Bolarus IX

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Bolarus IX is the planet native to the Bolians.

Bolarus, also known as Bolarus IX, Boliax and Bolias, is a Federation member and home world of the Bolian species.

Bolarus is stormily oceanic, the ninth planet in the red-dwarf Bolian system. Close to the Romulan Neutral Zone, it was a theatre of conflict in the Dominion War. (RPG Star Trek: Roleplaying Game, Starfleet Operations Manual)

The Bank of Bolias is a prominent Federation financial institution, robbed in 2374 by the Orion Syndicate.

Former Federation president Min Zife was from Bolarus, first serving as planetary district representative, then as Bolian Federation councilor, and finally as president. Bolarus' current councillor is Nea. (TNG: Conspiracy, Star Trek: Star Charts, DS9: Honor Among Thieves, A Time to Kill, Articles of the Federation)

Of the many unexplained names, it's thought that Bolarus is the Bolian name for the planet, Bolarus IX the stellocartographic name, Boliax the planet name used in Elite Force, and Bolias the system primary.