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A Belladarian

Belladarians are a pseudo-humanoid species originating from the Planet Ledaria Prime, located at the edge of the Gamma Quadrant. The species is a chlorophyll-based lifeform similar to that of Arborians. There are at least nineteen variations of the species.

Distant History

Approximately three million years ago the Planet Ledaria Prime was home to a mammalian species whose name has been lost to antiquity. Very little is known of this species, although certain facts are clear while others can be surmised. The original inhabitants of the planet, called “Mams” by the Belladarians, were a technologically advanced species. They were capable geneticists and scientists, although there is no indication that they had achieved interstellar flight.

It is clear that the Mams had spent significant resources in the field of Arboreal Genetics. They modified and Genetically engineered the flora of their world to become hardier, and to produce more fruit. At one point the Mams covered the entirety of the single continent on the planet. Their cities were massive and their agriculture and industrial capabilities were impressive, yet despite this, they were destined to become extinct.

Near then end of their existence, a massive asteroid crashed into the western coast of the continent, causing massive global chaos and damage. The dust from the impact blotted out the sun for nearly a half century, causing widespread ecological and climactic upheaval. It was a direct result of this event that caused the Mams to become extinct.

Their creations, however, the heavily genetically engineered smart plants, managed to survive. These plants began to spread and thrive as the dust cleared and sun returned to their world. Early versions of these plants developed the ability to absorb some of the genetic material of the animals that they consumed, having evolved into a combination of solar powered and metabolic biological adaption.

Present Ecology

This new genetic material blended with the ecology of the area, creating new chains of DNA and ultimately resulted in the rise of the Belladarians. Only some of the planet’s smart planet population seems to have evolved into a more familiar humanoid body form.

Besides the Belladarians, the planet still possesses more mundane forms of flora and fauna. The fauna is diverse, ranging from large cat-like analog carnivores to smaller rodents amphibians and reptiles.

Studies have shown that the oceanic varieties of smart plants have not evolved intelligence. The ecology of the planet’s ocean is therefore very similar to those of Earth.


Naming Conventions and Subspecies

The Belladarians use a naming structure that both identifies an individual as well as their subspecies (and thereby their geographical location) to which they belong.

The first name of an individual Belladarian is unique to that individual, the second name is that of his subspecies. Since each subspecies is limited in origin to a specific continent, now that the mega continent has broken up due to plate tectonics, this has the added benefit of identifying the geographical point of origin of a given individual.

The names of the Continents and the Associated Subspecies are as follows:



Mappar, Oklis, Ginloa, Alghol, Thuja


Holem, Kors, Borla, Rozin, Arfrait, Gargael


Arioc, Tehua, Histrix, Opunt, Jaboa, Aloni, Gast, Eubs

In the past, the Belladarians presented themselves using their Given name followed by their clan name as a title, as shown in this example: "I am Baka from the clan of the Oklis." In more modern times this has been shortened to simply "Baka Oklis."

It is important to note that in both examples that "Baka" is the unique given name of the individual, while "Oklis" is the subspecies to which the individual belongs, and therefore it is possible to determine their continent of origin.

Politics and Religion

Political and religious powers and affairs are rigorously separated in Belladarian life. The ruling governing body among the Belladarians is the "Great Circle." This august political body is comprised of the most ancient of the members of each subspecies. Members are replaced only upon the death of a sitting member of the Great circle and can only be held by a member of the same subspecies. In this way, each of the Subspecies receives the same level of governmental representation.

Lesser Circles are established on a local level and are comprised by all members of a community or region that have attained the "Age of Sitting." As the various subspecies age and mature at different rates, there is no set calendar age set that is uniform for the species as a whole. Once a Belladarian reaches the "Age of Sitting" they are entitled to join in the political discussion and decision-making policies of their local Lesser Circles. Lesser Circles are called as frequently or infrequently as needed to handle and administer the areas in which the members live.

At any level of Circle, decisions are democratic, and follow the rule of majority. Only in instances of a tie, can the most ancient of all the Belladarians cast a second vote to establish policy. In the last three thousand years, this has only happened twice and so is a very big event when it must take place.

The greater Circle is considered by outsiders to be slow to reach a decision. This is usually attributed to the advanced age of their membership.

Ceremonial Religion

The average life span of a Belladarian is roughly 150 standard years. The oldest member of species is currently 237 standard years of age. The most ancient of the Belladarians, those serving on the great circle have become sedentary by nature. They have chosen to remain firmly planted in the Great Circle. While they are capable of movement, they will do so only at times of the greatest peril. Because of their status as venerated leaders, the Belladarian people place a great prestige upon the refreshing ceremony in which they put forward an offering of freshly prepared high-nutrient soil for their leaders. In one way, this can be seen as a form of Oligarchic worship, but the Belladarians deny such claims.

The Belladarians on each continent reunite bi-annually, at the summer solstice and again at autumn equinox. The location of the Gathering is considered sacred, and its location has never been revealed to outsiders.

In the center of the Sacred Grove, reside three petrified trees, complete with leaves. Geologically they are 65 millions years old, and were estimated to be roughly two hundred years old at the time of their petrification. Despite the passage of time, earthquakes and other geologic upheavals and earthquakes, they are in excellent condition.

Around these trees, the Belladarians built an enormous coliseum. Here the families group together and the collective masses chant in a manner reminiscent of those used by Tibetan monks. The ceremonial songs begin before sun up and end at sunset. This ceremony would take place at a different time of the year on each of the three continents.

Recent History

The Belladarians developed warp technology more than a century and a half years ago and they have two types of ships and one type of space station. The inventor of the technology is known as Grizi Aloni.


The Belladarians have no specific gender some species produce flowers much like terrestrial plants. In this manner seedpods are germinated. These pods are then firmly attached to the parent in some manner. When it is time for planting, the young Belladarian is put on a rich bed of soil and takes root right away. The newborn remains in this state for a standard week. At the end of this time the parents can take him home. By this time, the youngster is capable of walking and eating adult food, although it must be enriched with minerals for the first few of years of their lives. They have a very low death rate among the newborns. The gestation period varies by subspecies.

The last month of pregnancy is special. Each family unit maintains a special sector in which the expectant parents root themselves. This soil is very rich in nutrients and is maintained by close family and friends.

Like most plants, Belladarians gain the majority of their energy through the process of photosynthesis. They also require period of darkness and rest and growth. They cultivate their resting beds, usually comprised of moss and soil. The Belladarians also need moisture for their comfort.

They can also suffer from the same types of afflictions as Terran plants and are plagued by insects, parasites and various types of fungus. Some are contagious, and the individuals who are infected, are isolated and treated. In case of fatality, the remains are cremated instead of recycled. In the past, this was a social stigma and a sign of certain death.


Each subspecies has a unique dietary requirement. As a result, the production of foodstuffs is highly specialized. The corner stone of Belladarian nutrition is the Krobal. The Krobal is a specially formed nutrient pellet that is specifically formulated to provide maximum nutrition for the particular subspecies for which it is manufactured.

Most Belladarians carry Krobal with them at all times. For drinking, Belladarians prefer either fresh water or any drink rich in natural sugar and nutrients. They are also capable of drawing nutrients directly from the soil although this is considered less efficient.


Their ships are roughly sixty percent larger than the largest Federation starships, while their space station is roughly double the volume of the largest Federation Starbase.

All decks on Belladarian starships are more then three meters high, with some reaching as many as seven meters in height. Special ultraviolet lighting sources are in widespread use aboard Belladarian starships.

A typical deck plan for a Belladarian starship may look something like this:

  • Deck 1: Bridge, Conference Room, Mess Hall, CO and bridge officer's quarters.
  • Deck 2: Crew members quarters and an emergency medical bay.
  • Deck 3: Scientist, medical, astrophysics, etc, scientific laboratories.
  • Deck 4: Weapons systems.
  • Deck 5: Entertainment deck, where the crew can play and enjoy some more intense artificial sunlight. This deck is seven usually meters in height.
  • Deck 6 : Hydroponics bay and water processing. There is twenty-four hour maintenance. It holds more then twenty-two plants; some are used in the fabrication of Krobal, others for natural consumption.
  • Deck 7: The food processors and water distribution unit.
  • Deck 8: Shuttle bays 1 and 2 at the front, 3 and 4 at the back- escape pods.
  • Deck 9: Shuttle bay 5 and 6 in front, 7 and 8 at the back. Also used has a storeroom.
  • Decks 10 and 11: Engineering.

Starship Command Hierarchy

Belladarians on ship are designated by their specialty as well as their Name and Subspecies. This is to say that the individual’s function on a Belladarian ship is added to their names while they serve. So, "Baka Oklis, First Engineer" would be the norm. Belladarians use ordinal designations to determine position; thus First, Second, Third etc. The captain of a Starship would be called First Commander, while his First Officer would be called the Second Commander. In meetings with other species, Belladarian Starship crews allow those they meet to use truncated versions of their names and positions as is reasonable.

Rule of Non-Intervention

Like the United Federation of Planets, the Belladarians have reached the conclusion that tempering with lesser advance species is destructive. They therefore developed laws of non-interference pertaining to contact with any less socially or morally evolved species.

They have also very strict policies for war. They are normally pacifistic, and will go to great lengths to avoid being caught in the middle of an altercation. They do not believe in military alliances, nor will they participate in interstellar conflicts by choice They assume a position of neutrality or isolation when dealing with other species involved in military actions.

Created by Unknown, with contributions and edits by Daniel Greene