Henry Jacobs

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Ensign JG

Henry Jacobs

Henry Jacobs
The USS Boudicca
  • General Information
    • Name: Henry Jacobs
    • Age: 25
    • Gender: Male
    • Species: Human
    • Birthplace:Earth

  • Physical Attributes
    • Eye Color: Green
    • Height: 6 Foot
    • Weight: 190 lbs
    • Skin Color: Black

Physical Description:

Tall athletic young man who spent more time in the hologym than in class.


Rebuilds all kinds of spacecrafts with my father at work since my mom died at an early age and he couldn't find anyone to watch me.


Spent way too much time in the hologym trying to impress females of all races. Figured i could meet even more females by joining starfleet and flying around as command officer.


Before Starfleet he spent his time customizing a personal design of a shuttlecraft hoping one day he'd be able to command something a little bigger.



In tip-top shape.


Every now and again he likes to vacation in the holodecks playing the hero!


Spent his time doing what he wanted in class only because all of the work seemed repetitive and not a challenge. So his work got done but he wasn't the top of his class. He tends to modify systems to run above safety protocols and never lets anyone else know what he is doing.

Mission 1: Just Another Saturday Night

Starbase 989

The first official mission for the Cadet after being assigned to the USS Boudicca as ACEO. The USS Boudicca arrived to Starbase 989 for rest and relaxation on New Years' Eve. Just after midnight there was a stationwide power outage caused by a lifeform transported onboard hidden within a cargo shipment. It took the combined effort of the crews of both the USS Boudicca and USS Rosenante to repair the damage caused by the lifeforms and return power to the station.

Ensign Jacobs under the guidance of Ensign Gesar prepared a method for distributing Wilson Particles throughout the station in order to incapacitate the creatures and cause them to explode.

Other Notes:

"Do not piss me off, I tend to be vindictive."


Crew of the USS Boudicca
52nd Fleet Logo
Command Staff:
Medical Staff:
Counseling Staff:
Tactical & Security Staff:
Engineering Staff:
Science Staff: