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Astatine- Astatine is an element, number 85 on the periodic table. The marshes of an M-Class planet, about 160 million kilometers from Orellius Minor in the Alpha Quadrant, were filled with astatine deposits. Astitine causes duonetic fields, resulting in equipment failures.

Bilitrium- Naturally occurring. A rare crystalline element which can be an incredible source of energy if hooked up to an anti-matter converter.

Boridium- Artificially generated by crew. Used as a power generator or converter in compact machines and devices.

Calendenium- Naturally occurring. chemical, possibly an element

Carbrodine- Origin unknown. When mixed with infernite, becomes explosive.

Deuridium- Naturally occurring. Found as deposits in asteroid fields.

Deuterium- Naturally occurring. Isotope of hydrogen, having twice the mass of ordinary hydrogen, also called heavy hydrogen

Dicoromium- Naturally occurring. An element that makes up part of the molecular structure of a gaseous creature, possibly allowing the creature to exist in a state on the border between matter and energy and avoid weapons fire by moving itself through time.

Dilithium- Naturally occurring. Focuses energy into highly concentrated form. Necessary for the operation of warp drives, and a vital part of a starship's power system.

Dolamide- Origin unknown. Used in power generators, reactors, and short-range transporters. If pure enough, it can be made into weapons.

Felicium- Naturally occurring. A substance produced from plants by the people of Brekka and exported to Ornara.

Fistrium- Naturally occurring. Refractory metal found in caves of Melona IV.

Fortanium- Naturally occurring.

Ilium 629- Naturally occurring. A by-product of the geological decay of dilithium.

Infernite- Origin unknown. When mixed with carbrodine, becomes explosive.

Iridium- Naturally occurring. A heavy element of the platinum group.

Jakmanite- Naturally occurring. Like invidium, jakmanite cannot be detected by internal sensors. Exists in oxygen environment, and like invidium, can alter advanced structures like glass.

Jevonite- Naturally occurring. Valuable gemstone found on Cardassia.

Kedion- Naturally occurring. Resets positronic matrices.

Kelbonite- Naturally occurring. Refractory metal found in caves of Melona IV.

Koranium- Origin unknown. Subspace element used in Klingon warp drives.

Neodilithium- Naturally occurring. A different form of dilithium.

Neutronium- Naturally occurring. Matter composed of densely-packed neutrons, held together by gravity. The material neutron stars are made of.

Pergium- Naturally occurring. Used to regenerate enviromental controls filters.

Preanimate Matter- Naturally occurring. Matter that is very, very, very, close to being classified as a form of life, but doesn't quite make the grade.

Promethean Quartz- Naturally occurring. Valuable mineral that glows with an internal light.

Roginium- Naturally occurring. Hardest substance known to science.

Rubindium- Origin unknown. A nontoxic crystalline substance.

Salskinum- Origin unknown. Can alter molecular structure when it comes into contact with glass and exist in a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere.-

Sarium- Origin unknown. Can store large amounts of energy.

Selanogen- Naturally occurring. A substance, as carbon is, upon which a form of life is based.

Selgnineam- Origin unknown. Highly toxic; can alter molecular structure when it comes in contact with glass and exists in a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere. (Try spelling it backwards! This was confirmed by one of the writers at a con.)

Tellerium- Origin unknown. Crystal used to stabilise the harmonic reactions inside the dilithium chamber of Voyager's matter/antimatter power reactor.

Thalium- Naturally occurring. Thalium compound is found in rocks. It interferes with Federation sensors.

Titanium- Naturally occurring. Naturally occurring element, present in limited quantities on Earth. Used in alloys to strengthen metal and in the construction of the "Blackbird" spyplane.

Trillium 323- Naturally occurring. A mineral substance.

Trimagnesite- Naturally occurring. A substance that reacts with trevium to produce non-visible, ultra violet radiation.

Tritium- Naturally occurring. A radioactive isotope of hydrogen with atoms of three times the mass of ordinary light hydrogen atoms

Venderite- Naturally occurring. An extremely valuable element or mineral to the Ferengi.

Yominium Sulfide- Origin unknown. The name is derived from "Nimoy" spelled backwards.