Jennifer Smith

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Comming Soon
Jennifer Smith
Name: Jennifer Smith
Rank: 2ltflt.jpg
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Age: 25
Position: Flight Officer
Ship: USS Paladin
Status: Active

Genral Info

Name: Jennifer Smith

Age: 25

Sex: Female

Species: Human

Eye Colour: Brown

Hair Colour: Brown

Height: 6'2

Weight: 145

Blood Color: Red

Skin Color: White

Physical Description

She is tall and has an athletic figure

Family and Background

Her parents are both in the Marines. has an older sister in SFI. Also has brothers and sisters in the marines and starfleet.


Trained as a nurse in the Edinburgh Royal Infermary in Edinburgh

Pre-Starfleet History

A qualified nurse on permanent night shift. Experienced flying from a marine friend of the family and decided to become a pilot.

Starfleet History

Normal Starfleet traning majored in flight and speshalised in fighter and small craft.

Medical History

None to speak of


Likes to read old military thrillers, enjoys running and swimming


highly skilled pilot. can fly anything.