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Syuvik parents were both part of the small Vulcan, Romulan, Humans and Klingon community. This is where they met each other. In 2366, they gave born to their first and only child, Syuvik. As most of their Vulcan heritage were lost, they did what they could to educate Syuvik, but their knowledge of logic was limited and were not controlling their emotions at all. In 2373,with the instability of the numerous war between the Federation, the Cardassian, the Romulan, etc.,  the fragile peace on Nimbus III ended and the government fled away following the open hostiliy between the different races (Humans vs Klingon, Romulan vs Human, Romulan vs Klingon), leaving the planet into anarchy. With the increasing insecurity of the planet, Syuvik parents were able to flee the anarchy and establish themselves on Regulus III (Syuvik was only 7 years old). Lacking education and culture, they occupied minor job there.
Syuvik parents were both part of the small Vulcan, Romulan, Humans and Klingon community. This is where they met each other. In 2366, they gave born to their first and only child, Syuvik. As most of their Vulcan heritage were lost, they did what they could to educate Syuvik, but their knowledge of logic was limited and were not controlling their emotions at all. In 2373,with the instability of the numerous war between the Federation, the Cardassian, the Romulan, etc.,  the fragile peace on Nimbus III ended and the government fled away following the open hostiliy between the different races (Humans vs Klingon, Romulan vs Human, Romulan vs Klingon), leaving the planet into anarchy. With the increasing insecurity of the planet, Syuvik parents were able to flee the anarchy and establish themselves on Regulus III (Syuvik was only 7 years old). Lacking education and culture, they occupied minor job there.

Syuvik has a child from his second pon farr. It was back from a time he was a very different man and since he had been disgraced by his kind for abandoning his vows, he knew he could not return to her or his son or on Vulcan. So Syuvik waited until his son had his first pon farr (in 2410) to meet him. Since, they have met several times, but the son, like his mother and other Vulcans, has mostly rejected his father.
Syuvik has a child from his second pon farr but never met him. It was back from a time he was a very different man and since he had been disgraced by his kind for abandoning his vows, he knew he could not return to her or his son or on Vulcan. When his son would be of age, he would meet him and explain why he did what he did, but until then, he was no father to him.

== Syuvik youth ==
== Syuvik youth ==
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If Syuvik was curious about his culture and about logic, at school he showed the contrary. He had very good relations with humans children, was very social and had a lot of friends. It was at that time that he started to discovered that logic could help him analyse emotions and understand part of humans behavior. If he developed a great interest in diplomacy, and psychology,  following his mentor recommandation, Syuvik entered the Regulus III Science Academy in 2384 where he began to learn about biology, chemistry, physics. At first, he also thought he could become a medical officer, but even if it was necessary to become counselor, even the biological was no great interest for him. Not long after, things did not turned out exactly like he expected. First, only two years in, he did not really felt confortable in natural science and wanted to quit, but his mentor pushed him to stay. After long debates, Syuvik decided to switch to social science, despite his mentor disagreement. Also, Syuvik lived his first Ponn Farr. However, it wasn't with a Vulcan, but with a Human which made his relations with fellows Vulcan, and especially his mentor, difficult. It was violating the Vulcan mate norms, and the fact the women left him not long after caused even more problem. When he was travelling on Vulcan during vacation, he was not welcomed there. A contradiction was now slowly taking form into Syuvik's identity. While he had an incredible fascination and admiration for his grand-father, he also, at the same time, he also hated them for their intolerance towards any Vulcan that doesn't follow to the letter their norms and philosophy. The situation escalated when Syuvik was refused at the Shinkahr Academy precisely because they said he was a V'tosh ka'tur. Syuvik had enough and decided to leave his mentor.  
If Syuvik was curious about his culture and about logic, at school he showed the contrary. He had very good relations with humans children, was very social and had a lot of friends. It was at that time that he started to discovered that logic could help him analyse emotions and understand part of humans behavior. If he developed a great interest in diplomacy, and psychology,  following his mentor recommandation, Syuvik entered the Regulus III Science Academy in 2384 where he began to learn about biology, chemistry, physics. At first, he also thought he could become a medical officer, but even if it was necessary to become counselor, even the biological was no great interest for him. Not long after, things did not turned out exactly like he expected. First, only two years in, he did not really felt confortable in natural science and wanted to quit, but his mentor pushed him to stay. After long debates, Syuvik decided to switch to social science, despite his mentor disagreement. Also, Syuvik lived his first Ponn Farr. However, it wasn't with a Vulcan, but with a Human which made his relations with fellows Vulcan, and especially his mentor, difficult. It was violating the Vulcan mate norms, and the fact the women left him not long after caused even more problem. When he was travelling on Vulcan during vacation, he was not welcomed there. A contradiction was now slowly taking form into Syuvik's identity. While he had an incredible fascination and admiration for his grand-father, he also, at the same time, he also hated them for their intolerance towards any Vulcan that doesn't follow to the letter their norms and philosophy. The situation escalated when Syuvik was refused at the Shinkahr Academy precisely because they said he was a V'tosh ka'tur. Syuvik had enough and decided to leave his mentor.  

Syuvik spent the following four years trying to find a path for his life, as he was struggling to keep control of his emotions. He moved from Earth but could never quite fine his home or his footing. Things got drastically worst when Syuvik had his second Ponn Far at the age of 25. The first ponn far causing problem because it was with a human, who left him two months after, Syuvik really wanted to have a Vulcan mate, one he could have for the rest of his life, with the hope he could be reintegrated into Vulcan society. While he did find a Vulcan mate on a Vulcan remote colony where he had moved, and his desired mate also seeked by another Vulcan, Syuvik had no other choice but to declare "Koon-ut-kal-if-fee", a fight for the right to chose his mate. Syuvik won the fight and claimed his mate. He spent two years with her, raising his new born child and trying to learn everything about the Vulcan ways his wife could teach him. But it wasn't working and he was still struggling with his emotions. He soon realized he wasn't ready yet to commit to the Vulcan ways. He could not stand the rules and commitment of Vulcans. So, he decided to return to Starfleet Academy to really see if he could succeed and if Starfleet could bring a balance to his life he was missing. His wife accepted very reluctantly, saying his son needed a father, but she finally agreed he needed to mature before he could commit to the Vulcan ways. So, in 2393, to return to school, this time at Starfleet Academy.  
Syuvik spent the following four years trying to find a path for his life, as he was struggling to keep control of his emotions, but wanted nothing to do with the Vulcans. He moved from Earth but could never quite fine his home or his footing. Things got drastically worst when Syuvik had his second Ponn Far at the age of 25. The first ponn far causing problem because it was with a human, who left him two months after, Syuvik really wanted to have a Vulcan mate, one he could have for the rest of his life, with the hope he could be reintegrated into Vulcan society. While he did find a Vulcan mate on a Vulcan remote colony where he had moved, he could not stand the rules and commitment of Vulcans and decided to leave her behind, pregnant, much to his and her disgrace. He moved back to Regulus III to his parents. But surprisingly, he did not go along with them very well. So, he finally decided, in 2392, to return to school, this time at Starfleet Academy.  

During the first year, Syuvik was committed to show to his wife and the Vulcans he was a master of his emotions. He had great marks, and was doing very well at the Academy. But as time went by and as competition and being far away from his wife and son become too much, he started to lose his control and motivation. As the third went by, he wasn't at all committed, despite he liked what he studied. If he was good counselor, according to his teacher, Syuvik wasn't seeking relations with other like he did on Regulus III. In fact, he was even avoiding them, completely closing himself to others, and completely losing motivation in studying psychology and diplomacy. Syuvik marks dropped drastically in the third and fourth year. He even got into fight with other students and with instructors which almost got him expel. Only his excellent marks from the first year saved him from it. Syuvik barely graduated from the Academy, but he knew he had failed to both Starfleet and his wife. Without telling anyone, not even his wife, he left Starfleet and Earth just to be alone with himself.  
If things were less worst, Syuvik started the Academy on the wrong foot. The fact he was alone, his parents far away, and rejected by most of his fellow Vulcan, made it thought for Syuvik. He wasn't also very committed, despite he liked what he studied. If he was good counselor, according to his teacher, Syuvik wasn't seeking relations with other like he did on Regulus III. In fact, he was even avoiding them.  However, as he could not return to Vulcan, and there wasn't a lot of Vulcan possible mates on Earth, the choice was limited. With time running out, and his desired mate also seeked by another Vulcan, Syuvik had no other choice but to declare "Koon-ut-kal-if-fee", a fight for the death to have the right to his choose mate. It was a close fight, but Syuvik lost and owed his survival to starfleet intervention before the combat ended. Syuvik took very hardly the defeat. If he had been able to barely control his emotions until then, losing the fight and missing his second opportunity to mate, were too much for him. It was also following this defeat that Syuvik sweared to himself he would never lose a "koon-ut-kal-if-fee" again, and began to follow intensive training in several kinds of martial arts. Also, completely closing himself to others, and completely losing motivation in studying psychology and diplomacy, Syuvik marks dropped drastically in the upcoming year. At the end of the third year, Syuvik finally decided to quit everything, including starfleet academy, without telling anyone, just to be alone with himself.  

So, in 2397, he moved to a remote planet called Ree Mahr, where he could meditate and understand what was happening to him. Grudge, hate, fear, and also anxiety about how his parents and wife might feel not having news from him, continued to haunt him in the first year. But after having spent so many years not finding his footing, he was at last ready to change radically and to embrace the Vulcan ways. After analyzing his past many times, he concluded that Vulcans were rights about emotions. They were only causing problems and war. Syuvik started to purge his emotions, and his parents heritage. He swore he would never feel emotions again, and buried his emotions the most deeply possible, even forgetting the emotions he had for his parents. Thereafter, Syuvik spent the next 4 years burying his emotions and learning about Sarek's teachings and how to be master of his emotions. During those four years, he made tremendous progress.  
So, in 2396, he moved to a remote planet called Ree Mahr, where he could meditate and understand what was happening to him. Grudge, hate, fear, and also anxiety about how his parents might feel not having news from him, continued to haunt him in the first year. But after having spent so many years not finding his footing, he was at last ready to change radically and to embrace the Vulcan ways. After analyzing his past many times, he concluded that Vulcans were rights about emotions. They were only causing problems and war. Syuvik started to purge his emotions, and his parents heritage. He swore he would never feel emotions again, and buried his emotions the most deeply possible, even forgetting the emotions he had for his parents. Thereafter, Syuvik spent the next 4 years burying his emotions and learning about Sarek's teachings.

In 2401, having a much greater control of his emotions, Syuvik came to the logical conclusion that he needed to learn Surak's teaching at the source, and moved on Vulcan, thinking he would be accepted. But his conclusion happened to be wrong as he was once more secluded from the rest of the society because of who he was, and because of his parents. He was also refused once more at the Shinkar academy for the second time. Nevertheless, better master of his emotions and committed to the Vulcan ways, Syuvik remained calm and in control and decided to find another way. Syuvik decided to return to his wife and son. She did not welcome him at first. But as she saw she was starting to change, she gave him a second chance. Together, they decided it would be good if Syuvik could continue learning the Vulcan ways, so he applied and was accepted to the small Vahl Nakar academy, from another remote Vulcan colony. Syuvik went there for four years, improving his knowledge of Vulcan philosophy and history, as well as other species history and politics. This is also where his meditation about his life and heritage continued, which made him finally conclude that if he could espouse logic and live mostly like any Vulcan does, meaning according to logic, eight years would never be sufficient to complete erase his past, nor could he ignore his parents heritage and his background. Emotions, even if buried deep in him, would always be part of him. He therefore chose not to commit more years to the path to the Kolinahr. Seven years gave him enough control to look and be like a Vulcan, even if he did not had their discipline. That would have to be enough.
In 2400, having a much greater control of his emotions, Syuvik came to the logical conclusion that he needed to learn Surak's teaching at the source, and moved on Vulcan, thinking he would be accepted. But his conclusion happened to be wrong as he was once more secluded from the rest of the society because of who he was, because of his parents and more especially, because he broke his vows. He was also refused once more at the Shinkar academy for the second time. Nevertheless, better master of his emotions and committed to the Vulcan ways, Syuvik remained calm and in control and decided to find another way. Syuvik decided to attend a less popular and less conservative Vulcan school and applied to the small Vahl Nakar academy, where he was accepted. Syuvik went there for four years, improving his knowledge of Vulcan philosophy and history, as well as other species history and politics. This is also where his meditation about his life and heritage continued, which made him finally conclude that if he could espouse logic and live mostly like any Vulcan does, meaning according to logic, eight years would never be sufficient to complete erase his past, nor could he ignore his parents heritage and his background. Emotions, even if buried deep in him, would always be part of him. He therefore chose not to go through the Kolinahr, and not to spend any more years purging his emotions to perfection. Eight years gave him enough control to look and be like a Vulcan, even if he did not had their discipline. That would have to be enough.  

After completion, Syuvik decided to return to Starfleet Academy to complete what he had started. Again, his wife disagreed, saying he hard worked so hard to learn the Vulcan ways, why abandon it for Humans, once more. To what Syuvik told Starfleet was as much Vulcan as it was Human, and this was were he belonged. So, in 2404, Syuvik joined once more Starfleet Academy and this time for good. Going in a completely different field, he specialized in tactics, strategy and security. He thought then it was a better place to be as he could rely on his logic to take the best decision on the field. His renewed motivation helped him academically as he was among the best of his class, and thanks to his logic, he was a very successful security and tactical cadet. Since he had already graduated from the Academy, his formation took 16 months. He spent the following twelve months completing the command training. Graduating a second time, this time with high distinction, he was assigned in late 2406 to the USS Wolverine as an assistant tactical officer.
After completion, Syuvik decided to return to Starfleet Academy to complete what he had started. So, in 2404, Syuvik joined once more Starfleet Academy and this time for good. Going in a completely different field, he specialized in tactics, strategy and security. He thought then it was a better place to be as he could rely on his logic to take the best decision on the field. His renewed motivation helped him academically as he was among the best of his class, and thanks to his logic, he was a very successful security and tactical cadet. He also followed the command training successfully, before being assigned to the USS Wolverine in 2407 as an assistant tactical officer.

== Starfleet career =  
== Starfleet career =  

'''USS Wolverine''' - Syuvik was first assigned as assistant tactical officer on board the USS Wolverine. He served on the ship a bit more than six years. In 2413, then a Lieutenant, he was assigned as Chief of Security on the [[USS Mithrandir]] then a Nova-class ship.  
'''USS Wolverine''' - Syuvik was first assigned as assistant tactical officer on board the USS Wolverine. He served on the ship six years. In 2413, then a Lieutenant, he was assigned as Chief of Security on the [[USS Mithrandir]] then a Nova-class ship.  

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