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These are the definitions that directly relate to the Fleet and its breakdown. For more information on classification, see the Starship Classifications Page

  • Attack Craft- A description for fighter craft. See "Fighter Craft"
  • Battle Group- The smallest division of a fleet. There are three classifications of Battle Groups, see "Class Battle Group", "Type Battle Group" and "Destroyer Battle Group"
  • Capital Ship - Any ship of such size, and strength, as to be a threat to any other known vessel. Due to their relative strength, they are usually placed in the forefront of battle to fight the enemies larger foes. They are also known as "Ships of the Line" for that reason. Capital ships are often counted to quickly determine the relative strength of a fighting fleet.
  • Class Battle-Group- All the vessels in a 'Class Battle-group' are of the same class vessel. And as such, are named for that in general description. For a group of all Galaxy class vessels, the larger description would be known simple as Galaxy Battle Group. (or, sometimes, Galaxy Wing)
  • Destroyer Battle Group- This is a bit misleading, as it is not just a group of Destroyer Classification vessels. Any vessel smaller then a Cruiser is considered a 'Destroyer' or 'Attack Craft', so a Destroyer group is/can be a mix of fighter craft, Frigates, Destroyers and Cruisers. These groups usually stick together for mutual boosting of defensive and offensive capabilities, and are usually created to run as scouts, pickets or as cleanup craft. Another popular use for them is Escort duty/Blockade Running.
  • Flagship - The vessel that an Admiral posts his 'flag' from. It is the base of operations for the fleet, and the home of the Fleet Admiral. The Flagship is any vessel that the flag admiral designates. To "Transfer the flag' to another ship, is to transfer Flagship status.
  • Fighter Craft - A small vessel usually manned by a single pilot and exceptionally armed and speedy. An Armed runabout can be considered a Fighter craft, however most of special built for the purpose of Combat. A Battle group of attack craft are fast and nimble enough to take on a Capital ship. Often called 'Dogfighters' or "flying bombs". The pilots are highly trained in high G combat maneuvers and tactics. Often used as mobile support in a large fleet maneuver.
  • Fleet - The Largest Division of forces within Starfleet. Usually made up of 100 - 200 ships, depending on their mission. Named according to creation, in numerical order.
  • Ghost Fleet - A Moniker for the Phantom Fleet. See Phantom Fleet
  • Phantom Fleet - The unofficial moniker given to the 1200 unaffiliated vessels held in reserve from the fleets. Also known as the 'Ghost fleet"
  • Mobile Fleet - A fleet that has no base of operations, or is free to roam at an Admirals whim. Most all fleets are Mobile in wartime, whereas very few are in Peace.
  • Ship of the Line - A vessel capable of taking a place at the forefront of a battle, due to strength and size. See "Capitol Ship'
  • Standing Fleet - A Standing Fleet is a fleet that has a base of operations, and is tied to one area (usually a sector). In peacetime, Standing Fleets can be assigned to one unexplored area for mapping, or to inner core systems for defense.
  • Tactical Wing - A fleet breaks down into Tactical Wings, therefore this is the second largest 'typical' group of vessels. They are usually a collection of 15 - 40 vessels.
  • Task Force - A task force is a open ended Wartime group, tasked with completing a specific mission. They can literally be anything from two individual ships, up to and including multiple fleets. Typically, a Task Force is made up of a Minimum of two fleets, but once again... they can be in any strength. All Task Forces are numbered in order of their creation, and are always temporary in nature. They stay together only as long as their tasked mission has been completed.
  • Type Battle Group - This refers to the Secondary Defense Classification of the Vessel. They can be all mixes of classes, but would all be the same classification. (I.E. a group of Galaxy' and Akiras are all Heavy Battle Cruisers.) these groups are then named for that 'type' of vessel.