Conner Tirrel

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Conner `Sandy` Tirrel

Eye Colour


Hair Colour



5 feet 11


Blood Colour


Skin Colour


Physical Description

Well Muscled, Swarthy in appearance. He is well spoken & a true gentleman.

Family and Background

Conner Tirrel is one of four children born to Sylvia & Peter Tirrel. He grew up in a small outback in his native England. His Father & Grandfather before him were both military men, both having served in a number of key conflicts in offworld locations. His family line can be traced directly back to the year 2009 when Ray Tirrel was a serving member of the UK`s Royal Marines. Conner himself has seen action in almost every theatre Starfleet has been involved in. He has been decorated for bravery on many occasions & is known as being a man never to leave a member of his team behind, dead or alive. He is married with two children.


Various educational establishments.

Pre-Starfleet History


Starfleet History

Medical History

Conner is in the peak of physical condition.


A tactical specialist & a keen martial artist, he has studied many forms of combat & is proficient with the Klingon Bat`leth, D`k tahg & Mek`leth. He is also a skilled archer.


Conner has an interest in archery & has a great interest in historical battles of times long gone.