Oona Siddig

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Oona Siddig

Oona Siddig

  • Vital Statistics
    • Age: 28
    • Gender: Female
    • Birthplace: Moon of Poosh
  • Physical Information
    • Eye Color: Brown
    • Hair Color: Black
    • Height: 5 feet, 7 inches
    • Weight: 60 kg
    • Skin Color: Purple and Pink

Physical Description[edit]

She has a strong athletic figure and a long flexible tail


She has an identical sister Sibal Siddig


Pre- Albatross Organisation History[edit]

Albatross Organisation History[edit]

She and her sister applied to the Albatross Organisation training academy. After she had completed her training and was assigned with Sibal the SS Road Runner as its chief engineer with Sibal as part of the HAZ-SUP Flotilla.

She participated in the attack on the Serenity. Which was attacked and boarded by ships and marines of the HAZ-SUP Flotilla along with elements of the 52nd Fleet and attached Marine Corp. The infected crew has been removed to a quarantine facility for investigation and treatment.

Due to the severity of the damage to the SS Road Runner and after the Serenity had gone through extensive refit and repair at the MRD Lily Sloane Mobile Repair Dock and she was assigned to the USS Serenity as Chief Engineer.

Current Assignment[edit]

Assigned to the USS Serenity as the Chief Engineer.

Medical History[edit]

None known problems at this time


She is a talented engineer in her own right but when working with her sister Sibal there are no better technical minds.

Other Information[edit]


General Notes[edit]

She has different skin color and hairstyle to her sister Sibal


Oona Siddig is played by User Robbie Gray