Isra Caliel

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Ensign Isra Caliel
Isra Caliel
Name: Isra Caliel
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Gloucester, England Earth
Species: Human
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Deep Brown
Height: 5-foot 6-inches
Weight: 145 pounds
Blood Color: Red
Skin Color: Caucasian
Current rank: Ensign JG
Current Position: ACSO
Assignment: USS Boudicca
The USS Boudicca
Status: Active

Physical Description:

Her hair is of mid-length, almost to the shoulders. It is always clean, but rarely considered 'tidy'. It is thick, and strong, almost like fur. Strong cheekbones and slightly pointier canines than would be considered normal give her the appearance of someone that would be considered (hundreds of years ago) to be a werewolf. She is, however, completely human.


Born in a city, but living in a small town her entire life, Isra grew up learning the true meaning of friendship and teamwork, as small communities are often closer than those found in cities. She has a brother and a sister, both of which are staying on Earth, neither of which are in any kind of star fleet training. They didn't get on hugely well, so contact is rare. Parents are both in the medical profession, on Earth.


I/O Science Academy (based on Io... an intended play on words of the founder) Ganymeede Grammar School for Girls (And Aliens of Duo-Gender) Starfleet Academy


Nothing, first job. Starfleet was always the first and only option, and getting into it meant that Isra never had to try anything else.


Isra graduated Starfleet Academy on Stardate 2413.12.28 and was assigned to the USS Boudicca on Stardate 2414.01.17.


Isra has an allergy to Nickel, coming out in a rash, which is accompanied by mild discomfort. Prolonged contact causes complete joint lockup, resulting in near paralysis.


Isra likes to read, mostly old science fiction novels (the science behind them is intriguing... and also hilarious). She is also attempting to write a sci-fi novel of her own.


Isra is a calculated scientist, not usually pursuing the idea of quick-results. Regardless, she has often shown great results when given time, especially with the bigger projects, such as shield modifications, and sensor upgrades.


Crew of the USS Boudicca
52nd Fleet Logo
Command Staff:
Medical Staff:
Counseling Staff:
Tactical & Security Staff:
Engineering Staff:
Science Staff: