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The Tosk are a race of reptilian-humanoids from the Gamma Quadrant. They are bred and trained to become the quarry in a ritual hunt for another race, known as the Hunters. Tosk are only sentient because the Hunters made them this way (this implies a degree of genetic engineering on their part). The meaning of life for a Tosk is to outsmart the Hunters for another day. The only greater dishonor for a Tosk than being captured and returned to their home planet alive is to seek protection from another race. They take a vow of silence regarding the hunt preventing them from even talking about it with anyone else. The Tosk are treated with respect and admiration by the Hunters.

Tosk are well equipped to outsmart their hunters, presumably to make the hunt as exciting and interesting for the Hunters as possible. Tosk can make themselves invisible to the naked eye (although, sensors can still locate them, and the Hunters have a device in their helmets that can scan for them). They also have great agility and only require 17 minutes of rest per rotation. They may or may not require food or drink as Tosk have nutrients stored in plasmic fibers throughout their bodies, though it is unknown how these nutrients are initially created/taken in.

The Hunter states that the Tosk would be taken back alive, and put on display, where children could 'make fun of him, and throw him scraps of food.' While this suggests that Tosk do need to eat, it is also possible that the scraps are meant to humiliate the Tosk akin to throwing rotten tomatoes at bad stage performers, and that a captured Tosk wouldn't actually eat the scraps. In 2369, a Tosk became the first visitor to the Alpha Quadrant through the Bajoran wormhole. He was convinced to dock at Starbase Deep Space 9 for repairs. The Tosk's ship was a one-person vessel, with standard systems, which enabled Chief O'Brien to repair his ship easily. O'Brien later helped the Tosk evade the Hunters, to retain his honor, rather than be captured alive. (DS9: "Captive Pursuit")