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EnAelliau "Ael" Harkonnen T'Ri
Lieutenant Junior Grade
EnAelliau "Ael" Harkonnen T'Rillian

  • Vital Statistics
    • Age: 37
    • Gender: Female
    • Birthplace: Sol, Earth
  • Physical Information
    • Eye Color: Blue
    • Hair Color: Brown
    • Height: 6.45 feet
    • Weight: 130 lbs
    • Skin Color: Olive


Ael at first glance looks like a typical Mediterranean female. She has the dark brown eyes and hair and the olive tinged skin that typifies most of people of that region. It is only when her pointed ears are noticed that some people begin to think that she might have some Vulcan background, and only when the very faint, vestigial brow ridges are spotted that someone might think she may well be part Romulan, or as she calls herself, Rhihannsu.

Family and Background

Ael’s mother was a Norwegian genetic engineer who went missing just this side of the Neutral Zone. At first it was thought that the civilian ship she had hired passage on had simply gone missing with all hands. However when some of the other passengers and junior crew started to filter back to the Federation it was realised that the ship had been boarded by the Romulans and towed back to the Empire. Margitte Harkonnen was not one of the first to be freed since she had become a concubine to a fairly rich, but, provincial member of the Romulan Senate. Eventually Margitte bore him a daughter, Aelleau, and both of them were housed in conditions that befitted the Senator’s heir, since having no other offspring, that is what he designated Ael as. This did not sit well with the Senator’s other concubines and after numerous attempts on the life of both Margitte and especially Ael, Margitte, with possibly the Senator’s collusion, Ael, was never sure, managed to escape back to Federation space with her daughter. Ael was brought up in her grandparent’s home in Stavanger. Although only eight at the time she was brought back to Earth Ael had already learned a great deal about politics in her earlier years on Romulus.


Ael had no formal education until the age of eight when she was enrolled in the local primary education system in Norway, where it was found that her grasp of Federation events was non existent. However her grasp of politics, economics and social economics was way passed even high school standards. This was attributed to her time on Romulus and she was ‘encouraged’ to study these subjects further.

Pre-Starfleet History

All Ael ever wanted to be honest was to get herself a ship and bum her way around the galaxy doing anything and everything that she felt like doing. It came as quite a shock to her that doing that would actually need a great deal of cash, and since her choice of future did not sit well with her family’s choice for her they refused her the credit to let her do what she wanted. There were only two choices left open to Ael. She could either attempt to head back to Romulan space and try and find her father in the hope that he would back her. Or, she could go into space the same way that most everyone on Earth did, by joining Starfleet. Knowing how difficult the first option would be Ael chose the latter and signed up.

Starfleet History

After spending the requisite number of years at the Academy Ael looked forward to being sent on her first mission, but it wasn’t to be. Whether it was because she was half Romulan or whether it was because she was a natural but unconventional teacher Ael was immediately posted to the Academy as an instructor.

Medical History

Luckily Ael has never had any major illnesses or operations.


Skiing; especially cross country and Nordic. Ael is also fascinated by politics and the way societies work.

Skills and Abilities

Being brought up for most of her life in Norway Ael skis well. She does not like downhill or slalom skiing which she sees as being too European for her, but prefers cross country and Nordic Skiing.


Ael has a quick temper which she tries, sometimes unsuccessfully to keep under control. She also has a very long memory which does not bode well for her enemies.