Steamrunner Class
The Steamrunner Class Starship is a long-range attack ship. It is armed with long-range tri-cobalt torpedoes, making it an effective artillery platform for long, but also for short range attack. It does better in long-range attack because it doesn't really go fast, warp 7 at max, and even then the warp-core will shut down after 2 hours, it will overheat. The Steamrunner srikes and runs away as fast as it can, this is the big disatvantage of the Steamrunner Class, thats why they almost always do long-range attack and no short-range. The Steamrunner Class is not only for combat, it can also be modified to be a science vessel. Because the Steamrunner has served Starfleet so well, it is expected that it will serve for 5/10 more years.
The Steamrunner class was a type of Federation starship in service with Starfleet during the late 24th century.
Ships of this class saw action at the Battle of Sector 001 in 2373, where several were lost.