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The Type 1 shuttlecraft was the standard issue Starfleet shuttlecraft during the mid-23rd century.

Technical data[edit]

Constructed with a duranium-metal shell, the Type 1 was propelled by an ion engine, whose power was generated by a matter/antimatter reaction. It was protected by deflector shields. (TOS: "The Menagerie, Part I", "Metamorphosis", "The Immunity Syndrome")

The twenty-four foot long Type 1 shuttle was divided into two sections: the forward section, which contained seating arrangements for at least seven passengers, and a smaller aft section, which contained access to the engineering components of the shuttle. (TOS: "The Galileo Seven")

In normal flight through the void of deep space, Type 1 shuttles operated on instruments only. The blast shutters on the three forward windows would be lowered when sensors detected something visually significant. (TOS: "Metamorphosis")


During the mid-2260s, Type 1 shuttles were based at starbases and aboard Constitution-class starships, which were standard equipped with four shuttles of this class, along with other shuttle classes. (TOS: "The Galileo Seven", "The Doomsday Machine", "The Omega Glory"; TAS: "Mudd's Passion")

The Type 1 shuttlecraft would remain in service until the early 2270s, where they were still being deployed to and from the San Francisco air tram station. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture Directors Edition)

Among the decorations in a lounge aboard the USS Enterprise-D in 2364, there was the model of an Enterprise shuttle (view image). (TNG: "Lonely Among Us")