Sky Spirits

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The Sky Spirits are a warp-capable humanoid race from the Delta Quadrant. They possess advanced cloaking and weather control technology, but also maintain a deep affinity with nature.

Sky Spirits.jpg

Some 45,000 years ago, the Sky Spirits visited Earth on generational ships. There they encountered a group of primitive humans, who shared their respect for the land and its creatures. Therefore, the Sky Spirits gave them a genetic gift, that imparted in them a spirit of curiosity and adventure. These Inheritors then spread through North and South American continents, giving rise to many Native American tribes such as the Rubber Tree People.

The Spirits returned periodically to Earth. On their last visit, they found the Inheritors decimated by disease and war, and believed that they had been wiped out. In fact, the Inheritors had survived, many by scattering and assimilating into other societies. Into the 24th century, some had spread onto other planets.

In 2372, the USS Voyager discovered the homeworld of the Sky Spirits while searching for polyferranide. At first the Sky Spirits hid themselves, summoning powerful electrical storms in an attempt to drive them away. However, they revealed themselves after Commander Chakotay showed that he was a descendant of the Inheritors. (VOY: "Tattoo")

In 2407 the USS Rosenante encountered a Sky Spirit vessel that had been trapped by The Harvester.