Kimiko Ichijo

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Ensign Kimiko Ichijo
Ensign Kimiko Ichijo
Name: Kimiko Ichijo
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Earth
Species: Human
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5 foot 2
Weight: 100 lbs
Blood Color: Red
Skin Color: Olive
Current rank: Ensign (jg)
Current Position: Asst. CMO
Assignment: USS Rosenante
The USS Rosenanté NCC–924650
Status: Active

Physical Description:

Kimiko is a short asian women, whose straight shoulder-length hair is almost always pulled back. She has a slender figure.


Kimiko’s mother died while Kimiko was still an infant, The girl was nominally raised by her largely absent father, Sanji, who was a mid-level manager. As a young girl, Kimiko fell in love with Mia Takagawa, a etoile with the Imperial Ballet. She pursued dancing with a focus the her father came to know and dread. Her dream of becoming a world caliber dancer came crashing down when she became aware that she was just a good dancer and lacked the edge that made a good dancer great. After a few years of sputtering interests, Kimiko meet her uncle, Setoaki. Uncle Setoaki was a Commander with the Starfleet Catastrophic Reaction Team- medical. She found that as a doctor, she could truly affect people’s lives.


Graduated from Furinkan High, Kimiko graduated from University of Toyko, medical school in the top 5%. Graduate exchange in xenobiology and biomechanical artifacts with John Hopkins Medical School. Completed Starfleet Academy with honors.




As healthy as a um...really healthy person


Kimiko has a daily regime of dance and tai chi exercises and though she tries to hide it she would try to fill every waking moment learning something new, no matter how eclectic. This curiosity will have her in the strangest places off-shift.


For all the education the Kimiko has, she has very little hands on experience with actual patients. Her diagnostic skills are excellent, almost intuitive, but bedside manner leaves a little to be desired.


Awards and Commendations:

None at this time.


Crew of the USS Rosenante
52nd Fleet Logo
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