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A Solaxin Male

The Solaxin people are a very social species. This is believed to be a result of their evolution. On Slaxis III, where they evolved, there are a number of extremely cunning and intelligent pred ators. It is believed that in order to survive the Solaxins developed close social ties as a society.

Because of the other pressures on their survival the Solaxins have virtually no crime or warfare throughout the entirety of their history. Social groups often interbred and this prevented distinct geopgraphical isolation from occurring.

The spread of ideas moved quickly across the Solaxin home world of Solaxis III. The Solaxins, soon developed urban centers, where they could be relatively free of predation and this in turn allowed the creation of luxury items and the devolopment of artistic pursuits.

The Solaxins are known for their amazing artistic abilities. Solaxin craftsmen often work in glass, metal and other complicated medium to create unprecedented works of functional art.

In 2308 the Solaxins encountered the Borg. Having no experience with other species of such an aggressive nature, the Solaxins had no real change to defend themselves. Although they had highly developed technology, equal to that possessed by the United Federation of Planets, they were unable to ward of the Borg due to their non-aggressive tendencies and their lack of military vessels.

When refugees began to flood into the UFP, The Federation Council decided to take action. unable to protect the Solaxin home world from the Borg, due to distance and fleet support concerns, the UFP selected a planet within their borders renamed Solaxis Prime for the Solaxins to inhabit.

However, the Solaxins, afraid to have all of their population on a single planet, developed a more nomadic society. While they do inhabit their new world, most have chosen to travel in small fleets of merchants and migrant workers throughout the UFP.

Home World

Solaxis III, assimilated by Borg. Currently the UFP has provided Solaxis Prime (formerly known as Draconus Minor) as their new homeworld. This planet borders the Romulan Neutral Zone and Breen Space.