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The Computer Core is the location of a starship's or space station's central computer.

The computer core houses primary processing equipment. 23rd century Starfleet ships had duotronic systems, while 24th century ships had isolinear cores. The computer cores communicate with each other and ship's systems via optical data network (ODN).

Galaxy class computer access room and core c.2360s.

The Galaxy-class of Federation starships carry three computer cores, while ships of the Intrepid- and Sovereign-classes contain two. These multiple cores provide redundancy in case one of the cores should be damaged or destroyed.

The computer core could be accessed by the computer access room. (TNG: "Evolution")

After they beamed aboard the IKS Drovana to obtain the detonation codes for a Klingon minefield, Worf and Kurn told an officer they were running a diagnostic on the starship's computer core. (DS9: "Sons of Mogh")

In 2373, Worf told Nog to load the files of a phaser relay operating system into the USS Defiant's computer core. (DS9: "Soldiers of the Empire")

In order to take Deep Space 9's computer systems offline and prevent the Dominion from destroying the minefield covering the Bajoran wormhole, Kira Nerys and Rom considered planting a bomb in the station's computer core. They later attempted to sabotage it by more standard means. (DS9: "Sacrifice of Angels")