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Planet: Class M, 3rd planet in their solar system, 3 moons in orbit.

Population: 16 billion in total

Year: 392 days

Day: 36 hrs

Physical description:[edit]

Bipedal humanoid with very pale skin, white bluish because they live underground and also that their blood is blue. Their eyes are black, other colours exist, like green, blue, purple, red is the most rare. Hair colour is blue, and it turns white has they get older. Females are smaller them male. Average 6 foot 5 for men, 5 foot 7 for women. Average age for death, 153, the oldest person was 237.

Facial characteristics:[edit]

They have a groove for one temple to another passing by the forehead. It starts to form during puberty. They sometimes put jewellery, pierce to this thin fold of skin. Further more, it’s not the females who bare the young’s but the males. A woman can ovulate only when she wants too. Male and female have to stay have to stay hock up together for 48 hrs to have a successful procreation. They have a temple where those couples are taken care of during that time.


Takritans have an history that resemble a lot of others. They had their period of violence and wars, religion was put aside once they figure out how the universe was made and work. They change mentality with science pure and simple, naturally there was violence until laws were made…. Everyone has the right to there theories, until it is scientifically proven that one is right. Violent acts are punishable, because they go against science growth. They are now a peaceful race.

The first space flight came about 530 yrs ago. The first propulsion system that made them able to explore their system, 150 yrs ago, equivalent to the thrusters power. The first warp drive came to be 75 yrs ago.

Has for politics, they keep to themselves, they had rare contacts with other people and civilisation and will defend there planet and people with their lives.