Jaton Alyl

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Jaton Alyl.png
Jaton Alyl
Name: Jaton Alyl
Rank: Ensign, junior grade
Awards: None
Gender: Male
Species: Joined Trill
Age: 26
Position: Assistant Chief Science Officer
Ship: USS Paladin
Status: Active

Physical Description

Species: Joined Trill

Gender: Male


Hair: Black

Skin: Pale

Height: 6'3

Blood: red

Jaton is a tall man but of proportionate weight. His pale skin contrasts sharply with the spots along his body and with his hair, which he keeps short and utilitarian. He is very fastidious about his appearance and likes to keep himself rather clean cut. He wouldn't be caught dead looking disheveled.


Jaton was born the eldest of four, and grew up in the city of Tresh on the east coast of the main continent of the Trill homeworld. His parents were both low-level members of the diplomatic corps, but were upwardly mobile. They were definite urbanites. They spared no expense t make sure that their children had every advantage to catapult them to the top of the societal heap. As such, Jaton was sent to Earth at the age of 15 for an extended exchange program. He attended three years of high school in the city of Kayseri in central Turkey. It was there, with its unique geology, that he truly fell in love with the science.


Trill Symbiosis Commission, Starfleet Academy

Pre-Starfleet History

With everything his parents shoved under his belt (not that he would complain; Jaton was very grateful for each opportunity), the Symbiosis Commission took him like a shot. He was even given the honor of becoming the first host of the Alyl symbiont. His parents were extremely proud of him for that achievement, and happily mentioned it at every opportunity.

Starfleet History

Jaton on the flight deck of the Gannicus

Jaton graduated from the Academy during the 2414 Winter Term, and was immediately assigned to the Gannicus. He was dispatched via high speed shuttle along with fellow crew members Adrian Lanney and Ashley Vesper. His expertise in geology was required for the Gannicus' mission to the volcanic ice world Sigma Theta V, during which he served as bridge support staff.

Medical History

A few broken bones in his record, thanks to some reckless daredevil stunts in his youth.


Jaton is a born scientist. Though his best discipline is geology, he does his best to keep up with as many disciplines of science as he can. Following geology, his best fields are chemistry, biology, and physics.


While Jaton behaves quite prim and proper when necessary, he likes to cut loose when he can, despite his parents' best efforts. Growing up near the sea, Jaton became (and still is) a total beach bum. While he was on Earth, he would often chew through his transporter credits beaming all over the world to surf some of the best beaches on Earth. His proudest moment was surfing Pipeline in Hawaii while at Starfleet Academy during the biggest swell of the year.

General Notes

Do you have anything else to add? Anything at all?


Crew on the USS Illuminar
Command Staff: Captain Sekal, Commanding Officer | Commander Williams-Verin, First Officer | Commander Peters, Second Officer
Flight & Operations Staff: Lieutenant Gregory, Chief Operations Officer | Lieutenant Grey Wolf, acting Flight Squadron Executive Officer | Ensign Montero, Flight Operations Officer | Chief Tamblyn, Operations Officer
Medical Staff: Lieutenant Solice, Chief Medical Officer | Lieutenant Trei, Assistant Chief Medical Officer & Counsellor | Lieutenant Ravenstone, Counsellor | Ensign Edwards, Medical Officer | Chief Miller, Medical Technician
Tactical & Security Staff: Ensign Lee, Assistant Chief Security Officer | Ensign T'Mur, Security Officer | Ensign McTaggard, Security Officer | Ensign Talence, Security Officer | Petty Officer Devers, Security Officer | Petty Officer Hammons, Security Officer
Engineering Staff: Lieutenant Jordaan, acting Chief Engineering Officer | Ensign Matrix, Engineering Officer | Ensign Transitor, Engineering Officer | Ensign Alantar, Engineering Officer | Cadet Valar, Engineering Intern
Science Staff: Ensign Alyl, Assistant Chief Science Officer | Ensign Stennin, Assistant Chief of Research and Development | Ensign Winters, Science Officer (Botanist) | Ensign Winters, Science Officer
Other Starfleet Staff: Lieutenant Commander Mias, Ambassador
Civilians: Luma’Lenai, Computer Specialist | Michaella Kirian-Mias, Ambassador | Edwin Glasmaker, Chef