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Medical instrument used to revitalize neural activity in a humanoid nervous system.
Medical instrument used to revitalize neural activity in a humanoid nervous system.
A cortical stimulator used aboard the USS Enterprise-D.The cortical stimulator is a medical device used to revive neural activity in the nervous system of critical patients by delivering an electrical shock to induce brain activity. It is almost always attached to the temples or foreheads of humanoids. Cortical stimulators are standard equipment in the sickbays of Starfleet vessels in the 24th century.
In 2154, Captain Jonathan Archer used a cortical stimulator, as directed by Phlox, in a vain attempt to revive Hoshi Sato. (ENT: "Observer Effect")
In 2364, Doctor Beverly Crusher used a cortical stimulator in a vain attempt to revive Lieutenant Natasha Yar after she was struck down by Armus. (TNG: "Skin of Evil")
On stardate 45944, Dr. Crusher attempted to revive Captain Jean-Luc Picard with a cortical stimulator following his exposure to the Kataan probe. The stimulator's interruption of the beam from the Kataan probe caused Picard to go into neural shock, which only stabilized when the cortical stimulator was removed. The probe later disengaged the beam safely, and Picard recovered without further intervention, though the probe made him live 50 years of another being's life in approximately 20 real-time minutes. (TNG: "The Inner Light")
In 2369, Dr. Crusher used it to revive Counselor Deanna Troi after temporarily inducing clinical death to break a telepathic bond that was sapping her life force to keep Federation mediator Ves Alkar artificially young. Also that year, Jean-Luc Picard again had to be revived with cortical stimulators after an energy blast in a sudden gunfight on an away mission caused his artificial heart to temporarily malfunction. (TNG: "Man of the People", "Tapestry")

[[Category: Medical]]
[[Category: Medical]]

Revision as of 20:09, 16 February 2009

Medical instrument used to revitalize neural activity in a humanoid nervous system.

A cortical stimulator used aboard the USS Enterprise-D.The cortical stimulator is a medical device used to revive neural activity in the nervous system of critical patients by delivering an electrical shock to induce brain activity. It is almost always attached to the temples or foreheads of humanoids. Cortical stimulators are standard equipment in the sickbays of Starfleet vessels in the 24th century.

In 2154, Captain Jonathan Archer used a cortical stimulator, as directed by Phlox, in a vain attempt to revive Hoshi Sato. (ENT: "Observer Effect")

In 2364, Doctor Beverly Crusher used a cortical stimulator in a vain attempt to revive Lieutenant Natasha Yar after she was struck down by Armus. (TNG: "Skin of Evil")

On stardate 45944, Dr. Crusher attempted to revive Captain Jean-Luc Picard with a cortical stimulator following his exposure to the Kataan probe. The stimulator's interruption of the beam from the Kataan probe caused Picard to go into neural shock, which only stabilized when the cortical stimulator was removed. The probe later disengaged the beam safely, and Picard recovered without further intervention, though the probe made him live 50 years of another being's life in approximately 20 real-time minutes. (TNG: "The Inner Light")

In 2369, Dr. Crusher used it to revive Counselor Deanna Troi after temporarily inducing clinical death to break a telepathic bond that was sapping her life force to keep Federation mediator Ves Alkar artificially young. Also that year, Jean-Luc Picard again had to be revived with cortical stimulators after an energy blast in a sudden gunfight on an away mission caused his artificial heart to temporarily malfunction. (TNG: "Man of the People", "Tapestry")