Jaromil Courtemanche

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Jaro ready to serve.jpg
Ensign Jaromil Courtemanche
Name: Jaromil Courtemanche
Rank: Ensmed.jpg
Awards: None
Gender: Male
Species: Terran
Position: Medical Technician
Status: Inactive

Physical Description

Eye Colour: Brown.

Hair Colour: Bald.

Height: 3'5"

Weight: 52 lbs

Blood Colour: Red

Skin Colour: Caucasian.

Jaromil is rather short by the average, but he is of average height for a Dwarfed person. He keeps his head clean shaven and is usually known to be smiling and open, which helps with reticent patients. His voice sounds slightly squeaky and rough in general due to the nature of Dwarfism.

History and Education

Family and Background

Jaro's family is a genetically dwarfed family. The majority have had the gene to cause dwarfism. There are some average height members of the family, but they are rare. Jaro's parents Rebekah and Amadeus are both dwaves and Jaro's older sister (Athena) is also a dwarf. His younger brother (Lukasz) is of average height.


Personal History

Pre-Starfleet History

Starfleet History


Starfleet Academy Graduate

Promoted to Ensign (jg)


Promoted to Ensign

Medical History

Nothing extraordinary to note. Hereditary Dwarfism diagnosed in utero, parents - both dwarves - opted for no intervention pre-term.

Other Information


Despite his size, Jaromil is quick on his feet - both in thinking and in physical speed.

He has honed his medical skills to be able to diagnose most ailments by sight alone - though he is never far from his medical equipment as there are often problems underneath that can't be seen.

Jaromil plays the violin with some degree of proficiency.


Jaromil enjoys a good game of soccer when he's not on duty.

General Notes



Service Awards

Academy Awards

Ranks Achieved




This Character created by Lori Winterhoff