Emily North (Utopia Planitia)

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See also Emily North

Emily North
Name: Emily North
Rank: http://www.startrekfreedom.com/images/pips1/yellowlt.jpg
Gender: Female
Species: Betazoid
Age: 27
Position: Security Officer
Ship: Utopia Planitia
Status: Alive
James's Infobox
USS Spectre Player - Ensign (JG) James Guildford (PC)
USS Spectre Player - Ensign (JG) Julia Tagliani (SPC)
Utopia Planitia Player - Ensign (JG) James Guildford (Utopia Planitia) (SPC)
Utopia Planitia Player - Lieutenant (SG) Emily North (Utopia Planitia) (NPC)

Physical Description

Eye Colour: Black

Hair Colour: Black

Height: 5' 11

Weight: 117

Blood Colour: Red

Skin Colour: White

Physical Description: Not that tall, Emily makes up for it by being very good at her job. She has the ability to tell when people are lying and makes most people uncomfortable with her intensity. She is well built, and while not muscular is still very strong.

Family and Background

Captain Gregory North
USS Cher'ok

Emily North was the daughter of Reese and Luan Cingly of Betazed. They both died in a shuttle collision before Emily was born. She was delivered and saved by a starfleet doctor, Lt. Commander Gregory North who was on vacation at Betazed during the accident. When it became clear that she was not welcome within the remainder of her family due to her parent's elopement, Gregory adopted her and took her back aboard the USS Cher'ok where he was stationed. She spent the first fourteen years of her life with her adopted father, who as far as Emily was concerned was her father.

USS Brannock

Her father was promoted to Commander when she was eight and transferred to the USS Brannock as first officer. Emily began exploring the ship, and eventually made friends with the ships Deltan securtiy chief, Lt. Commander Narram Prex, who took her under his wing. Emily began learning how to be a security officer, even being allowed to go on patrols with the security team.

Commander Narram Prex
USS Hogger

By the time Emily was twelve her father had been promoted to Captain and given a ship straight out of the shipyards, the USS Hogger. Captain North took the Brannock's security chief and several other security officers with him to the Prentiss, and Emily continued to learn from Prex. Two years later the Dominion War started and she was sent to Delta to attend the Deltan Tactical School, where she learned tactics and combat techniques. After graduating she lived with her adopted grandparents, James and Barbara North, on Earth. Both her father and her mentor, Prex, died in the Second Battle of Chin'toka, evacuating their crew. Emily was devastated, and quickly decided that she would become a Starfleet Officer like her father and get back at the Dominion. The war was over shortly after, but Emily joined Starfleet anyway. She was accepted into red squad for her tactical abilities.


Emily was raised on starships by her father, her education was therefore built not only on the principles of the Federation, but the high standards of starfleet. She also learned about starship security and tactical abilities from Narram Prex, who later sponsored her to the Deltan Tactical Academy on Delta IV. He also sponsored her to Starfleet Academy where she was a accepted as a member of red squad due to her tactical knowledge. She graduated from Starfleet Academy in three years because of her previous experiences on board starships.

Pre-Starfleet History

Except for the death of her father in the Dominion War, there were no major events in her life before she joined Starfleet.

Starfleet History

USS Valkerie vs. Dominion Destroyer

Upon graduation from Starfleet Academy Emily was assigned to the USS Valkerie as an Ensign (JG)junior security officer. She distinguished herself on board when she rescued the first officer when a plasma manifold blew up during an attack by rogue Dominion vessels. This earned her promotion to Ensign (SG) and a position as assistant chief tactical officer.

USS Crik'ton

A year later she was promoted to Lieutenant (JG) and stationed aboard the USS Crik'ton as chief tactical officer and assistant security chief. She again distinguished herself when she led the crew in a counter attack against Jem'hadar boarding parties. She was then promoted to Lieutenant (SG).

Utopia Planitia.

Shortly after she was temporarily stationed at the Utopia Planitia Shipyards, and was permanently stationed there and attached to the Missions Operations Staff as Tactical Advisor at the request of the new Mission Operations head, Ensign (JG) James Guildford. The two quickly became good friends.

Medical History

Nothing of Note


Captain's Commendation Recieved for the rescue of the first officer on board the USS Valkerie.

Combat Action Ribbon Awarded for combat against the dominion on board the USS Valkerie, with clusters for continued action with the USS Crik'ton.

Played by Dragonman-clone