Editing Squadron Organization and Regulations Manual

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<td bgcolor="#FF0033"> <p><strong><font color="#000000">Computer  
<td bgcolor="#FF0033"> <p><strong><font color="#000000">Computer  
/ Targetting System</font> </strong></p></td>
/ Targetting System</font> </strong></p></td>
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<td bgcolor=#FF0033> <h3><font color=#000000>SORM Page 2b
- Mako Technical Details</font> </h3></td>
<table cellspacing=0 align=center cellpadding=5 border=1 width="95%" bordercolor="#FF0033">
<td bgcolor="#FF0033"> <p><strong><font color="#000000">General
Specifications</font> </strong></p></td>
<td class="unnamed1">
<div align=justify>
<p align="center">
<p>Name: Mako Fighter, v.III <br>
Role: Short/Medium-Range Interceptor/Interdictor
Length: 20m <br>
Speed: </p>
<p>Atmospheric - Mach 2 <br>
Interstellar - Warp 4
<p>Impulse Engines: Standard with Overdrivers <br>
Warp Engines: MARA I <br>
Maneuvering: Four Type V Thrusters <br>
Computer System: CLASSIFIED <br>
Crew: 1 (2 in Assault version) <br>
Gravity: Type III Inertial Dampeners <br>
Armor: CLASSIFIED <br>
<p>Phaser Cannons (1 Std., 2 max.) <br>
Enhanced Quantum Mini-torpedoes (6 max.)
<p>Shielding: CLASSIFIED <br>
Misc.: Standard Tractor Beam <br>
<p>Scout (with ECM) <br>
Ground Assault (Crew: 2) <br>
Trainer (Crew: 2)
<table cellspacing=0 align=center cellpadding=5 border=1 width="95%" bordercolor="#FF0033">
<td bgcolor="#FF0033"> <p><strong><font color="#000000">Project
Overview</font> </strong></p></td>
<td class="unnamed1">
<div align=justify>
<p>While runabouts and shuttles handled
the Federation's transportation needs, and starships
served as its primary defenders and explorers, a
fighterbetween the two. A small, fast, highly-maneuverable
ship was needed that could engage craft similar
to itself, or even large starships and still have
a reasonable chance of survival. After the disaster
of the Federation's stand against the Borg at Wolf
359, the effortless destruction of the Mars defensive
perimeter soon afterwards, and the eventual looming
Dominion threat, this void became more apparent.
In 2376 Starfleet commissioned the Mako Fighter
v.I to fill this gap. The Mako v.I, and its successor,
the Mako v.II, are still in use by many Federation
members today as first line interceptors or light
patrol craft. Alongside the new Defiant, Steamrunner,
and Sovereign class starships, Mako fighters fended
off a second invasion of the Terran system by the
Borg in 2380. Makos also served admirably during
the evacuation of Deep Space Nine during the Dominion
invasion in 2381, with several flights of fighters
sacrificing their lives in a rear-guard action which
enabled multiple transports to escape. <br>
Despite its excellent service record, there were
deficiencies in the Mako that Starfleet Command
felt needed to be addressed. Key amongst these was
the fighter's low survivability ratio. Only sixty-five
percent of the Makos sent on combat missions were
returning. <br>
The original Mako designers, along with several
members of the Defiant and Sovereign class starship
design boards, began work in 2398 to redesign the
fighter. The end product, commissioned for active
duty in 2401, is the Mako v.III. There are several
key components added to the v.III. These components
have been added to increase a pilot's mission survivability
as well as mission success chances. </p>
<table cellspacing=0 align=center cellpadding=5 border=1 width="95%" bordercolor="#FF0033">
<td bgcolor="#FF0033"> <p><strong><font color="#000000">Armor</font>
<td class="unnamed1">
<div align=justify>
<p>The exact composition of the armor
used on the v.III is classified, for Alpha-level
clearance only. Comprised of layers of the light
alloys used in the construction of the Defiant class,
the Mako's armor can best be termed as Ablative
Nano-Durasteel armor. Its surface has the ability
to reflect most of the energy from beam weapons
(see SHIELDS). The hull is also treated with sensor-absorbing
substances designed to reduce the sensor signature
of the fighter. While not as stealthy as a cloaked
vessel, a lone Mako can lie in wait powered down
and go undetected by any but the most thorough of
scans. <br>
Most damage that is suffered by the craft, short
of a critical hull breach, can eventually be repaired
by the onboard automated nanotechnology repair system.
The nanites are a part of the armor, laying dormant
until armor is damaged.</p>
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<td bgcolor="#FF0033"> <p><strong><font color="#000000">Computer
/ Targetting System</font> </strong></p></td>
<td class="unnamed1">
<div align=justify>
<p>Like the armor, the exact details
of the computer system are classified for Alpha-level
clearance only. Developed by a design team from
Memory Alpha in conjunction with the Bynar Institute,
the system onboard each Mako is operated by an artificial
intelligence (AI). The AI monitors the status of
the fighter as well as the pilot. As the pilot logs
more flight time with the AI, the more aware the
AI becomes of its pilots needs and abilities. Its
link to the holographic targeting heads-up display
(HUD) enables it to assist the pilot with tracking
multiple targets. With time, the AI will use its
knowledge of its pilot's preferences (for attack,
maneuvers, etc.) to help the pilot in deciding a
plan of action. If this information is shared amongst
a squadron, a wing, or a flight, the AI can help
a flight control officer plan the tactics for a
mission. <br>
In case the fighter becomes inoperable due to damage
or maintenance, the AIs are portable and can be
transferred between Makos. This allows a pilot to
maintain the symbiotic relationship that forms between
himself and the computer system. If the pilot should
be hurt during a mission, the AI will recognize
this and navigate a course to the nearest safe location,
taking whatever means necessary to ensure the survival
of the wounded pilot. <br>
*Note: It should be explained that the AI will not
perform any actions without authorization from the
pilot. This prevents the pilot from losing control
due to AI interference. The AI will develop a personality,
but its programming limits this personality from
expanding beyond specific parameters. While most
commands to the computer are verbal, several functions,
such as targeting, can be configured to be visually
activated (giving a new meaning to the term "look
down, shoot down").</p>
<table cellspacing=0 align=center cellpadding=5 border=1 width="95%" bordercolor="#FF0033">
<td bgcolor="#FF0033"> <p><strong><font color="#000000">Weapons</font> </strong>
<td class="unnamed1">
<div align=justify>
<p>Smaller versions of the weapons
systems used by the Defiant class were created for
the Mako. First of these is the phaser cannon, a
hybrid of phaser and disruptor technology. The phaser
cannon automatically rotates frequencies, and when
used with the Mako's computer system, can determine
a target's shield frequency. The second weapon is
the enhanced quantum mini-torpedo, a more stable
warhead system than the photon torpedo. This variant
of the torpedo is smaller in size than a standard
QT, with an acceleration from standing to Warp 9.2
in four nanoseconds. The torpedo also features a
loiter mode, allowing it to be used as a mine that
will attack a pre-programmed target. <br>
The combination of these two systems in testing
have proven deadly. A squadron of nine Makos have
been able to cripple and destroy a Vorcha-class
Klingon attack cruiser. Despite this stunning capability,
it must be noted that these weapon platforms were
chosen explicitly with a Borg invasion in mind.</p>
<table cellspacing=0 align=center cellpadding=5 border=1 width="95%" bordercolor="#FF0033">
<td bgcolor="#FF0033"> <p><strong><font color="#000000">Shields</font>
<td class="unnamed1">
<div align=justify>
<p>The exact details of the shielding
of the v.III is classified, requiring Starfleet
CINC clearance for full disclosure. The deflector
shield system of the Mako represents another hybrid,
this time of Federation and captured Borg technology.
Called Multi-layered Shielding, the shields composed
of several static shield layers nested closely together.
Each layer has a specific function. The outer layer
is unusual and little information has been released
on it. The middle-layer rotates shield frequency
and rotation, absorbing enemy fire and then spreads
it out along the shield and finally redirecting
into space. The shield can then adapt to the frequency
of that weapon and render the enemy weapon useless.
The function of the inner-layer is unknown. The
shield lies within 5 meters of the actual hull.
There is an approximate 3 meter interval between
each shield. Power is taken form the warp engine.
Other added features: The v.III is the first of
the Mako-class that is warp- and atmosphere-capable.
This allows the fighter to serve as a planetary
assault/defense vessel. It also expands the range
of the fighter, giving it a short- to medium-range.
Long-range missions would require a ship specified
for fighter carrier duty. The Mako's impulse engines
are enhanced with overdrivers, allowing the fighter
incredible sublight speed acceleration and maneuverability.</p>
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<td bgcolor=#FF0033><h3><font color=#000000>SORM Page 3 - Squadron Organization</font></h3></td>
<table cellspacing=0 align=center cellpadding=5 border=1 width="95%" bordercolor="#FF0033">
<td bgcolor="#FF0033"> <p><strong><font color="#000000">Introduction</font>
<td class="unnamed1">
<div align=justify>
<p>A fighter squadron is a large and
complex organization which uses a hierarchal structure
to function efficiently. Similar to a starship,
a squadron has a Commanding Officer, an Executive
Officer (sometimes called a First Officer), and
various divisions and departments, each with a DivO
or Department Head, as well as various officers
and enlisted specialists. <br>
Unlike the average starship however, a fighter squadron
is specialized, dedicated to the task of maintaining,
supporting, and fielding fighters at peak efficiency.
The staff of a fighter squadron is divided into
four departments: Flight, Operations, Engineering,
and Logistics. Each department has a department
head, usually the senior officer in that field.
Departments are further divided into divisions,
and each division has a division officer, or DivO.
<table cellspacing=0 align=center cellpadding=5 border=1 width="95%" bordercolor="#FF0033">
<td bgcolor="#FF0033"> <p><strong><font color="#000000">Flight
<td class="unnamed1">
<div align=justify>
<p>Because of the specialized mission of a fighter
squadron, both the CO and XO must be pilots. It
is not unusual for pilots to also fill billites
in the Operations Department, leading to a squadron
being smaller than the Table of Organization (TOO)
would suggest. <br>
At optimal staffing, a fighter squadron will have
thirty-six pilots. These pilots are subdivided
into flights of three to six pilots, and may also
be grouped into wings of two or more flights.
Flights are led by Flight Leaders, wings by Wing
Commanders. </p>
<table cellspacing=0 align=center cellpadding=5 border=1 width="95%" bordercolor="#FF0033">
<td bgcolor="#FF0033"> <p><strong><font color="#000000">Operations
Department</font> </strong></p></td>
<td class="unnamed1">
<div align=justify>
<p>The Operations Department is concerned
with the day to day operation of the squadron, and
is comprised of the Administration, Intelligence,
Navigation, and Communications divisions. <br>
'''Administration Division''' <br>
Because of the unique mission of the fighter squadron,
and the resulting deviations from normal Star Fleet
duty stations, a squadron orientation officer is
assigned. <br>
The Chaplin has been trained to respond to the religious
needs of the crew, and has been trained to recognize
and cater to the requirements of a large number
of Federation religions. By special arrangements
with the majority of the Federation's religious
decision-making bodies, this individual has been
authorized to effect any of the ceremonies and rituals
which may be required during an extended mission,
including marriages, divorces, baptisms, last rites,
and other religion-specific duties. <br>
An educational services officer is assigned to assist
personnel in furthering their individual knowledge,
skills, and educational attainments during long
deployments. <br>
Administrative specialists (called yeomen) maintain
records, ensure accurate reports are made as scheduled,
and perform other duties as assigned. Each department
has at least one yeoman. Divisions which require
dedicated administrative assistance are also assigned
a yeoman who is specifically responsible for that
division. <br>
The CO's yeoman, along with the senior yeoman, provide
direct administrative support to the CO and XO in
consolidating and maintaining both internal and
external administrative matters. They are also responsible
for ensuring personnel records are up to date, scheduling
and tracking personnel and promotion reviews, and
departmental personnel assignments. <br>
The Command Master Chief is tasked with counseling
enlisted crew members in the areas of career, performance,
and personal matters, as well as being a direct
link between the CO and the enlisted crew. <br>
'''Navigation Division''' <br>
The FlightOps computer onboard the carrier or station
where the fighter squadron is assigned is the primary
source for position updates, chronometer calibration,
and course determinations. It uses navigation and
time beacons, sensor inputs, and complicated algorithms
to ensure that the Navigator is presented with precise,
up-to-date data and course plots, so he can pass
these on to the fighters of the squadron. <br>
It is imperative that the navigational data be monitored
and cross-checked at all times. To this end, Navigational
Specialists, called Quartermasters, stand watch
in stellar cartography. They are responsible to
the CO, XO, and Flight Control Officer of the Watch
(FCOW) during their watch. <br>
In addition to maintaining an accurate plot of the
motions of the ship or station, the Quartermaster
gang is responsible for updating and maintaining
the navigational charts used by the FlightOps computer
and the individual fightercraft. <br>
Computer technicians are also assigned to the Navigational
department, to maintain, repair, and oversee the
navigational system components and equipment. One
technician is on watch at any time Stellar Cartography
is manned. <br>
'''Communications Division''' <br>
The ability to transmit and receive messages from
other ships of the Federation and alien races, Starbases
and planets, is an important part of squadron operations.
Ensuring this ability to communicate is the task
of the Communications Division. <br>
Electronics Technicians of the Communications Division
perform repair and maintenance on the fightercraft's
com systems, as well as maintaining a communications
watch in the squadron's Combat Information Center
(CIC). <br>
'''Intelligence Division''' <br>
A fighter squadron must always have the most accurate,
up-to-date situational information available. Weather
dealing with an established threat like the Romulans,
Borg, or Cardassians, or entering a first contact
situation with a new, potentially threatening species,
the analysts of the Intelligence Division are constantly
at work in CIC, sifting through data, analyzing
intercepted communications, trying to assemble the
best, most complete picture possible of the situation
facing the squadron. </p>
<table cellspacing=0 align=center cellpadding=5 border=1 width="95%" bordercolor="#FF0033">
<td bgcolor="#FF0033"> <p><strong><font color="#000000">Engineering
Department</font></strong> </p></td>
<td class="unnamed1">
<div align=justify>
<p>The Engineering Department, led
by the Chief Engineer, is responsible for the proper
maintenance and repair of impulse and warp drive
propulsion, life support systems, fighter weapons
systems, deflector systems, ECM and ECCM units,
and all other Physical components and systems of
the Gueken fighter.
'''Engine Systems Division''' <br>
Engineers assigned to this division have responsibility
for maintenance, repair, and calibration of fighter
warp drives, impulse engines, and reaction control
system thrusters. <br>
Matter / Antimatter Specialists ensure the efficient
tuning of the sealed M/ARA units aboard the
Gueken fighters. Dilithium Crystal technicians monitor
the status, consumption rates, and recrystalization
of this vital component of the engine. <br>
Structural Engineering Specialists monitor and maintain
the Inertial Dampening System (IDS) and hull integrity.
Life Support Technicians maintain the fighter's
artificial gravity generators, atmospheric quality
regulators, humidity and temperature regulators.
'''Weapons Systems Division''' <br>
Kilogram for kilogram, no unit of the Star Fleet
is more powerful than the Gueken fighter in
terms of offensive capacity. The Engineers of this
division maintain and repair the pulse phaser cannons
and minitorps carried by the fighter. <br>
Phaser Technicians carefully maintain and calibrate
the pulse phaser cannon carried by the fighters,
while Torpedoman's Mates care for the launch and
stowage systems for the quantum minitorps. <br>
'''Flight Deck Division''' <br>
Though the operation and maintenance of the squadron's
fighters are the responsibility of the Flight and
Engineering departments, respectively, the safe
and efficient operation of the hanger decks, launch
and recovery bays, and all objects therein fall
to the personnel of the Flight Deck Division. <br>
Movement of any craft within the Hanger Bay or on
the Flight Deck is controlled by the Flight Deck
Officer and by numerous Flight Deck Control Specialists.
The Cat officer controls the launch of craft from
the Flight Deck, while the Landing Signal Officer
controls recovery operations. <br>
Plane Captains are enlisted specialists who are
assigned individual responsibility for a given fightercraft's
maintenance. They take cognizance over the fighter
from the moment the pilot climbs out of the cockpit
until the moment she climbs back in. It is their
responsiblity to have the craft fueled, armed, provided
with accurate navigational data and appropriate
charts before flight. </p>
<table cellspacing=0 align=center cellpadding=5 border=1 width="95%" bordercolor="#FF0033">
<td bgcolor="#FF0033"> <p><strong><font color="#000000">Logistics
Department</font> </strong></p></td>
<td class="unnamed1">
<div align=justify>
<p>Though modern fabrication and replication
systems onboard ships and stations of the Star Fleet
have made routine of most requisition and supply
issues, there are still some items which are used
in sufficient quantity, or are of sufficient size
or complexity that it is more efficient to store
finished products than to spend the energy to carry
raw materials and synthesize the product on demand.
Additionally, significant stores of critical spares
and consumables are maintained for use during red
alert situations when power for replication or fabrication
systems may be unavailable. Logistics department
Storekeepers store, maintain, inventory, and deliver
such supplies as necessary. </p>
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<table width="95%" align=center border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 bordercolor=#FF0033>
<td bgcolor=#FF0033> <h3><font color=#000000>SORM Page 4
- Operations and Alerts</font> </h3></td>
<table cellspacing=0 align=center cellpadding=5 border=1 width="95%" bordercolor="#FF0033">
<td bgcolor="#FF0033"> <p><strong><font color="#000000">Standard
Operations</font> </strong></p></td>
<td class="unnamed1">
<div align=justify>
<p>'''Daily Routines''' <br>
Fighter squadrons, like most other duty stations
in the Star Fleet, operate on an around the clock
schedule. A schedule of activities is maintained
by the Administration Division, and promulgated
to the crew in the Plan of the Day (POD), which
is accessible from any PADD or ship's console. The
POD is updated by the Yeoman of the Watch at the
end of each watch. <br>
'''Timekeeping''' <br>
Units of the Star Fleet spend most of their time
among the stars, and a fighter squadron is no exception.
Timekeeping, therefore, becomes a matter of supreme
importance, there being no planetary rotation to
use in verifying the time of day. In keeping with
the practice of the Star Fleet, the Quartermasters
of the Navigation Division maintain chronometers
which measure a 24 hour day. Tied to the time kept
at the Fleet Observatory in San Francisco, Earth,
Pacific Standard Time has been adopted as the standard
for measuring time aboard most Star Fleet vessels
and stations. <br>
The 24 hour clock is also used, to eliminate any
possible confusion in establishing the time of an
occurrence, past or scheduled. The hours begin at
00:00 (midnight), and count up through 23:59 (the
minute before midnight). <br>
'''Watches, Shifts, and Patrols''' <br>
With the exception of the Commanding Officer, Executive
Officer, and Department Heads, all squadron personnel
are assigned to a shift section. There are three
shift sections, each having an equal portion of
personnel from each department or division. <br>
Each of these sections takes a turn at being on
watch, as designated in the watchbill, and promulgated
in the POD. <br>
An occasional exception to the three-shift schedule
is the flight department. As emergency situations
often call for all the fighters of the squadron
to be fielded at one time, arrangements are made
for this eventuality. </p>
<table cellspacing=0 align=center cellpadding=5 border=1 width="95%" bordercolor="#FF0033">
<td bgcolor="#FF0033"> <p><strong><font color="#000000">Alert Conditions</font>
<td class="unnamed1">
<div align=justify>
<p>'''Green''' <br>
This is the normal status of the squadron. No dangerous
conditions exist within the patrol boundaries of
the squadron. Watches and Patrols are stood as assigned
by the watchbill and PoD. <br>
'''Yellow''' <br>
A hazardous or potentially hazardous condition exists
either within the squadron's patrol area, or within
its immediate vicinity. This condition may be set
by the CO, XO, or CIC Officer of the Watch. <br>
The on-watch shift remains on duty, and prepares
for possible danger. Second shift goes on duty,
and joins first shift at duty stations. Third shift
is awakened, but does not come on duty. Each station
reports to CIC when manned and ready. <br>
'''Red''' <br>
Also known as Battle Stations or General Quarters,
Red Alert is set when a life threatening condition
exists within the squadron's patrol area or its
immediate vicinity, or elements of the squadron
are in an offensive or defensive situation which
has, or may soon result in the use of weapons. May
be set by the CO or XO. <br>
Third shift goes on duty, and reports to duty stations.
All pilots report to their craft, and standby for
possible scramble. </p>
<table cellspacing=0 align=center cellpadding=5 border=1 width="95%" bordercolor="#FF0033">
<td bgcolor="#FF0033"> <p><strong><font color="#000000">Credits</font>
<td class="unnamed1">
<div align=justify>
<p>The VF-9 SORM was written by Dawn
McKnight, with some material having been developed
by Reggie Allen, Belinda Crawford, and Chris O'Sullivan.
Technical assistance provided by R. S. Pylman</p>
[[Category: Documents]][[ Category: Database]][[Category:Fighter Command]]
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