Editing Christopher Adams The Unexpected Odyssey The Sphere

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"Understood," said Adams. "We are already in the process of running a level two diagnostic on the engines. Once we've done that, it will take at least twenty minutes to bring the warp engines back online. Since they were shut down, we have to initiate the cold start up sequence. I will have a full report up to Lieutenant Matrix on the bridge in a few minutes."
"Understood," said Adams. "We are already in the process of running a level two diagnostic on the engines. Once we've done that, it will take at least twenty minutes to bring the warp engines back online. Since they were shut down, we have to initiate the cold start up sequence. I will have a full report up to Lieutenant Matrix on the bridge in a few minutes."
(reply O'Connor, iyw)

Adams went back to his sensor sweep and took reports from the other engineering staff on the different decks of the ship. He assembled the data and sent it to Lieutenant Matrix.
Adams went back to his sensor sweep and took reports from the other engineering staff on the different decks of the ship. He assembled the data and sent it to Lieutenant Matrix.
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=== Day: 2 - Stardate: 2407.01.31 ===
=== Day: 2 - Stardate: 2407.01.31 ===

==== (USS Paladin - Conference Room 1 - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 0759) ====
(USS Paladin - Conference Room 1 - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 0759)

Ensign Christopher Adams walked into the conference room. He was just getting of his shift in Engineering and was famished. He noticed several of the officers eating breakfast and spotted a breakfast table set up. With a nod to the captain, he walked over to retrieve some food. After picking up a pastry and pouring some orange juice, he took his place next to his CO, Lieutenant Matrix.
Ensign Christopher Adams walked into the conference room. He was just getting of his shift in Engineering and was famished. He noticed several of the officers eating breakfast and spotted a breakfast table set up. With a nod to the captain, he walked over to retrieve some food. After picking up a pastry and pouring some orange juice, he took his place next to his CO, Lieutenant Matrix.
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"Lt. O'Connor has also recently been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant junior grade and named to the position of Second Officer," Eva said, then turning toward O'Connor, inclined her head slightly and lead the crew in one last round of applause.
"Lt. O'Connor has also recently been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant junior grade and named to the position of Second Officer," Eva said, then turning toward O'Connor, inclined her head slightly and lead the crew in one last round of applause.
(Reply O'Connor)

Once the applause and all the mutual congratulations were finished, Eva retook her seat.  "Now to departmental status reports," She said, looking around to see who would be the first to speak up.
Once the applause and all the mutual congratulations were finished, Eva retook her seat.  "Now to departmental status reports," She said, looking around to see who would be the first to speak up.
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"Understood," added Adams with a nod of his head.
"Understood," added Adams with a nod of his head.
(reply Trei, Weir, Rath)

With that, the commander turned around and pressed a button on the panel in front of him. With a beep, a comm channel was opened to the bridge.
With that, the commander turned around and pressed a button on the panel in front of him. With a beep, a comm channel was opened to the bridge.
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Eva then leaned back in her chair, turned her attention back to the main view screen and waited.
Eva then leaned back in her chair, turned her attention back to the main view screen and waited.
"Aye, sir." Joran turned back to his station, and watched the sensor data start to pour in. He started scanning the data for an opening, looking for any sign of an entrance point, praying they didn't run into the same snag as the Enterprise did 40 years ago...

==== (Shuttle craft Goddard, Pilot seat, FSXO 1st Lt. Stephiea Rath, 1450) ====
==== (Shuttle craft Goddard, Pilot seat, FSXO 1st Lt. Stephiea Rath, 1450) ====
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“No, Sir.” Cerinne confirmed with a quick look back at the data, though she didn’t think that the last Dyson Sphere being uninhabited had any bearing on the likelihood of this one being inhabited. ~Though it is always good to check and I don’t think that this one is inhabited, either.~
“No, Sir.” Cerinne confirmed with a quick look back at the data, though she didn’t think that the last Dyson Sphere being uninhabited had any bearing on the likelihood of this one being inhabited. ~Though it is always good to check and I don’t think that this one is inhabited, either.~
"Then I don't expect an answer from our hails." The Commander replied, addressing Adams next. Cerinne made note of the reading and kept an eye out of anything unusual.
"Then I don't expect an answer from our hails." Coming to a realization that communication would not go far with this specific situation, it was time to move to step two.
"Then I don't expect an answer from our hails." Coming to a realization that communication would not go far with this specific situation, it was time to move to step two.
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Detron turned and gave Adams a nod of approval for some great insight.  Detron looked at the giant metal sphere towering over them now and sighed with wonder.
Detron turned and gave Adams a nod of approval for some great insight.  Detron looked at the giant metal sphere towering over them now and sighed with wonder.
"Laying in a course," Rath said, her eyes on her console.  "We don't know if this sphere was made by the same race that made the one encountered by the Enterprise, but I guess it's as good a place to start as any thing else.  Right Sir?"  She finished looking at Commander Capps for his confirmation of the change in course.  The shuttle shook suddenly drawing Rath's attention back to her console. 

"Laying in a course," Rath said, her eyes on her console.  "We don't know if this sphere was made by the same race that made the one encountered by the Enterprise, but I guess it's as good a place to start as any thing elseRight Sir?"  She finished looking at Commander Capps for his confirmation of the change in course. The shuttle shook suddenly drawing Rath's attention back to her console. 
"A gravimetric distortion of some type," She said, as the shuttle rocked a second time, though weaker than the first.  "Not positive, but it looks like it's being artificially created some howI'm altering our orbit slightly to try and compensate for the distortion."

Detron felt a jolt as they orbited the sphere.  A gravitational disturbance generated by the sphere passed throught the shuttle.  The orbit was adjusted and exploration continued.  Weir and Adams believe that this sphere is made from a different creator that the Enterprise Encounter.   
Detron felt a jolt as they orbited the sphere.  A gravitational disturbance generated by the sphere passed throught the shuttle.  The orbit was adjusted and exploration continued.  Weir and Adams believe that this sphere is made from a different creator that the Enterprise Encounter.   
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"Only that it's almost certain this sphere was constructed by different people than constructed the Enterprise Sphere, we still haven't been able to get our sensors to read anything under the skin."
"Only that it's almost certain this sphere was constructed by different people than constructed the Enterprise Sphere, we still haven't been able to get our sensors to read anything under the skin."
Michael said, obviously disappointed.
<nowiki>=^=</nowiki> Mr. O'Connor we have encountered a gravitational distortion beam that was directly targeted at us. Lt Matrix was able to pick it up on his sensors as well. We will be investigating its origin shortly. Keep a close eye on us. <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>

Michael said, obviously disappointed.
"We will, I'll have Lt. Matrix ready to snap that beam if you get into trouble or want to abort.  I'm also alerting transporters to standby for an emergency beam out if anything looks shaky."  Michael said.
"keep an open comm line with us for now, better safe than sorry."

==== (Shuttlecraft Goddard - Engineering Station - Ensign Christopher Adams - 1502) ====
==== (Shuttlecraft Goddard - Engineering Station - Ensign Christopher Adams - 1502) ====
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"Sir," he said aloud glancing up at Commander Capps. "It appears that the gravitational beam has intensified. We can still break free or beam out, but we are starting to descend. The inertial dampeners are under a lot of stress and I've diverted power from the weapons to compensate."
"Sir," he said aloud glancing up at Commander Capps. "It appears that the gravitational beam has intensified. We can still break free or beam out, but we are starting to descend. The inertial dampeners are under a lot of stress and I've diverted power from the weapons to compensate."

Calvin's ears perked shortly after he got off the comm line with Lt O'Conner. Ensign Adams called for his attention. Calvin listened with the best he could as a nearby panel exploded. "Continue monitoring the intensity of the beam. We are landing." Calvin made the decision to go a head. The risk seemed minimal. If they needed out they could. Lt Matrix had already given them his assurance.
(reply Capps)

With a nod of acknowledgement, Ensign Adams stood up with engineering case in hand. He pulled out a tricorder and started to scan the damaged readout station panel.
With a nod of acknowledgement, Ensign Adams stood up with engineering case in hand. He pulled out a tricorder and started to scan the damaged readout station panel.

Ensign Adams stood over the shattered readout station, tiny sparks still dancing from within the broken plastic. A few taps of his tricorder and it was tied into the shuttlecraft's systems giving him control of the internal workings of the power conduits. A few more taps and the sparks stopped and the readout station went dark. He then ran a diagnostic to see what caused the overload. It was what he expected. The gravitational beam was causing spikes in the power systems having to do with the inertial dampeners. Dumping extra power from the weapons was the right call. That was unless the gravitational beam increased.
(reply Capps, any on shuttlecraft, any on Paladin)  
Ensign Adams returned to his seat and reported in to the first officer. "The immediate problem with the station has been neutralized. We will have to wait until we get back to the Paladin before I can repair it properly. With the power diverted to the inertial dampeners, we can withstand 50 kilopascals of pressure on the hull. If it rises much more than that, we will have more panels exploding. I suggest we either land or get Lieutenant Matrix to cut the beam and we return to the Paladin. If the beam starts to increase we could start to break up."
"Lt Rath, let the beam take us in, but minimize the aggression of the ride down.”
Bowing to the will of the gravitational beam, the Shuttlecraft Goddard slowly descended towards the set of buildings which had been identified as the source of the beam. The stress on the hull returned to normal tolerance levels once the ship started to descend on its own accord.
"Readings from outside the shuttle are pure vacuum with temperatures nearing absolute zero," warned Ensign Adams to the rest of the away team. "We are going to need to put on EVA suits with magnetic boots in order to travel across the surface."
Adams walked to the back of the shuttle and opened up the storage locker which contained just enough EVA suits for the away team. Adams breathed a sign of relief when he noticed that the suits had been equipped just for this away team. He wasn't looking forward to squeezing into a standard issue suit. He started putting on the suit with some help from his crewmates. Finally he dawned the helmet. Once it was locked into place the lights inside the helmet lit up giving the ensign's face a kind of washed out look.
Detron put on the EVA Suit in the back of the suttle.  The suit was another first for Detron.  Detron understood the scenerio of searching on foot and resolved himself to it
~This search will be like walking on a giant disco ball.  A giant disco ball with frocen tiles.  Cool.~
Once the entire away team was dressed, the hatch to the shuttlecraft was opened up allowing all the air inside the shuttle to vent off into space. Looking out the hatch, Ensign Adams could see a metal horizon for as far as the eye could see. Looking up, he saw the Paladin a safe distance away monitoring their every move. The young engineer stepped out and his boots locked to the surface of the sphere. A few more steps and he could see the metal buildings which were the source of the gravitational beam. Tricorder in hand, he lifted it up the helmet's face shield so that he could see the readings.
<nowiki>=/=</nowiki>Still no life signs, <nowiki>=\=</nowiki> reported Ensign Adams over the EVA suit's built in comm system. <nowiki>=/=</nowiki>I can confirm the Paladin's scans. The metal alloy of this sphere are completely different than the sphere encountered by the Enterprise. I suggest that we head over to the buildings. I'm getting faint power readings, but it's hard for my scanner to penetrate any part of the sphere. <nowiki>=\=</nowiki>
Having landed on the surface of the Dyson Sphere, Cerinne trod carefully over it in her Environmental suit. Most of the readings she was receiving were interesting, but of little practical use at the moment. The EVA suit was stifling and few things made Cerinne more uncomfortable than being within one. It was such an odd feeling, really.
The construction techniques that she observed as she walked were one of the many variables that Cerinne made note of as she searched for some sort of entrance or exit.
<nowiki>=/=</nowiki>Before sensors went offline the beam originated 100 yards in that direction.<nowiki>=\=</nowiki> Calvin informed the rest of the team as he pointed in front of him. Calvin then began walking slowly. With the graviton boots on it would take longer to walk the usual small distance. The team had spread out, as each of them began their scans.
Detron was the second to step on the Dyson Sphere.  Commander Capps was looking at the surface with PADD in hand.  The EVA Suit felt constricting and uncomfortable.  Detron had the strange urge to break out into a disco medley and dance like John Travolta.  He waited for the feeling to pass.
Adams looked in the direction the commander was pointing and started slowly walking towards the building in the distance.
Ensign Christopher Adams started walking towards the source of the gravitation beam with the rest of the away team when a chirp came over the comm system. His CO, Lieutenant Matrix, was attempting to hail him. He touched a button on the back of his forearm to open a private channel to the Paladin.
<nowiki>=^=</nowiki>Matrix to Ensign Adams, <nowiki>=^=</nowiki> came Matrix's voice into his helmet. <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>Chris...I've got your telemetry up in engineering and will be with you if you need anything. <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>
"Acknowledged, sir," responded Adams.
<nowiki>=^=</nowiki>I can upload historical information, metallurgic analysis, anything you need. Just give a shout. <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>
"Thanks. It's good to know I'm not alone out here. Walking along this giant metal landscape with just the sound of your breathing can be pretty intimidating. We are heading towards the gravitation beam now. I will report back when I get there. Adams out."
<nowiki>=^=</nowiki>I'll keep you close to the sensors Ensign. Shout if you need anything.
Matrix out. <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>
After 10 minutes of walking slowly to the spot of the gravitational beam the away team now stood around the beam emitter assembly. It was a short cylinder  device that was bolted to a rotational coupling that could move in any direction giving it a fair range of mobility. Calvin thought that the entire outer sphere had these placed in certain areas to make the coverage one hundred percent around the sphere.
After walking for ten minutes Ensign Adams reached the source of the gravitational beam along with the rest of the away team. Adams walked around the device several times with tricorder in hand taking scans.
"Adams to Matrix," stated Adams opening a comm channel to the engineering station on the Paladin. "We've reached the source and we are starting to investigate. I will let you know if we run into trouble."
<nowiki>=^=</nowiki>Acknowledged Mr. Adams. Be careful. Use that Star Fleet training of yours. <nowiki>=^=</nowiki> Matrix smiled as he watched the scanner readouts.
<nowiki>=/=</nowiki>This gravitational beam lead us here, it won't let go of the Goddard, and we need to find a way inside the sphere, <nowiki>=\=</nowiki> announced Commander Calvin Capps over the inner-suit comm system. <nowiki>=/=</nowiki>We need to find a way to deactivate this beam to free the Goddard. We will then plot a safe distance away, and we will need another plan on how to investigate. Mr. Adams do you have any ideas on how we could disable this. <nowiki>=\=</nowiki>
"Nothing from the outside looks obvious," reported Adams. "There's a plasma exhaust vent over here on the side that we could possible use to access in the inside. Detron, can you help me remove this panel?"
The Klingon security officer pried the panel off allowing Adams to start scanning the inside. After poking around a bit Ensign Adams discovered a latch system. Reaching his large gloved hands into the panel, he depressed the latch and noticed as a panel on the right side of the device popped open. A few more scans and Ensign Adams had a plan of action.
"Okay. It looks like we are going to have to do this in two phases. Sir, I need you at this open panel to cut the power leads here and here," explained Adams pointing at two tiny cylinders on a small circuit board. "Ensign Trei and myself will be working on backing up the exhaust port. That will hopefully cause an overload and fry the system."
Calvin finished his step before the others to attempt the 2nd unlocking of the beam. Ensign Adams and Ensign Trei were both working on the next phase. As they were doing so Calvin looked in the direction of the Goddard. The shuttle was sitting in the same place as it did when the away team had gotten out of it. But of course it was, why would it not be? A gruesome feeling hit deep into Calvin's gut suddenly. Something was about to go wrong. He could feel it.
It appeared that Commander Capps had finished cutting the power leads and it was now up to Ensigns Adams and Trei to finish the second phase of taking the gravitational beam out of commission. Suddenly, Adams could feel vibrations through his magnetic boots and noticed the panel he was working on was starting to shake.
The scene around him seemed to slow down as his concerned raised. He turned his head to check up on the rest of the team, but they were continuing to work on the beam. A tiny, but distinct movement rumbled underneath the First Officer's feet. His head pivoted toward the shuttle again, and watched  the Goddard move underneath the sphere surface.
<nowiki>=/=</nowiki>Lt Rath what is going on! <nowiki>=\=</nowiki> came Commander Capps's voice over the inner-suit comm system.
Adams came around the device to see the Goddard starting to slowly sink into the surface of the sphere. He stood there in awe not sure what to do next.
<nowiki>=/=</nowiki>Beam us aboard! <nowiki>=\=</nowiki> yelled the commander to the navigator still on board the shuttlecraft.
"Adams to Matrix," the young engineer stated after, clicking the button on the back of his forearm and isolating his voice so that all the comm traffic didn't get it he way of the rescue attempt from the Goddard. "We are in trouble. The Goddard is being pulled into the sphere and Capps is ordering us to beam back to the shuttle. Be advised that we may lose contact."
<nowiki>=^=</nowiki>We got you Ensign. <nowiki>=^=</nowiki>
"Understood and thanks. Adams out."
Rath was still sitting in the pilot seat of the Goddard keeping tabs on the rest of the away team with the shuttles sensors.
She could hear the sound of the transporter effect behind her as the rest of the Away Team materialized onboard just as the surface of the Sphere passed over the shuttle windows and the Goddard was enveloped into the Sphere. 
The ride was amazingly smooth considering, to Steph it looked like they were passing through solid metal, but the shuttle only shook mildly.
After what seemed to Steph like hours but was actually only a matter of seconds, the Goddard emerged from out of the Sphere and sensor came back on line.
They were now inside the Sphere.  The graviton beams placed the Goddard several thousands kilometer away from the inner surface of the Sphere and then disengaged.  Steph let out the breath she hadn't realized she had been holding. 
"We're in!" She said to no one in particular turning her attention back to her console and activating the shuttles thrusters into station keeping.  "Wow," She whispered as she looked at the data coming in on the navigational computer.  The interior of the Sphere stretched out around them.  In the far distance, about half the distance between the Sphere and the local star was another half sphere that appeared to be some type of massive energy collector as well as providing a day\night cycle for anyone living on the interior of the Sphere. 
"Good work, whoever it was," Steph said, trying to shake the almost overwhelming sense of awe she was feeling.  "I am now picking up A LOT of plant and animal life signs-" She paused as she looked over the sensor data a few more seconds. "But not anything that looks like intelligent life.
Ensign Jhar?"  She asked hoping the science officer could confirm, or deny, Steph's statement. 
“From what I can see, I’m not seeing any biological evidence of intelligent life, though some of the surface scans are showing indications that structures may exist, though they may have been abandoned long ago.” Cerinne answered, excited by all the new data that she was receiving. “There are a number of climates in the sphere – all M-Class – but what we would think of as Artic, Temperate, Tropical, Desert, Rainforest…they are all here. I am also receiving scans that indicate large bodies of water and marine life within said water.” She continued, wondering with a smile if, in the grand tradition of some of the more arrogant European explorers in Earth history, she should name the large lake now being analyzed on her viewscreen as ‘Lake Jhar.’ ~Eh. I think that I’m the first person to have seen it - I think that is all that matters in this game,~ she thought, bringing up other scans and marveling at the diversity of flora and fauna.
"Engines are at full power and we are free to navigate Commander," Rath added, pausing to look over at Commander Capps. "Shall we take a look around the neighborhood?"
Cerinne withstood the impulse to say ‘Yes, yes, may we?’ – though she certainly thought about it.
====(USS Paladin - Deck 51, Engineering - Ensign Christopher Adams - 2100)====
It seemed like a lifetime, but only five hours ago Ensign Adams and the rest of the away team were the first people from the Alpha Quadrant to ever enter this newly discovered Dyson Sphere. Trapped on the inside, cut off from all communication with the Paladin, it only seemed logical that their first set of objectives would be to get out.
The Goddard set down next to another communication array on the interior of the sphere. Working with the other members of the away team, they figured out what activated the portal which allowed them to pass through the Dyson Sphere. It turned out that communications at a certain frequency were picked up by the communication array and translated into a request to get pulled through. ~It must have been my communication with Lieutenant Matrix that did it,~ thought Ensign Adams. After recreating the set of circumstances that allowed them to enter, the away team was able to pass back to the exterior.
Once back on the Paladin, Ensign Adams worked with Commander Sarouk to narrow down the set of frequencies that activated the portal. They were reading the Paladin to make the plunge and go through the portal, but now, he stood outside of Lieutenant Matrix's office in engineering. Adams reached up and touched the door chime next to the chief engineer's office door.
(reply Matrix)
The doors swung open with a slight swoosh and Adams approach Lieutenant Matrix. "Reporting as ordered."
He thought he saw a perplexed look on the chief engineer's face.
"Don't you remember? Yesterday? You said to report at 1600 if duty permitted. You said it was a 'sort of check in'. Well, I was kind of 'off ship' around 1600," Adams stated with a smile. "I also thought it might be a good idea to report in so that you could fill in the captain when you return to the bridge."
(reply Matrix)
====(USS Paladin, Bridge,  CO Captain Eva Straton, 2130)====
Eva watched the view screen as the Paladin emerged from the phase portal and entered the interior of the Sphere.  The Away Team had acidently activated the portal while trying to deactivate the graviton beam resulting in the Goddard being pulled inside the Sphere.  After several hours the Away Team had managed to figure out the workings of the phase portal system and exit the Sphere again.  With the help of a science and engineering team, Ensign Adams and Commander Sarouk had figured out the working of the phaser portal system and it had been deemed safe for the Paladin herself to enter the interior of the Sphere, several shuttles had already made multiple entries and exits from the Sphere during the testing of the portal system. 
She nodded as she leaned back in her chair as the Sphere star shone brightly on the main view screen, the smaller half sphere obscured by the brightness of the star.  ~We're in!~ She thought triumphantly.  ~Now we can get to exploring this wonder.~
"Report," She said, looking around the Bridge. 
(Reply ALL)

=== Credits ===
=== Credits ===
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*(Posted by Patrick D.)
*(Posted by Patrick D.)
*(Posted by Liz)
*(Posted by Liz)
*(posted by Spencer)
[[Category:Character Notes]]
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