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(USS Boudicca - Ready Room - Captain Durand - 1021)
(USS Boudicca - Ready Room - Captain Durand - 1021)
Line 27: Line 28:

End log entry. Durand, Alan G., Commanding Officer.”
End log entry. Durand, Alan G., Commanding Officer.”
:Captain Alan Durand
:Captain Alan Durand
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! style="background:goldenrod" align="center" |<font color=maroon>'''USS Hades'''</font><br><font color=maroon>NCC-924650</font>[[File:Prometheus3.jpg|center|250px|The USS Hades NX-60637]]
! style="background:goldenrod" align="center" |<font color=maroon>'''USS Hades'''</font><br><font color=maroon>NCC-924650</font>[[File:Prometheus3.jpg|center|250px|The USS Hades NX-60637]]
(USS Hades- Deck 2, FO's Office -Lt Jericho Haynes -2215)
(USS Hades- Deck 2, FO's Office -Lt Jericho Haynes -2215)
Line 95: Line 96:
His reverie was interrupted as his combadge signal actuated, after a brief exchange he left his office for Ensign Dolphine's quarters, they had to find the answers... and they had to find them fast!
His reverie was interrupted as his combadge signal actuated, after a brief exchange he left his office for Ensign Dolphine's quarters, they had to find the answers... and they had to find them fast!
:Charles Gatling
:Charles Gatling
:Lt. Jericho Haynes
:Lt. Jericho Haynes
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@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @ @ @@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@@@

(USS Mithrandir - Deck One, Ready Room - CO Capt Olorin Okita - 0700)
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @ @ @@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@@@
Olorin sat at his desk reviewing the latest report he was sending in to Starfleet Command. After less than one day at the Pestis Colony, the medicine that they had brought with them had been used up and the special industrial replicator that they had been given was being set up to produce more.  The ship was mostly empty as most of the medical, science, and security departments were down on the planet at the mobile hospital that had been set up.
The planet the colony was on was mostly a water planet with scattered island continents and many islands throughout.  Mostly uninhabited, the planet offered great opportunities for aquatic studies.  At the moment the colony had been struck by some powerful disease that had taken nearly 200 of its members away.  Another 500 - 600 colonists were also struck by the disease.  The sum total of the afflicted represented nearly 15 percent of the colony's total population.
While the Mithrandir was a small ship, it had held the bulk of the available supplies of the medicine.  The replicator that had been sent was a classified piece of equipment that was designed for these types of missions.  A Hospital ship was to arrive within the week with more medicine.  The Mithrandir had simply been closer and at the rate the disease was taking its toll, it had been felt that some kind of response was better than to wait for a better equipped vessel.

Olorin looked out his window at the planet below and was glad to hear how well the distribution of the medicine was going. Hopefully the replicator would come online in the next few hours and the hundreds of sick would be feeling better by the time reinforcements arrived.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @ @ @@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@@@

Tapping in a few last comments, he then sent it off.  Rising from the floor, Olorin headed for the bridge.
:Rank, Character name
(Reply Any)
: Position, Ship
:Kaweo Kanoho
:Capt Olorin Okita
: CO,USS Mithrandir

Line 133: Line 125:
! style="background:goldenrod" align="center" |<font color=maroon>'''USS Rosenante'''</font><br><font color=maroon>NCC-924650</font>[[Image:Rosenante-Alt-2up.jpg|center|250px|The USS Rosenanté NCC–924650]]
! style="background:goldenrod" align="center" |<font color=maroon>'''USS Rosenante'''</font><br><font color=maroon>NCC-924650</font>[[Image:Rosenante-Alt-2up.jpg|center|250px|The USS Rosenanté NCC–924650]]

(USS Rosenante, Captain's Quarters, CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 4, 2300)
(USS Rosenante, Captain's Quarters, CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 4, 2300)
Line 151: Line 143:

(reply none)
(reply none)
:Daniel Greene
:Daniel Greene
:Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid  
:Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid  
Line 162: Line 154:

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @ @ @@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @ @ @@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@@@

After a two month refit and update of all key systems, the USS Spectre is now ready to disembark Starbase 24 for the Falconer system. Her destination is the water world Vedea IV, home to an interesting species of peaceful cultivationalists who grow, and harvest a very special algae from their seabeds. However, it would seem that over the years this algae's usefulness has been marred by the realisation that it contains a narcotic agent that is prized by certain 'pirate' types that roam the Falconer system. The Spectre's mission is therefore to escort the freight and intercede if necessary. However, all is not what it appears to be....
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @ @ @@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@@@
:Alan Reading
:Captian T'Vhor
:Rank, Character name
: CO, USS Spectre
: Position, Ship

Line 176: Line 172:

<strong> Get to Know Jaclyn Smith</strong>
<strong> Get to Know Jaclyn Smith</strong>
[[File:Jaclyn.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Jaclyn Smith, Editor of Hailing Frequencies Open!]]

<strong><font color=goldenrod>Q: What is your favorite food, color, drink, music, book and movie?</font></strong>
<strong><font color=goldenrod>Q: What is your favorite food, color, drink, music, book and movie?</font></strong>
:''A: Oh, toughie. Well, food would have to be rigatoni (large pasta tubes) with chicken, broccoli and chillies in a Dolcielatte sauce. Color would have to be night sky blue. Music is absolutely anything but favorite singer would have to be Bryan Adams and group would be the amazing Naturally 7. Book would be the Forge of God by Greg Bear and movie, oh, I'd have to say either Constantine or Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.''  
:''A: Oh, toughie. Well, food would have to be rigatoni (large pasta tubes) with chicken, broccoli and chillies in a Dolcielatte sauce. Color would have to be night sky blue. Music is absolutely anything but favorite singer would have to be Bryan Adams and group would be the amazing Naturally 7. Book would be the Forge of God by Greg Bear and movie, oh, I'd have to say either Constantine or Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.''  

<strong><font color=goldenrod>Q: Any Favorite TV shows?</font></strong>
<strong><font color=goldenrod>Any Favorite TV shows?</font></strong>
:''A: We could be here a while but if I was picking a top ten then Torchwood (Doctor who spin off), Stargate SG1, Any Keith Floyd cooking show (man was a genius), Doctor Who, The X-Files, Red Dwarf (British comedy sci fi show), Any David Attenborough, Friends, Babylon 5 and, of course, Star Trek!''  
:''A: We could be here a while but if I was picking a top ten then Torchwood (Doctor who spin off), Stargate SG1, Any Keith Floyd cooking show (man was a genius), Doctor Who, The X-Files, Red Dwarf (British comedy sci fi show), Any David Attenborough, Friends, Babylon 5 and, of course, Star Trek!''  

Line 208: Line 202:
<strong><font color=goldenrod>Q: What do you feel is your best photograph that you've taken?</font></strong>
<strong><font color=goldenrod>Q: What do you feel is your best photograph that you've taken?</font></strong>
:''A: I would say the recent one I took of a white male stag when in our local deer park. He just looks so amazing next to the snow and other brown deers.''
:''A: I would say the recent one I took of a white male stag when in our local deer park. He just looks so amazing next to the snow and other brown deers.''
[[File:Snow Fun.jpg|200px|right|thumb|Jaclyn's favorite Photo, snapped by her at a local Deer Park.]]

<strong><font color=goldenrod>Q: How has ST:F impacted your life for the better? Or has it made your life more difficult?</font></strong>  
<strong><font color=goldenrod>Q: How has ST:F impacted your life for the better? Or has it made your life more difficult?</font></strong>  
Line 225: Line 218:
:''A: Hmmm, I would have to say I'd make people realize that we are all responsible for our own actions whether good or bad and no-one can make you do anything you don't want to do.''  
:''A: Hmmm, I would have to say I'd make people realize that we are all responsible for our own actions whether good or bad and no-one can make you do anything you don't want to do.''  

<strong><font color=goldenrod>Q: What are you the most proud of in your whole life?</font></strong>  
<strong><font color=goldenrod>What are you the most proud of in your whole life?</font></strong>  
:''A: The proudest moment of my life was when I got to work on the Commonwealth Games ceremonies. I got to look after Sir Steve Redgrave who is a proper gentleman. That and I also got to hear that Russell Watson managed to get in the wrong car and some lucky local cab driver got to take him to London for a TV appearance! As I said, guys..... please don't judge me too harshly! It's a story I can tell my grand kids!!!!!''
:''A: The proudest moment of my life was when I got to work on the Commonwealth Games ceremonies. I got to look after Sir Steve Redgrave who is a proper gentleman. That and I also got to hear that Russell Watson managed to get in the wrong car and some lucky local cab driver got to take him to London for a TV appearance! As I said, guys..... please don't judge me too harshly! It's a story I can tell my grand kids!!!!!''

==<font color=goldenrod>Chef's Corner</font>==
==<font color=goldenrod>RECIPE CORNER</font>==

[[File:Newsletter Lemon Chicken.jpg|thumb|250px|right|Mister Sulu's Lemon Chicken]]
[[File:Newsletter Lemon Chicken.jpg|thumb|250px|right|Mister Sulu's Lemon Chicken]]
Line 267: Line 260:
Combine and leave for a month. Serve at room temperature.
Combine and leave for a month. Serve at room temperature.

==<font color=goldenrod>And Now For Something Completely Different...</font>==
==<font color=goldenrod>AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT</font>==

A new segment to this newsletter. A little bit of humour, funny news story or uplifting story from around the world. To start, an excellent piece of Star Trek related humour and a little computer related humour as well, enjoy......
A new segment to this newsletter. A little bit of humour, funny news story or uplifting story from around the world. To start, an excellent piece of Star Trek related humour and a little computer related humour as well, enjoy......

<strong><font color=maroon>Star Trek TNG Meets Microsoft</font></strong>
== '''Star Trek TNG Meets Microsoft''' ==
[[File:Enterprise D Crew.jpg|right|300px]]
<font color=goldenrod>Picard:</font>'' Mr. LaForge, have you had any success with your attempts at finding a weakness in the Borg? And Mr. Data, have you been able to access their command pathways? ''
<font color=goldenrod>Geordi:</font>'' Yes, Captain. In fact, we found the answer by searching through our archives on late Twentieth-century computing technology. ''
<strong><font color=maroon>Geordi presses a key, and a logo appears on the computer screen.</font></strong>
<font color=goldenrod>Riker [puzzled]:</font>'' What the hell is Microsoft? ''
<font color=goldenrod>Data [turns to explain]:</font>'' Allow me to explain. We will send this program, for some reason called Windows, through the Borg command pathways. Once inside their root command unit, it will begin consuming system resources at an unstoppable rate.''

<font color=goldenrod>Picard:</font>'' But the Borg have the ability to adapt. Won't they alter their processing systems to increase their storage capacity? ''
Picard: Mr. LaForge, have you had any success with your attempts at finding a weakness in the Borg? And Mr. Data, have you been able to access their command pathways?  

<font color=goldenrod>Data:</font>'' Yes, Captain. But when Windows detects this, it creates a new version of itself known as an upgrade. The use of resources increases exponentially with each iteration. The Borg will not be able to adapt quickly enough. Eventually all of their processing ability will be taken over and none will be available for their normal operational functions. ''
Geordi: Yes, Captain. In fact, we found the answer by searching through our archives on late Twentieth-century computing technology.
''Geordi presses a key, and a logo appears on the computer screen.''  
Riker [puzzled] What the hell is Microsoft?

<font color=goldenrod>Picard:</font>'' Excellent work. This is even better than that unsolvable geometric shape idea. ''
Data [turns to explain] Allow me to explain. We will send this program, for some reason called Windows, through the Borg command pathways. Once inside their root command unit, it will begin consuming system resources at an unstoppable rate.  

<strong><font color=maroon>. . . . 15 Minutes Later . . .</font></strong>
Picard: But the Borg have the ability to adapt. Won't they alter their processing systems to increase their storage capacity?

<font color=goldenrod>Data:</font>'' Captain, we have successfully installed the Windows in the Borg's command unit. As expected, it immediately consumed 85% of all available resources. However, we have not received any confirmation of the expected upgrade. ''
Data: Yes, Captain. But when Windows detects this, it creates a new version of itself known as an upgrade. The use of resources increases exponentially with each iteration. The Borg will not be able to adapt quickly enough. Eventually all of their processing ability will be taken over and none will be available for their normal operational functions.  

<font color=goldenrod>Geordi:</font>'' Our scanners have picked up an increase in Borg storage and CPU capacity, but we still have no indication of an upgrade to compensate for their increase. ''
Picard: Excellent work. This is even better than that unsolvable geometric shape idea.  

<font color=goldenrod>Picard:</font>'' Data, scan the history banks again and determine if there is something we have missed. ''
. . . . 15 Minutes Later . . .
[[File:Borg tactical cube.jpg|right|300px]]

<font color=goldenrod>Data:</font>''  Sir, I believe there is a reason for the failure in the upgrade. Apparently the Borg have circumvented that part of the plan by not sending in their registration cards. ''
Data: Captain, we have successfully installed the Windows in the Borg's command unit. As expected, it immediately consumed 85% of all available resources. However, we have not received any confirmation of the expected upgrade.  

<font color=goldenrod>Riker:</font>'' Captain, we have no choice. Requesting permission to begin emergency escape sequence 3F! ''
Geordi: Our scanners have picked up an increase in Borg storage and CPU capacity, but we still have no indication of an upgrade to compensate for their increase.  

<font color=goldenrod>Geordi: [excited]</font>'' Wait, Captain! Their CPU capacity has suddenly dropped to 0% ! ''
Picard: Data, scan the history banks again and determine if there is something we have missed.

<font color=goldenrod>Picard:</font>'' Data, what do your scanners show? ''
Data: Sir, I believe there is a reason for the failure in the upgrade. Appearently the Borg have circumvented that part of the plan by not sending in their registration cards.

<font color=goldenrod>Data: [studying displays]</font>'' Apparently the Borg have found the internal Windows module named Solitaire, and it has used up all available CPU capacity. ''
Riker: Captain, we have no choice. Requesting permission to begin emergency escape sequence 3F!

<font color=goldenrod>Picard:</font>'' Lets wait and see how long this Solitaire can reduce their functionality. ''
Geordi: [excited] Wait, Captain! Their CPU capacity has suddenly dropped to 0% !

<strong><font color=maroon>. . . . Two Hours Pass . . .</font></strong>
Picard: Data, what do your scanners show?

<font color=goldenrod>Riker:</font>'' Geordi, what is the status of the Borg? ''
Data: [studying displays] Appearently the Borg have found the internal Windows module named Solitaire, and it has used up all available CPU capacity.

<font color=goldenrod>Geordi:</font>'' As expected, the Borg are attempting to re-engineer to compensate for increased CPU and storage demands, but each time they successfully increase resources I have setup our closest deep space monitor beacon to transmit more Windows modules from something called the Microsoft Fun-Pack. ''
Picard: Lets wait and see how long this Solitaire can reduce their functionality.  

<font color=goldenrod>Picard:</font>'' How much time will that buy us? ''
. . . . Two Hours Pass . . .

<font color=goldenrod>Data:</font>'' Current Borg solution rates allow me to predict an interest time span of 6 more hours. ''
Riker: Geordi, what is the status of the Borg?

<font color=goldenrod>Geordi:</font>'' Captain, another vessel has entered our sector. ''
Geordi: As expected, the Borg are attempting to re-engineer to compensate for increased CPU and storage demands, but each time they successfully increase resources I have setup our closest deep space monitor beacon to transmit more Windows modules from something called the Microsoft Fun-Pack.  

<font color=goldenrod>Picard:</font>'' Identify. ''
Picard: How much time will that buy us?

<font color=goldenrod>Data:</font>'' It appears to have markings very similar to the Microsoft logo... ''
Data: Current Borg solution rates allow me to predict an interest time span of 6 more hours.  

<strong><font color=maroon>[Over the speakers]: This is admiral Bill Gates of the Microsoft flagship MONOPOLY. We have positive confirmation of unregistered software in this sector. Surrender all assets and we can avoid any trouble. You have 10 seconds to comply. </font></strong>
Geordi: Captain, another vessel has entered our sector.  
[[File:Windows7 logo.jpg|right|300px]]

<font color=goldenrod>Data: </font>''The alien ship has just opened its forward hatches and released thousands of humanoid-shaped objects.''
Picard: Identify.  

<font color=goldenrod>Picard:</font>'' Magnify forward viewer on the alien craft! ''
Data: It appears to have markings very similar to the Microsoft logo...

<font color=goldenrod>Riker: </font>''My God, captain! Those are human beings floating straight toward the Borg ship - with no life support suits! How can they survive the tortures of deep space?! ''
[over the speakers]
This is admiral Bill Gates of the Microsoft flagship MONOPOLY. We have positive confirmation of unregistered software in this sector. Surrender all assets and we can avoid any trouble. You have 10 seconds to comply.

<font color=goldenrod>Data: </font>''I dont believe that those are humans, sir. If you will look closer I believe you will see that they are carrying something recognized by twenty-first century man as doeskin leather briefcases, and wearing Armani suits. ''
Data: The alien ship has just opened its forward hatches and released thousands of humanoid-shaped objects.  

<font color=goldenrod>Riker and Picard, together [horrified]: </font>''Lawyers!! ''
Picard: Magnify forward viewer on the alien craft!  

<font color=goldenrod>Geordi:</font>'' It can't be. All the Lawyers were rounded up and sent hurtling into the sun in 2017 during the Great Awakening. ''
Riker: My God, captain! Those are human beings floating straight toward the Borg ship - with no life support suits! How can they survive the tortures of deep space?!

<font color=goldenrod>Data:</font>'' True, but appearently some must have survived. ''
Data: I dont believe that those are humans, sir. If you will look closer I believe you will see that they are carrying something recognized by twenty-first century man as doeskin leather briefcases, and wearing Armani suits.  

<font color=goldenrod>Riker: </font>''They have surrounded the Borg ship and are covering it with all types of papers. ''
Riker and Picard, together [horrified] Lawyers!!

<font color=goldenrod>Data: </font>''I believe that is known in ancient vernacular as red tape. It often proves fatal. ''
Geordi: It can't be. All the Lawyers were rounded up and sent hurtling into the sun in 2017 during the Great Awakening.  

<font color=goldenrod>Riker:</font>'' They're tearing the Borg to pieces! ''
Data: True, but appearently some must have survived.

<font color=goldenrod>Picard:</font>'' Turn the monitors off, Data, I cant bear to watch. Even the Borg doesn't deserve such a gruesome death!''
Riker: They have surrounded the Borg ship and are covering it with all types of papers.  

==<font color=goldenrod>In Memorium</font>==
Data: I believe that is known in ancient vernacular as red tape. It often proves fatal.  
[[File:Andrew Koenig.jpg|thumb|200px|left| <center>Joshua Andrew Koenig <br>b. 1968 d. 2010</center>]]
It would be wrong  to produce this first edition of our newsletter without a final word about the sad news of the death of Walter Koenig's son . Andrew Koenig was an actor in his own right and we at Star Trek: Freedom, send our condolences to Mr. Koenig and his family. Mr Koenig, known to all of us as Pavel Chekov, bravely said that:

''"If you are one of those people who can't handle it any more, know people are out there who really care before you make that final decision,Talk to somebody."''
Riker: They're tearing the Borg to pieces!

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family at this difficult time.  Below is a tribute to Andrew as well as a contact for suicide prevntion services. If you or someone you know ever feel that you are alone and just need someone to talk to, these fine people as well as friends and family members are always available to help. Please make that call.
Picard: Turn the monitors off, Data, I cant bear to watch. Even the Borg doesn't deserve such a gruesome death!

<strong><font color=goldenrod>Joshua Andrew Koenig </font></strong>
Joshua Andrew Koenig (pronounced /ˈkeɪnɪɡ/; August 17, 1968 – February 2010), also known as Josh Andrew Koenig or Andrew Koenig, was an American character actor, film director, editor, writer, and human rights activist. He was the son of actor Walter Koenig and actress Judy Koenig (née Levitt).

<strong><font color=goldenrod>Career</font></strong>
From 1985 to 1989, Koenig played a recurring role as Richard "Boner" Stabone, best friend to Kirk Cameron's character Mike Seaver in the first four seasons of the ABC sitcom Growing Pains. During the same period, he guest starred on episodes of the sitcoms My Sister Sam and My Two Dads as well as the drama 21 Jump Street. In the early 1990s he provided a voice for the animated series G.I. Joe as Ambush and Night Creeper Leader, and had a minor role as Tumak in the 1993 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Sanctuary".

Koenig played the role of The Joker in the critically successful 2003 fan film Batman: Dead End. Directed by commercial director Sandy Collora, the short received its first screening at the San Diego Comic-Con International. Director Kevin Smith called it ''"possibly the truest, best Batman movie ever made"''.

Onstage, he starred as the M.C. in the 2007 interactive theater play The Boomerang Kid and performed with the improv group Charles Whitman Reilly and Friends.
It would be wrong for me to produce this first edition of the newsletter without a final word about the sad news of Walter Koenig's son's death. Andrew Koenig was an actor in his own right and we at Star Trek: Freedom, send our condolences to Mr. Koenig and his family. Mr Koenig, known to all of us as Pavel Chekov, bravely said that:

Though he continued his performing career in the 2006 independent film The Theory of Everything (2006), Koenig worked increasingly behind the scenes. He wrote, produced and/or directed the shorts Good Boy (2003) and Woman in a Green Dress and Instinct vs. Reason (2004). Most recently he was working as an editor on a number of films and had been a video producer for the podcast Never Not Funny (2006–2010). His final role was in the film DaZe: Vol. Too — NonSeNse, in post-production at the time of his death, with Koenig portraying the role of Vice Chancellor
"If you are one of those people who can't handle it any more, know people are out there who really care before you make that final decision,Talk to somebody."

<strong><font color=goldenrod>Personal Life</font></strong>
Our thoughts and prayers are with the family at this difficult time.
Andrew Koenig was the son of actor Walter Koenig and Judy Levitt. Andrew's sister Danielle Koenig is married to stand-up comedian Jimmy Pardo.
Writer Harlan Ellison spoke of the young Andrew — by his given first name of Josh — as being the inspiration for his story Jeffty Is Five.
:''“ ...I had been awed and delighted by Josh Koenig, and I instantly thought of just such a child who was arrested in time at the age of five. Jeffty, in no small measure, is Josh: the sweetness of Josh, the intelligence of Josh, the questioning nature of Josh.”''
The story went on to win the 1977 Nebula Award and the 1978 Hugo Award for Best Short Story.
He was a vegan.
<strong><font color=goldenrod>Human Rights Activism</font></strong>
Koenig traveled to Burma in July 2007 and visited Burmese refugee camps in Thailand with his father as part of the U.S. Campaign for Burma. The following January, he protested the Communist Party of China's political and financial support of the military dictatorship in Burma during the 119th Tournament of Roses Parade, entering the parade and standing in front of a Chinese float promoting the 2008 Beijing Olympics after a pre-parade human rights march agreed to by parade officials was allegedly stifled by them. Koenig, who carried a sign reading "China: Free Burma" in both English and Chinese, was arrested and briefly held for his act of civil disobedience. Koenig's defense attorney was Bill Paparian, a fellow protester and former mayor of Pasadena, California, where the parade is held.
''"China sits on the UN Security Council and they have refused to condemn Burma. China purchases gas from Burma and sells them weapons that the military uses on the Burmese people. So they are really quite complicit, and that was the whole point of protesting the China float,"'' Koenig explained. Koenig also noted the Chinese government's implicit support of genocidal forces in Sudan, sweatshops and tainted export products, saying of the float, ''"China is putting on a good face because of the Olympics, but [it’s time to] send a message to the Chinese government that they have to not just change their face, but change the way they do things.”'' The Pasadena Weekly quoted Koenig as stating, ''"Their free speech rights have been totally censored. As a country with a Constitution and a Bill of Rights, we need to continue to support and enforce ours, and [use it to] recognize the rights of human beings all over the world."''
<strong><font color=goldenrod>Death</font></strong>
In February 2010, Koenig was reported missing by friends and family. He was last seen near a bakery in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, on February 14, and missed a scheduled flight back to the US on February 16. According to his parents, Koenig left evidence that he was depressed prior to his disappearance. On February 25, 2010, it was reported by CNN that his body was found by friends searching for him in Stanley Park in Vancouver. Police later confirmed Koenig's body was found earlier in the day, and Koenig's father told reporters at an evening press conference that his son ''"took his own life"''
==<strong><font color=goldenrod> Suicide Prevention Assistance and Helplines</font></strong>==
<strong>In the US:</strong> [[image:52ndfleet.jpg|250px|right]]
* National Suicide Prevention Life Line 
:ph: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
: website: [http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org]
[[File:National Suicide Prevention.jpg|left]]
<strong> In the UK:</strong>
: UK: 08457 90 90 90
: ROI: 1850 60 90 90
: email: jo@samaritans.org
: website: [http://www.samaritans.org www.samaritans.org]
: Mailing Address
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