial Praetor listened to what was being said by the two speakers, then he turned to the proconsul once again.
“What is our status now, is the fleet deployed to maximum advantage”, he asked. “At this time no Praetor”, said the proconsul, “we can deploy within 78 hours, we have 24 D`deridex warbirds currently operational and patrolling cloaked and uncloaked in the vicinity of the neutral zone”.
“And the Klingons, what are they doing?”, said the praetor. “They have not fully deployed, but a number of Bird of Preys have taken up positions in strategic points throughout federation space”, said the proconsul. “Some have also rendezvoused with federation vessels in attack configurations”, he added.
The Praetor sat in silence again as he took in what was being said.
“Move the fleet to operational deployment, but do not initiate hostilities until ordered to do so by the senate”, said the Imperial Praetor as he turned again to his advisor who was once more whispering comments into his ear.
“I suggest at this time we recall the IRW Dihvael”, said the advisor. “I have it on reliable information that Commander Talok might not engage if given the order to do so”, he added. The Praetor looked to the advisor with a puzzled expression. “On who`s information is this based?”, he asked.
“N`alae of the Tal shiar on board the Dihvael Praetor”, said the advisor, “I received a report questioning his loyalty to the cause and to the Empire”, he added.
“On N`alae`s information?”, asked the Praetor. “Yes Praetor”, said the advisor.
“On one Tal shiar operatives word you suggest the withdrawal of a long standing, decorated commander?”, said the Praetor in a surprised tone. “No, leave the Dihvael on station, continue monitoring the situation regarding the Klingon federation alliance, report to me directly if any further moves are made”, added the Praetor.
The advisor bowed his head, as did the proconsul before him as the Praetor repeated his decision to deploy the fleet for a possible tactical strike, if indeed the senate sanctioned such a move.
(Reply none)
(Posted by Alan Reading :-) )
Mission: The Death of Dreams
(IRW Dihvael - Bridge - Commander Talok and Tal Shiar Operative N‘alae - 14:30)
N‘alae appeared decidedly flustered once again by Commander Talok‘s casual stance in regards the federation conspiracy going on all around them. From the very moment she had boarded the Dihvael she had felt uneased by what she saw as his increasing dereliction of duty.
Already they had shadowed three separate federation vessels in defined areas of space that had come dangerously close to the neutral zone, in her mind it was clear that the split factions and the alliance of the Klingons led to only one possibility, the imminent combined attack upon Romulus itself.  With the backing of Proconsul T‘hara-Jotal himself, N‘alae had won powerful backing from the Romulan senate. Regardless of her reports however, the imperial praetor had been reluctant to do anything other than move the fleet to operational readiness and N‘alae was getting edgy.  The Romulan Commander however had again called for reports on the federation vessels latest movements and his subcommander had advised accordingly.
“They just sit there”, he said, “they have moved only to accept two incoming shuttles, they remain cloaked and unaware of our presence”, added the subcommander.
“And what of the opposing ships?”, said Talok but no sooner had the subcommander attempted to speak, N‘alea had swung about in her chair with a sigh before interjecting abruptly into the proceedings.
“How much more proof do you need to see!”, she bellowed, “can you not see what is going on under your very nose”, she added.
“The last time we saw ships amassed in such numbers as these it was our own Warbirds in preparation for the attack on Khitomer”, said the arrogant Tal Shiar officer as she walked up to face the viewscreen with her hand extended out towards it.
“This is no casual gathering, they mean to attack, under a ruse of civil war their goal is undoubtably Romulus itself, otherwise why would they ally themselves with the Klingons”, said N‘alae falling silent for a few moments to allow her words to register.
“I urge you commander to make contact with senate and recommend a tactical deployment of the fleet”, said N‘alae turning again towards the viewscreen.
“Are you blind to these actions, we have tracked their vessels intently, they are underhand, they are allied to a sworn enemy of the senate, everything here is saying one thing Talok, everything here is saying that if we allow this to go unchallenged..........”, said N‘alae pausing again.
“Romulus will fall.....you will have the blood of our people on your hands because you chose not to see the signs”, said N‘alae in an uncharacteristically calm voice now.  Talok however simply fixed on the view screen in deep thought, he didn’t believe that the federation would risk all out war with the Romulan star empire any more than he believed they would attack the Borg or the Jem‘hadar. N‘alae was power crazed, all she wanted was glory but know that as he did, the first signs of dissent was already appearing amongst his crew now, for some of the Dihvaels officers were beginning to wonder also and it was becoming increasingly difficult for him to hold this mission together.
This however was all irrelevant now for somewhere in the bowels of the Dihvael, that dissent had shown itself as a slight phase variance in the experimental phase inverter subassembly where it linked into their modified cloak.  Already a subtle but uniquely detectable vibration was appearing in their signature and it wouldn’t be long before it was picked up by any nearby vessel.  The Engineer responsible for this of course knew what was happening, it was all part of the falling chain of those who believed in the Tal Shiar bridge officers delusional reckonings. This one small adjustment, would tilt their hand one way or another, only time would tell in what direction fate would throw it.
(Reply None)
(Posted by Alan Reading)
Mission: The Death of Dreams
Day: 4
Stardate: 2407.01.16
(IRW Dihvael - Bridge - Commander Talok - 21.30)
“Humans, so predictable in their inane treachery”, said commander Talok as he sat in the command chair observing the forward viewscreen with a somewhat puzzled expression etched upon his typically straightlaced Romulan features.
N‘alae was no more impressed than he at the proceedings being presented to them.
The Tal Shiar officer at the comms console simply nodded her accent as she speculated on the intelligence they had gathered so far on the movements of the 52nd fleet. From her dealings with Talok however, N‘alae had grown suspicious of his motives, she was concerned also as to his allegiance to the Romulan senate, already having made one report to the proconsuls adviser in regards this.  They had been given clear orders now to observe from a distance and report on the Klingon/Human alliance as it developed. N‘alae didn‘t like this at all but her hands were tied, she would rather have engaged them without hesitation but the powers that be had other ideas. For the time being anyway....
The cloaked federation vessel of course was quite visible to them now via the almost imperceptible indications being reported by the experimental phase inverter tied into the Warbirds sensor arrays. Hiding behind the Betazed Moon Avandar, it seemed they had grown complacent in their stealth, how little they knew.  Talok contemplated further as he watched the ships of the opposing fleet meandering to and fro, completely unaware as they were of the snake that had recently appeared in the grass on their doorstep. He then stood and made for the exit at the rear of the Warbirds bridge.
“Continue to observe, do not initiate contact of any kind, contact me immediately if there are any further developments”, said Talok, “I will be in my quarters”, he added as he vacated the bridge, leaving it in the capable hands of his sub commander.
From her Console, N‘alae merely glared at Taloks continuing non intervention, the odds of course at this time were against them, they couldn’t have hoped to prevail over so many ships massed in this area. It made sense to remain in stealth but it annoyed the head strong
Tal shiar officer nonetheless.
Returning her attention to her console however, she re-read the intelligence they had gathered. The 52nd fleet was deploying over the entire quadrant, the Klingons had rendezvoused with various federation ships and were already engaged in sporadic hostilities against the renegade Starfleet Admiral.  How much more proof did the senate require before they would see this as the obvious threat to Romulus that it was. Already they had lost one Warbird to the USS Paladin, it‘s Tal shiar compliment already under guard and no doubt undergoing interrogation as to what their mission had entailed before they had been captured. N‘alae had of course been ordered to obey the Dihvael‘s commander, she didn’t like it at all but she obeyed the senate and so long as they were pulling the commanders strings, she would tow the line also, until such time as they cut them anyway.
In his quarters however, Talok was in a pensive mood.  The arrogance of the young Tal Shiar officer annoyed him no end, she had already challenged his authority on a number of occasions and it was beginning to become a little more than just irritating.
Seated at his desk, he accessed his personal log and began to update it‘s content.
“Begin Log entry: Commander Talok, IRW Dihvael”
[Accessing personal Log - Begin when ready]
“The federation is most definitely split in two, a bloody civil war reigns but the Klingons, unworthy though they are have chosen to maintain their alliance with the side opposing Admiral Doenitz......”
“N‘alae is growing increasingly nervous, I will have to keep her in check for she is both impudent and ruthless in her aspirations, she threatens to unravel everything in an instance for her own personal glory......”
“The senate has ordered the Dihvael to remain on station and observe the proceedings but I cannot help but feel that there is much more at foot here than meets the eye. Twice now we have had to run and hide from their sensors, to maintain this distance in a cloaked state is precarious at worst, foolhardy at best......”
“The phase invertor device is functioning as expected, the current target vessel is running cloaked but is visible to our enhanced sensors. It appears also that they are planning something but I am unaware as to what it is at this time, senate will however be informed as soon as I know more.....End Log”
[Log entry confirmed and updated - Ending Log]
Talok then sat back into his chair, glancing to the picture of his children on the desk as he did so. For a Decorated Romulan Commander, he was surprisingly sensitive. To some it was seen as a hinderence, to others a positive aspect....  Talok however was unconcerned with their views, he longed to be back on Romulus, to hear their voices again and to touch their faces, for he was growing weary now of the endless cat and mouse politics of the Romulan Star Empire.  At this time however, it was not at all possible for him to do that, the growing unrest that had developed within the split federation would have repercussions if it were left unchecked and Talok felt it his duty now to safeguard the future of Romulus against the rising threat of a possible coup against their powerbase by the newly developed, joint federation/Klingon Alliance.  These were indeed troubled times, war was never pleasant, especially when it was against ones own as the Romulan Commander was of course fully aware.
His own heritage had of course been the result of a cultural separation, re-unification had been attempted before but the rift between his world and that of the Vulcan’s seemed insurmountable now regardless of previous attempts by notables such as Ambassador Spock in 2368.
And now it was all happening again to the humans. What would their future now hold for them?
(Reply None)
(Posted by Alan Reading)
Mission: The Sword of Damocles
Day: 4
Stardate: 2407.02.05
(Romulus - Romulan Senate - Proconsul T’Hara-Jotal - 22:30)
Jotal had not slept well this day, the senate had been buzzing of late in regards the questionable movements of the split Federation and their exploits within Romulan space and from the moment he had entered senate, he knew that the imperial Praetor would be his usual, stick in the mud self.
And so it was...
As Proconsul, he had of course been keeping close ties with the goings on of the IRW DihVael and her Commander, N’alae had been feeding him her regular updates on their unusual situation with the renegade mercenary vessels and yet still, he felt as though he were not entirely privy to all of the facts. His countenance now however was one of quiet displeasure as the senate’s proceedings finally came round to his report.
“Proconsul Jotal”, said the Praetor’s adviser in a somewhat stern but obsequious manner, “your report on the current situation regarding the Federation if you please” 
Jotal took a deep breath and then stood to approach the raised dais, upon which sat the Praetor flanked as he was by his robed consorts, each of whom waited patiently with their usual and typical aplomb. At this moment in time though, the Proconsul himself certainly lacked such aplomb, in his hand he held the latest update from Tal Shiar Officer N’alae stationed as she was aboard the DihVael itself and the latest news did not look good.  The situation had indeed escalated beyond what had been expected, it had been an unlikely outcome to say the very least and yet still the two reported Zulu Alpha’s, despite their undeniable tactical superiority had been compromised by the actions of their own Warbird and the surreptitious 52nd fleet vessel. 
The senate had grown silent now in readiness and the Praetor himself had leaned both arms upon the desk in front of him, his face clearly showing his impatience for the Proconsul to begin his usual report on the matter. Jotal however had merely furrowed his brow and then glanced once behind him at the gathering, then he began.
“Of course Praetor, may I begin by stating that my latest report from the Tal Shiar still raises definite concerns over the actions of Commander Talok in regards the Federation vessel he is currently tracking”, he began as the Praetor himself leaned back into his chair and closed his eyes briefly as though not wanting to hear more of N’alae’s brand of dubious and somewhat conspiratorial venom.
“Tal Shiar officer N’alae herself documents and details nine separate acts of specific violation in regards the Commanders loyalty to Romulus and her people, she states quite clea......”, said Jotal as he was suddenly cut off by the Praetor mid sentence.
“Where is the DihVael now?”, said the Praetor.
The Proconsul stumbled slightly at the sudden, and in his own view, unwarranted intrusion, then he began again.
“She is currently escorting the Federation vessel towards the neutral zone Praetor”, said Jotal after glancing down towards the report pad in his hand for the relevant details. 
“Prior to this, it would seem that Commander Talok ordered the DihVael to engage one of the mercenary vessels in a questionable, and most likely forbidden alliance with the Federation along with one other unidentified vessel”, said the Proconsul, “the target was subsequently annihilated”, he added somewhat smugly.
The imperial Praetor paused to take a drink from the small glass to his side and then after doing so, he offered his own input in favour of the Romulan Commander and based entirely upon orders given earlier in regards such acts within Romulan space.
“Earlier reports have stated that all unauthorized vessels encountered within Romulan space were to be engaged and destroyed”, said the Praetor with a huff, “does this not show that Commander Talok acted in accordance with dictate?”, he added questioning both the Proconsuls and the Tal Shiar’s insistence that the Warbirds Commander had in someway, gone against such dictate.
“But he has clearly assisted the 52nd against such dictate Praetor”, said the Proconsul, “he has NOT engaged the Federation vessel, the Tal Shiar is growing increasingly concerned as to the possibility of a fifth column within our own ranks”, he added growing a little more confident and authoritative now in his line of counter question.  The Proconsul then fell silent as the Praetor appeared to ponder this, then he became more confident and offered his own recommendations in regards action required.
“We MUST deploy the fleet for a first strike”, said Jotal, “the Federation itself continues undeniably to move on all fronts and there is clear evidence that this ‘supposed’ civil war of theirs is merely a ruse designed to obfuscate the facts”, he added. The Praetor was having none of this of course, he was not about to be dictated to by an overbearing underling and he slammed his fist hard onto the table in response to the Proconsul’s outspokenness.  This had not been the first time that this had been suggested by him of course and there was still the fact that the fleet had already deployed to a state of readiness at all key locations along their borders.
“There is STILL no direct and reliable assurance of this!”, said the Praetor aggressively, “there have been no offensive incursions into Romulan territory other than this one incidence”, he added.  “Do you really think that the Federation would send an invasion force of one vessel against the entire imperial fleet”, said the Praetor resuming now to a less than agitated tone of voice.  Again silence prevailed in the senate as all present allowed the sentiments of the Praetor to settle in.
“One vessel Praetor?”, said the Proconsul, “it IS true that it is indeed one vessel, but it is one vessel equipped with a phased cloak and a matter/antimatter device intent on parking itself directly beneath your imperial senate!”, he added growing increasingly more agitated himself now at the very notion of such a possibility. Immediately the assembled senate grew restless of course as hushed voices could be heard all around the gallery. Surely this could not be so, would the Federation be so bold?
“Heresay?”, said the Praetor, “what assurance is there that this is so, on the unverified word of one Tal Shiar officer you expect me to order an all out attack against the Federation? this would be madness, nothing less than planetary suicide”, he added.
The Praetor’s expression however had changed once again, this latest news prompted concern that much was certain, but to order a convergence of the imperial fleet in readiness for a first strike against the Federation itself still seemed one step too far.  The Praetor took a deep breath, then he bit at his lower lip as though in deep contemplation.
“This vessel is now heading for Federation space”, said the Praetor stating this as an undeniable and verified fact rather than a question, “it is NOT heading for Romulus.....have the fleet remain at full operational readiness, order the DihVael to continue it’s covert surveillance of the 52nd fleet and their allies once the Federation vessel has been returned to Federation space”, he added.
“This matter is closed”, said the Praetor as he stood and stepped down from the dais, much to the Proconsul’s obvious displeasure as he himself gathered his small amount of personal belongings and then likewise retired....
(Reply None)
(Posted by Alan Reading)
[[Category: Romulan Vessels]][[Category: Romulan Star Empire]]
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