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The Lebranski Database is a list of all the dead, wounded and MIA as well as survivors from the 52nd Fleet in the battle for the MDP.

It was compiled by Yeoman Denise Lebranski on the USS Hades and disseminated to the entire fleet. Additions and corrections continued to be made after the battle was over, and the Lebranski Database is now regarded by historians as the definitive document listing casualties and survivors of one of the last battles of the civil war.

The beginnings of the Lebranski Database can be found in the posts below.

The Lebranski Database is the creation of Lorna Appleby.

Stardate: 2407.07.09

(USS Hades - Strategic Ops - Crewman Denise Lebranski - 1900)

It had been hell for Denise. She was used to being the queen bee of her corner of the universe and all she could do was record names, numbers and keep track of ship positions for the sake of history. Lord, let there never be another war like this one. She didn't know why so many insisted using the term 'civil war' unless it was a fine appreciation for irony in the worst sense.

She took down names of the dead, she took down names of ships destroyed, ships won, energy used, anything and everything that could be of possible use to anyone in the future. It helped her ignore the pounding the ship was taking, the fact that every name was a life with a story, with a family, with friends on both sides.. How did Starfleet come to this? How did the Federation fall so far and so low? Couldn't there have been another way to end it but two gladiators in a pit, beating on each other until they were on their knees in each other's blood too tired and too scared to stop?

=^= Lebranski to the bridge.=^= 

The message startled her out of her robotic processing. What the hell could the Captain possibly want her for? So far their relationship had consisted of 'be neither seen nor heard.' He didn't seem to have much use for administrative assistants, and Denise had been half tempted to give herself a flu so he could learn the 'fun' of command without someone else doing the grunt paperwork. Of course, if they hadn't been on the eve of this nightmare, she might have considered it for more than a heartbeat. Any Captain had enough sleepless nights, lessons in Yeoman appreciation could wait till a time of peace and prosperity, assuming any of them lived that long.

"Permission to leave for the bridge?" Denise asked the Lieutenant in charge. He just waved dismissively. He had more than enough problems that what one secretary was or wasn't doing and where she was or wasn't doing it. Denise set the terminal to record *everything* and sent it to her personal database. She'd just have to sort it all out later. She was going to very firmly believe there would *be* a later.

(USS Hades - Bridge - Crewman Denise Lebranski - 1905)

~Well, the Bridge looks like crap.~ Denise thought as she stepped over some debris. She had to admit, she looked like she was in much better shape than the bridge officers who all looked haggard and dazed. And her parents wanted her to be an officer? No, thank you!

Denise approached the command chair. ~And the Captain looks even worse than his ship.~ Of course, he had the heart blow of the Nimitiz's destruction. She wasn't quite sure what sort of tact to take with Sash at the best of times, so she decided to stick with professional. If she offered sympathy when he had something else in mind he'd probably take her head off.. and she didn't feel like being decapitated this day.

"Crewman Lebranski reporting as ordered, sir." She said simply, awaiting the emperor's command.

(reply Cap'n/Bridge) (Posted by Lorna)

(USS Hades- Bridge- Crewman Denise Lebranski - 1910)

The Captain gave her a nod and a half smile, which put him up a few notches in her personal opinion. A Captain who had time for the 'little people' when all hell was breaking loose was a good Captain. "Yeoman, we're about to bring in the surviving crew of the Nimitz. I want you to take charge of the refugees. Check them in against the current roster, and tend to their needs. We won't be able to house them all, but make sure that we can make them as comfortable as possible. Take who ever you need to help out. We'll have to make arrangements with cargo bay 1 and the shuttle bay hanger."

"Aye Sir." Denise agreed, she was about to extrapolate when the Captain's attention was needed elsewhere.

"In coming message from the Dennison, Captain."

Denise saluted and headed back off the bridge with plans already bumping around in her head. There was no reason why she had to limit keeping track of found, missing and known dead for just the Nimitz or the Hades. There was nothing stopping her from processing for *all* ships in the 52nd fleet.

The communications centre to the Hades was certainly answering to her still, it had to be to keep sending all that Strat Ops data she was currently collecting and ignoring. So, all she would have to do is notifying the intake NCO's on all fleet ships to forward incoming roster information to her. Easy peasy.. and would give her something to do while doing the more physical tasks. Its too bad Starfleet only approved cybernetic communication implants for the people on Memory Prime, she'd get three times as much done if she was allowed to have one.

While in the turbolift on her way to the shuttlebay she asked for a paramedic team to meet her in shuttlebay one, one of ten forwards replicators to be dragged out of storage from where ten forward had been converted into a secondary sickbay and put in cargo bay one and sent out a fleet wide message saying she would be compiling all lists of survivors, their current locations, known missing and known dead and keeping command of the 52nd fleet ships updated until told otherwise. She added she would appreciate if DNA checks could be done against roster claims so enemy agents couldn't take advantage of war time conditions and compassion of the 52nd Fleet to make an escape.

As the doors opened and Denise walked out onto Deck 13 she left Ops to approve her communiqué since one lowly Crewman hardly had the authority to do it on her own. Chances were, however, that whomever was standing at Communications had family or friends on other ships and would want to know as much as everyone else.

(USS Hades- Shuttle Bay One - Crewman Denise Lebranski - 1915)

Denise looked confused at the small population, "This is it? This is all we've recovered from the Nimitz?" she asked one of the engineering techs who was wearing a blue band on his arm to indicate medic status.

"Some of the senior officers have already.." he trailed off at the face Denise made.

"Alright, you and you, go track down the Nimitz's senior officers and check DNA against roster if it hasn't already been done. Give them medical scans and if they need medical attention give it to them on deck. Only if they need a doctor do you drag them from duty station." She rolled her eyes, "You know how officers are.. You may have to threaten one or two with them with a phasor." All duty, no sense, every NCO knew THAT about those with pips.

The two women didn't even query a much junior enlisted issuing orders, her red uniform said someone in charge had probably t old her to do it. And well, they had, sort of. She wasn't going to go bug the Captain every time one little hiccup came up in his plan. He'd given her the skeleton of the task, it was her job to get the meat on the bones.

"Okay." Denise said, turning to the remaining personnel, "You and you, set up a station each. You've blue bands, take DNA scans and identify crew. You and you set up with one of them, you, you and you get the other side. Left will be enlisted, right will be officers. We want to get the officers processed and working ASAP.

"Second step is medical scanning, if they're iffy, send them to Ten Forward. If they're non-mobile, grab an anti-grav stretcher and you four will be running back and forth. I don't know our energy levels or if we'll be going back into the fight, but don't bug transporters unless its a life or death case.

"Any officers who give you a hard time, let me know. I will be next door setting up temporary housing for the Nimitz enlisted and any officers who don't have a dire need to kill themselves working injured." Which, she really didn't expect them to be to many of. "Oh, any medical or counselling officers crew or techs, notify sickbay and ask where they want them. I doubt they can possibly have enough hands at this time.

"Any questions?"

Some minor quibbles and Denise was back out the door and heading to the Cargo Bay.

(Reply any/all) (Posted by Lorna)

NRPG : So if you're in a lifepod and need a pickup, the Hades is also rescuing  :) You'll be processed and put to work if you want.. Denise isn't one to turn down free labour! Also, she should have the basic survival/unknown/dead lists done by 1930 and will update from there if your characters are looking for names.