Errol Heatherby

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Vice Admiral Errol Heatherby
Vice Admiral Errol Heatherby
Name: Errol Charles Heatherby
Age: 58
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Herefordshire, UK
Species: Human
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Gray
Height: 5 foot 8
Weight: 175 lbs
Blood Color: Red
Skin Color: Caucasian
Current rank: Vice Admiral
Current Position: Starfleet Command Logistics
Assignment: Starfleet Command
Starfleet Command
Status: Mission SPC

Early Life

Errol Heartherby was born in Herefordshire, UK on Earth in 2350 to Sir Thomas Heatherby and Lady Anna Sherford out of wedlock. His birth caused quite a stir at the time, primarily because Anna Sherford was married to another man Sir Arnold Sherford.

For the first four years of his life, Errol stayed with his mother who remained married to Sir Sherford, until eventually they could not abide by their marriage any longer.

Anna divorced her husband and less than a year later was married to Errol's father.

Despite their rocky beginnings the couple lived a long and happy life in a nice quite estate close to the Welsh border.

Errol grew up playing cricket, football and rugby were his athletic skill eventually brought him to the rank of captain for each of those teams during his secondary education.

In addition, it soon became well known that the young man possessed a keen intellect as well as charisma. He was lucky with the ladies and well regarded by his peers.

He graduated from his secondary eduction at the top of his class and was accepted to the prestigeous Trinity College in Cambridge.

He began his University career in 2368. Quickly assuming the captaincy of the Rugby and Cricket teams at the college.

His first year he spent studying Military history and science with the intention of becoming a military historian. That changed however, when he was introduced to a member of Starfleet Intelligence, a Captain Fredrick Rogerston.

Captain Rogerston had a profound influence on the young Heatherby, pointing him away from the field of military history and into the fields of Military Theory and Political sceince.

His sophomore year at Trinity, Errol focused his attentions entirely on the pursuit of knowledge. He spent a great deal of time in the College Library, digesting a wide variety of publications and developing the educated command style that would come to serve him so well in years to come.

Heatherby returned to sports his Junior year, once again captaining the Rugby, Football and Cricket teams. He also joined the Rowing team.

His desire to excel, however, did not stop there. Errol added additional hours to his already heavy curriculum. When he wasn't training for his sports or in class, he spent the vast majority of his time in academic pursuits in the colleges expansive library.

At the end of his four years at the college, Errol graduation valdevictorian, with two bachelor's degrees, one in political Science the other in military science.

Upon his graduation, Errol made his way to San Francisco to take the entry exam for Starfleet Academy.

It was no surprise with Errol's well excercised intellect that he scored the tenth highest score on the entry exam in the entire history of the academy. This brought him under the immediate scrutiny of the Academy CO as well as the instructors who all saw in him the potential to become another one of the great Officers of the fleet.

Unlike most cadets who wait until their second or even third year at the academy to select a branch to serve in, Errol immediately selected the Command branch.

He studied hard, focusing on the principles of command, starship tactics and logistics. He also displayed exceptional athletic prowess in a variety of academy sports teams and events, including running the Academy Marathon an unprecedented four times during his academy career.

Errol seemed destined for greatness, turning every challenge to gold with ease. But his ability to cope with failure would soon be put to the test.

Upon Graduation, Errol was surprised that he ranked only second in his class of 2376. The top position came from an unlikely person, Cadet Rodrigo Doenitz.

Heatherby accepted his second place position grimly, determined to discover why this other cadet had managed to outpace him.

An after graduation encounter between the two men turned to violence, with both men battered and bruised and hauled before the Academy CO, as they had not yet been assigned to a duty post.

The two men explained that they had been testing each other's self defense skills and had gotten a bit carried away. The Starfleet Academy CO, while capable of expelling his two brightest students for a serious breach of regulations, decided instead to reprimand them rather than ruin their careers.

The next day the two men parted ways.Each on their way to their first posting.

USS Tanzania

Errol's first assignment was as Quartermaster of the USS Tanzania, an Excelsior Class starship. He served with distinction and was credited with acting decisively during an away mission in 2379, which brought him a promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade.

His hard work paid off and he was eventually given the opportunity to serve on the bridge of the Tanzania in the capacity of Helmsman.

USS Rothgar

The USS Rothgar

In 2380, Errol transferred to the USS Rothgar a Nebula Class heavy cruiser. One of the first of the new line to be commissioned.

His official position remained that of helmsman, however, he quickly asked for permission and was granted the ability to cross train in security and tactical systems.

Errol's forethought, eventually made him the right person for the job, when in 2382 the vessel encountered an unknown species (later identified as a Cardassian vessel), engaged the Rothgar.

In the initial salvo of the battle, the Rothgar's bridge was struck, killing the ship's Chief Tactical Officer and seriously injuring several other senior crew, including himself.

With limited instruction from the captain or first officer, due to their injuries, Heatherby took command of the Rothgar and managed to severely damage the unidentified alien vessel.

He then managed to withdraw the ship from the conflict, avoiding pursuit. For his actions he was awarded the Starfleet Shield and promoted to Lieutenant Senior Grade.

Errol proved his diplomatic skills by assisting in the negotiations with the Kelmar, to guarantee their neutrality in a conflict with the Orion Syndicate. His smooth negotiations prevented an invasion by the Syndicate by aligning the Kelmar with the Federation, while allowing the Kelmar complete political and economic sovereignty.

Later as a result of this alliance, the Kelmar joined the UFP as a member world. In their gratitude for his assistance, They erected a commemorative statue of the proceedings in their council hall to remind them of the role that the federation diplomats played in ensuring their sovereignty. Errol's position in the statue is prominent.

During his time aboard the USS Rothgar Errol was promoted to Lieutenant Commander and became the First Officer of that ship.

USS Bastion

In 2391, Errol accepted a position aboard the USS Bastion, a sovereign class starship as it's first officer. Along with this positional chance came the rank of full Commander.

Errol served with distinction in both a diplomatic and a military aspect as the occassion required.

He saw action in several small skirmishes with the Cardassians as well as the Breen and the Orions during his time aboard the Bastion.

Upon the retirement of the Bastion's Commanding Officer, Captain Emilia Giovetti, in 2392, Errol was offered and accepted the command of that ship.

Errol served as Captain for only two years before the outbreak of the Cardassian-Federation War. His vessel was involved in three critical operations, including a a fleet action where he was seriously injured.

Unable to keep the Bastion from the front lines, Errol was shifted to Starfleet Command during his medical recovery and the vessel was given to another captain. The Bastion was later destroyed during the Battle of Cardassia in defense of her crippled sister ship the USS Tripoli.

Irregular Federation Forces

With the reformation of the Irregular Federation Forces, during the Cardassian war, Errol was offered a senior command position as a theater operations commander. This positional change came with the promotion to Rear Admiral in 2394.

Taking lessons from history, heatherby formed a specialized unit of mercenary captains with operated from the Ikev Sector near Cardassian space. They conducted a series of raids and attacks on Cardassian supply lines and facilites, forcing the Cardassian Union to maintain a strong military presence in that region, instead of sending their troops to other critical areas of the conflict zone.

The sector was dominated by an area known as The Mill. A very dynamic portion of space filled by a very unstable and hazardous asteroid field.

The Mill became a area that was soon to be feared by the Cardassians, as the I.F.F. forces would repeatedly draw them into the area and crush them.

Upon ceasation of the war with the Cardassians Errol returned to Starfleet Command as the First Fleet's Executive Officer.

The Federation Civil War

The surface of Alpha Serapsis 149

When Admiral Doenitz usurped control of the Federation government, Errol saw a new opportunity to build his own power base, while at the same time distancing himself somewhat from the ruthlessness of the new Federation President.

Errol managed to convince Doentiz to allow him to take command of one of the major flanks along the line of the now-hot conflict between the United federation of planets and the 52nd Fleet.

This action was a smart move, as it put Errol uncharacteristically distant from the majority of the fighting.

He was not forced to conduct any brutal invasions or to put down any significant resistance to the Doenite Regime. Instead, he could focus completely on the military aspects of his command.

He once again managed to acquire the services of ome of his I.F.F. officers, whose activities, were then focused into military actions of a covert nature, rather than an overt nature.

He utilized these Irregular units to conduct small raids against military targets, careful to avoid engaging any civilian assets whenever possible. he also used his smugglers to gather and provide intelligence to the strategic operations command and to provide an additional reserve force for the critical supply lines that he was tasked with guarding.

During the conflict, he was one of the few officers from the Doenitz regime that was asked to serve on the tribunals for some of the senior admiralty, because both sides considered him to be beyond reproach.

In 2407, Errol Heatherby shifted his position from a static command post to the bridge of the USS Defender, a modified Sovereign Class vessel, which he made his flagship. He did this in response to spotty intelligence reports that the 52nd fleet as planning to conduct a raid through the sector of space under his safe-keeping. He began planning for a large-scale attack, never realizing that the 52nd Fleet were not sending a fleet but a single vessel. it was during this time that he would encounter Captain Saleke.

Late in 2407, the attack began. The starship the The USS Poseidon, a Norway Class cruiser under the command of the 52nd fleet captain Saleke, breached the 2nd Fleet's defensive line and began to operate behind the lines, destroying key early warning facilities and disrupting supply and control routes and facilities. It was during this time that he served with then Lieutenant Commander Brian Romeo. Later he would promote Romeo to commander and assign him to a reaserch facility at Hexikor Alpha developing a Paratrinic Shield Generator.

Frustrated by the captains in his fleet to catch and deal with this single vessel, Errol, assumed complete command of the Defender and went on the hunt.

The Defender encountered the Norway Class ship near the Canopius System planetoid Alpha Serapsis 149.

The fight was quick and brutal, with both commanders attempting to get the better of their opponent.In the end the USS Poseidon could not withstand the enhanced firepower of the USS Defender and was destroyed presumably with all hands.

The war came to an end when a few weeks later the brunt of the 52nd fleet brushed aside all remaining resistance from the 2nd fleet on their drive to Earth.

Admiral Heatherby was captured by the USS Amistadt during the conflict and for him the war was finished.

A few days later the conflict between the 52nd fleet and the 1st Mars Defense Fleet, began. The 52nd fleet managed to breach the Mars Defense Perimeter and managed to capture president Doentiz, thus bringing an end to the war.

Post Civil War

As with all other senior Admiralty serving during the Civil war, Errol was called before a tribunal, where he was exhonerated of any wrong-doing. In fact, his record was such that he was reinstated and promoted to the rank of Vice Admiral.

He served on several tribunals where he was known to be fair and just in his deliberations.

He returned to starfleet command, where he joined the Fleet operations and logistics branch. Later when indications became clear that the federation had been spied upon by the Mirror Universe Imperial Union of Planets during the civil War, Heatherby was made part of a special Starfleet Intelligence command taskforce to curtail such activities.

Into the Darkness, Go I

File:Battle Sunali II.jpg
Battle of Sunali II

The Admiral, upon hearing of the survival and rescue of his one-time enemy Captain Saleke, assigned him to command the USS Furious, a Prometheus Class starship.

Errol was concerned that a conspiracy of some sort was underway in the Ikev Sector near the cardassian border. He assigned the USS Furious there, as well as the USS Rosenante. In an attempt to have better control of these two Captains.

Unfortuneatly his plans were interrupted by the abrupt arrival of the ISS Rosenante from the Mirror Universe.

The ship proceeded without concern to unravel years of careful planning by the Omega Conspiracy to develop a stable Omega Device.

Several key facilities including Station Omega were revealed and destroyed by the Imperial Starship.

After a battle at Sunali II, between the USS Furious and their ally the USS Rosenante against the ISS Rosenante. Information came to light that strongly suggested that Admiral Heatherby was involved as a co-conspirator.

Because of his unique position in his counterintelligence work against the Mirror Universe and because the information had been acquired supplied by the Mirror Universe Ahmed Ibn Salid, the data was considered untenable and no charges were brought. JAG and Starfleet intellignece, however, have stated that they will conduct an investigation.

The Heatherby Revolt

The Heatherby Revolt was a period in Federation history stretching from Stardate 2411.01.20 through Stardate 2412.02.14.

The revolt was a resurgence of the revolution of Doenitz Loyalists which initially began the Federation Civil War. The revolt was staged by senior officers that had been overlooked after the civil war because they had not committed the same degree or types of atrocities undertaken by the majority of those within president Doenitz's coupe.

A continuation of a less extreme version of the initial military-industrial regime originally espoused by Admiral Doenitz, the Heatherby Revolt was lead by a more cunning and much more politically saavy Admiral Errol Heatherby.

Initial plans of the Heartherby Revolutionaries involved the creation and threatened use of a device utilizing the Omega Molecule. However the unexpected intervention of the ISS Rosenante and the USS Rosenante resulted in the premature destruction of the Omega Device in 2407, as well as the destruction of Station Omega. The plan was that once the device was completed it would be used as a blackmail tool to bloodlessly overthrow the Government of the United Federation of Planets. In this way Heatherby hoped to spare the still recovering Federation another repeated bloody and costly civil war.

When these plans were shattered, Heatherby turned his sights towards a new plan, which involved the integration of Heatherby loyalist officers to be spread throughout the fleet and in key positions inside the Federation Government. He was a patient man and made clandestine agreements with Regent Doenitz from the Mirror Universe to utilize a task force of starships to reinforce his political move.

When the 52nd Fleet, a full half of the entire Starfleet disappeared on stardate 2408.12.27, heather quickly began to put the finishing touches on his plan. On Stardate 2411.01.20, heatherby lead a quick and effective clandestine operation to capture Starfleet Command, while simultaneously capturing key members of the Government as well as admirals and key commanding officers through out the fleet.

Offices of the UFP President- Paris, Earth

His operation went smoothly, and with a minimum amount of fuss he convinced the Federation Council to appoint him President of the Federation for life. When rumors began to circulate that some starship captains had decided to gather and prepare to launch a second civil war, Heatherby called in his favor to the Mirror Universe Regent and provided the location of the gathering task force preparing to oppose him.

A fleet of Mirror Universe vessels under the command of Commodore Ahmed Ibn Salid was dispatched and ambushed the unprepared and gathering traditionalist task force. Nearly a hundred starships were destroyed in the battle, most of them belonging to those wishing to resist Heatherby's new Federation. Those that were not destroyed fled to Romulan Space

The revolt lasted for a year as Heatherby attempted to prove that he was prepared to be a strong and beneficial leader for the Federation. And while he was not responsible for large-scale genocides or military actions against the population, the means by which he came to power always left a sour taste in the mouths of those he claimed to serve.

In the end, It was rioting in the streets and general unrest along with constant Romulan interference aided by the remaining elements of the traditionalists that caused Heatherby to turn over the reigns of power through abdication.

The Revolt officially ended on Stardate 2414.02.14 with the inauguration of a new and legally elected Federation president. While several participants in the revolt were arrested, tried and imprisoned, Heatherby was never captured.

It is believed that he may have fled to the Mirror Universe. Currently Heatherby is amongst the most wanted criminals in the United Federation of Planets.

Errol Heatherby has appeared in the USS Rosenante missions:Into the Darkness, Go I and Equals and Opposites.