USS Dennison (NCC-91367)

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The USS Dennison is an Indefatigable class starship in service of the 52nd Fleet. It is commanded by Captain Madison Davis. The First Officer is Lieutenant John Sasine. It is the newest ship in the fleet.


Current Mission

USSDennisonSmall50px.jpg The newest ship in the fleet, the USS Dennison is preparing for launch in the joint effort against Doenitz and his forces!

Crew Roster

Warning, this roster may be out of date. Please update if you have the current roster.

Command Staff

Commanding Officer, Captain, Madison Davis - Human (3/4), Bajoran (1/4)

First Officer, Lieutenant, John Sasine - Betazoid

Operations Staff

General Operations, Ensign William Galway - Human

Counselling and Medical Staff

Chief Medical Officer, Admiral, Gr'iann- Caitian

Chief Counsellor, Lieutenant, Trace Allel - Betazoid

Tactical/Security Staff

Chief Tactical/Security, Lieutenant, Issac Newport - Human

Asst. Tactical Chief, Lieutenant, Nikada La'rie Marlous - Human

Engineering Staff

Chief Engineering Officer, Lieutenant, Ryan Maines - Human

Science Staff

Chief Science Officer, Lieutenant, Jewort Trewe - Rigelian

Technical Specs


The Indefatigable Class is the latest in a series of designs by the Advanced Starship Design Bureau (ASDB) to increase the response times of ships in high-danger situations and increase survivability. Their primary defense classicization is Battleship, reflecting their capability to split into effectively 3 semi-independent starships of high strength. The Dennison is capable of causing a massive amount of damage to an enemy vessel or installation, followed by a quick return to Federation-controlled space if need be. The vessel has been designed with high-yield advanced weaponry to fit its assignment as an Battleship and the cutting-edge of defenses to ensure maximum crew survival during combat.

The Indefatigable Class Design Project was begun soon after the launch of the Keltoi class to be the centerpiece of the Starfleet combat fleet. The design team incorporated many changes to the prototype with the success of the Keltoi class Heavy Battle Cruiser, and the first combat variant of the Indefatigable Class was launched two years later under heavy secrecy. The war with 'rebel forces' outside of Starfleet forced the Utopia Planitia Fleet Construction Yards to launch their five prototype vessels early. Two were hijacked by forces loyal to Admiral Doenitz and one was destroyed, the other two have since been fully completed and are part of the Home Defense Fleet, while several dozen more are being constructed.

(more to write)

Technical Specifications

Current (default) Configuration: Tactical
Optional configurations: Enhanced Deterrence Explorer, Interceptor
The optional configurations take six weeks to apply


  • Length: 685 Meters.
  • Height: 88 Meters.
  • Decks: 24.

Warp Drive System:

  • Type: Mark IV Prototype Warp drive
  • Power: Matter/Antimatter with Triad Reactant Injector System (TRIS)
  • 2 Mark IX Fusion Reactors (For the Saucer during Separation)
  • Normal Cruising Speed (non-vector): Warp 8.
  • Maximum sustainable cruise speed (non-vector): warp 9.8
  • Emergency Speed (non-vector): Warp 9.975 (For 12 hours)
    • Normal Cruising Speed (Vector Attack Mode): Warp 6.
    • Maximum sustainable cruise speed (Vector Attack Mode): warp 8
    • Emergency Speed (Vector Attack Mode): Warp 9.5 (For 12 hours)

Tri-Vector Assault Mode Notes:

The Indefatigable Class ship is a Tri-vector Assault vehicle, it separates into three fully-capable sections while in Vector-Assault mode. All three sections maintain power, supplies and crew for operations of up to 1 year in the event that the other sections are destroyed in combat, and all contain the necessary command functions (bridge, engineering, etc) to retain full autonomy.

The Saucer Section:

  • 10 Decks
  • Powered by 2 experimental fusion reactors
  • Non-Warp capable

The Engineering Sections:

  • Upper Engineering has 8 Decks
  • Lower Engineering has 6 Decks
  • Both are warp capable.

Impulse Drive systems:

  • Type: Type II Hyper Impulse Propulsion System (HIPS)

Defensive Systems:

  • Phaser Type: XII phaser strips
    • Phaser Locations: 14 spread along various locations (6 on the Saucer, 4 each on each Engineering Section)
  • Quantum Torpedoes Locations: 3 Fore, 3 Aft (1 per section)
    • Quantum Complement: 400
  • Photon Torpedo Locations 3 fore (one per section)
    • Photon Compliment - 150
  • Primary Shields: Auto-Modulation Regenerative Shields
  • Secondary Shields: Standard Type IV shields.
  • Tertiary Shields: Standard Type 2 navigational Shields
  • Amour: Standard Duranium hull, Ablative Armor covering key areas
  • Tractor Beams: 1 Aft, all aspects

Transporter Systems:

  • Personnel Transporters: 5
  • Emergency: 12
  • Cargo Transporters: 4

Auxiliary Craft Carried:

  • Runabouts: 2
  • Type 9 Shuttlecraft: 4
  • Type 10 Shuttlecraft: 4
  • Captain's Yacht: 1
  • Escape Pods: 100 (8 Person)
  • Fighters: 2 (For Scouting)


  • Officer Compliment: 200.
  • Enlisted Crew: 1200
  • Maximum Life Support Capacity: 2500 (non-vector only).

Computer Systems:

  • Type: Bio/Neural enhanced computer system
  • Crew Interface Software - LCARS


  • Max Range: 25 light years
    • Takes 1 minute/per light year for intensive scan
    • Takes 1 second/per light year for standard scan
    • General scan is almost instant up to maximum range

Misc. Systems:

  • Cloaking Device: Type IV Federation Phase-Cloaking system (non-vector only)
  • Medical Hologram: Mark II EMH.
  • Holodecks: 4

Deck Plans

USS Dennison Main Bridge

This ship splits into three sections and the decks are numbered numerically with this in mind. The Saucer section begins the numbering, which is then continued from the top of the Upper Engineering Section. Further Details about individual section capabilities may be found in the Tech section.

Saucer Section

Deck 1: Main Bridge, Captain's Ready Room, Conference Room
Deck 2: Officers quarters, First Officer's office
Deck 3: Officers quarters, Docking ports, Rec Decks (entertainment centers)
Deck 4: Primary Impulse Engines , Cargo transporters, Lifeboats, Saucer engineering (level One), Fore Photon & Quantum Launchers, Torpedo Magazine
Deck 5: VIP Guest Accommodations, Saucer Engineering (level two), primary impulse engines, Upper primary computer core, Emergency Sickbay
Deck 6: Crew Quarters, Chief Operations officer's office, Chief Science officer's office, Transporter Rooms 1,2, High Energy Biophysics Lab, Atmospheric Physics lab, Astrometrics lab, Science Labs, EPS Support, Main computer core (level 2)
Deck 7: Crew Quarters, Mess Hall, Chief Tactical Officer's office, Chief Security officer's office, Brig, Chief Conn officer's office, Fusion reactor
Deck 8: Crew Quarters, Crew lounges, Counseling department, Holodecks 1-2, Hull spine conduits, EPS support
Deck 9: Contingency crew quarters, Junior officers quarters, Consumables storage, RCS Thruster Quads, Operations support systems, Rear Quantum Launcher, Torpedo Storage

Upper Engineering Section

Deck 10: Ten Forward, Junior officer quarters, Sickbay, Medical labs, CMO's office, Gymnasium, Consumables transfer conduit, Recycling center, Waste extraction, Upper reactant loader, Torpedo storage magazine
Deck 11: Stellar Cartography, Hydroponics labs, Cargo bays 1-3, Engineering systems programming office, Deflector control systems, Docking port, Auxiliary fusion reactor, Forward Quantum & Photon Torpedo launcher (2), Captains yacht
Deck 12: Primary Engineering/Saucer Umbilical Systems. RCS Thruster Ports, Temporary Crew Quarters, Battle Bridge
Deck 13: Engineering crew accommodations, Cargo loading doors, Entry airlock, shuttlebay (upper hangar), Transporter Room 3
Deck 14: Engineering support offices, Engineering crew accommodations, Sensor maintenance, Main Engineering, Antimatter Pod Storage & Secondary Control Systems, Shuttlebay (Lower Hangar)
Deck 15: Primary Deuterium tank, Deuterium control systems, Consumables storage, Secondary Computer Core (level One), Main Deflector Dish (Level One), Main deflector field emitter
Deck 16: Upper Engineering, Deuterium injectors, secondary computer core (Level 2), Tactical planning, Phaser range, MIE Auxiliary Access, Structural Integrity field systems (SIF), Emergency response/Damage control teams, Primary Environmental controls, Main Deflector Dish (Level 2), Upper Warp Nacelle Access
Deck 17: Upper Engineering support, Junior officers quarters, Primary Inertial Dampening & Structural Integrity systems, Main Deflector Dish (Level 3) , computer core monitoring systems, EPS Node monitoring, Deflector signal processing, Primary Navigational Control

Lower Engineering Section

Deck 18: Engineering support, Primary Main Engineering, Chief Engineer's office, Engineering labs, , Contingency crew accommodations, Fire suppression systems, Sensor maintenance, Power transfer conduits, EPS Main power distribution center
Deck 19: Lower Engineering, Phaser maintenance, Sensor monitoring suites, Transporter rooms 4, Systems monitoring suites, Emergency Sickbay, Lower Warp Nacelle Access,
Deck 20: Secondary Deuterium Storage Tanks and Control Systems, Lower Engineering Impulse Control, Cargo operations, EPS node monitoring, Secondary Computer Core (level 1), Battle Bridge
Deck 21: Cargo Operations, High energy biophysics labs, Computer relay monitoring stations, Contingency crew accommodations, Cargo bay entry doors, Security section, Weapons storage, Secondary Cargo Bay, Secondary Computer Core (level 2), RCS Thruster Quads
Deck 22: Primary Antimatter storage pods, Anti matter supply manifolds, Environmental systems monitors, Forward Photon and Quantum Launchers, Torpedo Magazine.
Deck 24: Primary Antimatter loading ports, Antimatter generator, Primary Antimatter injection systems, Antimatter pods jettison hatch, Primary Warp reactor core jettison hatch, Tractor beam emitter, Aft Torpedo launcher