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Front Page of the STF Website at

The website of our PBeM has been under development since 1997, it has undergone 9 different updates over the years and now culminates a PHP and MySQL backbone, and allowing pages to be dynamic, members have the ability to change their character biographies and administrators to alter rosters, upload compiles and add new members.

The site consists of 554 HTML pages, 800 images and 25 page templates.

Freedom Public Relations

Our website extends it's reach into the RPG and PBeM community by offering free promotional resources: A banner exchange, linking page, website award program, a website toplist and a guestbook.

Star Trek Database

Of course, as we need our players to be well accustomed with the Star Trek universe we created a detailed database of mostly sought information: science, technology, history, law, cultures, duties and many other aspects of Star Trek world for quick and easy reference by the players and anyone who finds it useful.


Anthony designed the site layout, graphics and the code needed to displayed the dynamic content of the site, rosters and member/admin tools so that members can edit their bios or admins can edit rosters... I did this from scratch and it took months of working out the code... the site isn't some hacked portal or forum like many sites are today. Jeremy Trout did the entire database content off his own back, drawing on many sources, and where content has been used, credit is always given.

Code Example

For those interested, here is some code...

$sql = "INSERT INTO keep_compiles

(ship, compiler, filename, date)


(\"$ship\", \"$user_id\", \"$givenfile\", \"$date\")";

$result = mysql_query($sql,$connection)

or die("Couldn't execute query1.");

if ($_FILES[userfile] != "") {

copy($_FILES[userfile][tmp_name],"/home/startrek/domains/$givenfile.txt" ) or die("Couldn't copy the file.");

} else {

die("No input file specified");


Suggestions or Ideas

Have an idea about the site or want to see something added? Let me know on the Suggestions Page