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Roger Young Marine Transport



The Roger Young class of ships was designed in response to Starfleet Marines' request for ships capable of moving battalion-sized units quickly into position for combat effectiveness, and providing support for orbit-to-ground assaults.

Unlike the standard Federation starship, which can be broken down into two major sections, the saucer and engineering hulls, the Roger Young class breaks down into three sub-assemblies: the saucer; the engineering hull; and two hanger bays which can be independently jettisoned in the event of an emergency.

The initial production run of 12 ships has served the Marines with distinction.

Four ships of the class, the Roger Young, Quanah Parker, Gaius Marius, and Gary I. Gordon participated in the assault at B'khai, during the second Cardassian war. Their presence is cited as the leading cause of Federation Victory in the assault, which set the tone of Federation involvement throughout the war.

Development History

2383: Citing lessons learned in various wars, Starfleet Marines request improved troop delivery ships for orbital-to-ground assault. Starfleet reviews the request, and issues approval for design studies.

2384: Late in the year, a joint ASDB / Marine committee freeze the design requirements for the new class, now officially designated a troop transport. Design specs are released to contractors for evaluation and bids.

2386: Two companies, Broken Drive's Suzuki Konbinaato (based in NeoEdinburgh), and Earth's Electric Boat Co. (Based in New London), present designs which pass initial ASDB review. ASDB gives the go-ahead for both ships to be built as prototypes.

2389: Minimum flyable spaceframes of Suzuki and Electric Boat Co. ships inspected by joint ASDB / Marine committee. The Electric Boat hull is found to have several serious handling characteristic problems, and further work on it is ceased. The Suzuki hull, now named Roger Young, is approved for final construction.

2390: Final pre-commissioning checks on prototype completed in vicinity of Broken Drive. USS Roger Young commissioned, shakedown cruise begins.

2391: USS Rodger Young returns to Broken Drive for PSA. After evaluation, decision is made to build 11 more ships of the class, with construction split between Suzuki, Electric Boat, and Utopia Planitia.

2404: USS Quanah Parker underwent a massive refit as part of the Star Fleet Marines 25th Century Project. Trial proved successful, all other ships scheduled for refit over the next 18 months.

Technical Specs

Current Configuration  Marine Combat Transport

Optional Configurations: Strike Carrier

Length  470m

Width  286 m; 286 m
Height: 105 m: 105 m

Decks 30

Warp Drive System
Type  Mark IV MARA Drive

Power Matter/Antimatter
Nacelles  2
Normal Cruising Speed >Warp 7
Maximum rated speed for 12 hours: Warp 8.5
(power transfer from other systems)

Emergency Speed:9.1 for 10 minutes (all power from all systems)

Impulse Drive Systems
Type: YPS 8063

Power: Deuterium

No. Engines: 3

Provides sub-light velocities to .92C. 2 reactors in saucer, 1 in Engineering Hull. Reactors are field-replaceable.

Defensive Systems
Phaser Type: Mark X Rotational span 300 degrees

Phaser locations: 2 Fore, 1 Ventral, 1 Aft.
Torpedo Launcher Locations: 2 Fore, 1 Aft
Photon Torpedo Complement Type X: 45
Quantum Torpedo Complement Type XII: 45

Primary Shields: Multiphasic

Tractor Beams: 1 Fore

Transporter Systems and Sensors
Standard (8 Man): 6

Marine Combat (12 Man:5
Medical (4 Man): 3
Small Cargo (12 Man Equivalent):4
Large Cargo (30 Man Equivalent): 1
(In cargo bay 3)

Long Range Sensors:30 Light Year Max Range.
- Takes 1 minute/per light year for intensive scan.
- Takes 1 second/per light year for standard scan

- General scan is almost instant up to maximum range.

Auxiliary Craft Carried
Trojan Assault Shuttlecraft: 30

Fighters: 12
Type 18 Shuttlecraft: 4
Stallion Cargo Shuttles: 2
Tarawa Marine Runabouts: 2
Captain's Gig: 1

Travel Pods: 2
Workbees: 4
Escape Pods: 80
(10 Man) - Saucer section, 20 (15 man) - Engineering hull.

Boarding torpedo launchers : 8 Martini's total

Crew Capacity

Normal Complement

Ship's Company:44 Officers, 285 Enlisted.

Fighter Command: 20 Officers, 150 Enlisted
Marines: 25 Officers, 625 Enlisted (Half Battalion)

Maximum Complement

Ship's Company: 50 Officers, 430 Enlisted.
Fighter Command: 30 Officers, 200 Enlisted.
Marines: 40 Officers, 1250 Enlisted (Full Battalion)

Maximum Passengers:50

Maximum Life Support: 3000

Misc. Systems
Holodecks:5 (2 allocated for Marine use only)

Probes: Class III (Planetary) -10
Class Va (Tactical Recon) - 20

Class VI (Comm Relay) - 20

Ship Separation Statistics:
-Saucer Section
Length: 198.5 meters

Width: 286 meters
Height: 46 meters

Decks: 15
-Engineering Hull
Length: 280 meters

Width: 174 meters
Height: 104.6 meters (Including warp nacelles)

Decks: 20

Deck Plans

Saucer Section / Deck 1 - 15
Deck 1 - Bridge, Quarterdeck, Airlock
Deck 2 - TacSit room, CO's Ready Room, Security Section & Brig, Observation Lounge / Briefing Room, Armory.
Deck 3 - Senior Officer's Quarters, Holodeck 1, Transporter 1
Deck 4 - Officer's Quarters, Away Team Staging Area (ATSA), Transporter Rooms 2+3, Emergency Sickbay, Top of Secondary Computer Core, Wardroom.
Deck 5 - Cargo Bay 1, Phaser Array (Dorsal), Fwd Torpedo Tube 1, Probe Telemetry and Control, Crew Berthing, Escape Pods.
Deck 6 - Gangway 1+2, Main Sickbay, Medical Transporter 1, Biosciences Labs, Dental Unit, Crew Berthing, Security Vestibule.
Deck 7 - Fusion Reactors 1+2, Secondary Engineering, Crew Berthing, Holodeck 2 & 3, Escape Pods, Stellar Cartography.
Deck 8 - Fusion Reactors 1+2, Secondary Engineering, Marine Berthing, Marine Messdeck, Emergency Bridge / Flag Bridge.
    Able Company (The Devil Dogs) Berthing
Deck 9 - Fusion Reactors 1+2, Secondary Engineering, Marine Berthing, Holodeck 4, Fleet Intelligence, Combat Information Center (CIC)
    Bravo Company Berthing
Deck 10 - Flight Operations, Counselor's Office, Marine Berthing, Connection to Engineering hull.
    Charlie Company Berthing
Deck 11 - Ventral Phaser Array, Shuttle Bay 3, Marine Officer's Quarters, Recreational Areas (Bowling Alley, Swimming Pool, Gym), Bottom of Secondary Computer Core, Escape Pods.
Deck 12 - Shuttle Maintenance, Turbolift Storage, Turbolift Maintenance, Cargo Bay 2.
Deck 13 - Ship's Laundry, Organic Material Reclamation, Defabrication.
Deck 14 - Transporter Room 4, Airlock, Separated Hull Landing Equipment, Security Vestibule, Armory
Deck 15 - Security Vestibule, Ventral Sensor Array, Captain's Gig

Engineering Hull - Deck 10 - 30
Deck 10 - Antimatter Generator and Storage, Graviton Control, Connection to Saucer (only deck 10 is contiguous with Saucer Section)
Deck 11 - Torpedo Storage, Engineering Hull Separation Equipment.
Deck 12 - Hydrogen Slush Storage, Fwd Torpedo Tube 2 & Aft Torpedo Tube.
Deck 13 - Marine CIC, Marine OPS, Marine Flag Offices, Marine Flag Briefing Room, Boarding Torpedo Launchers 1 & 2
Deck 14 - MCO and MXO Offices, Marine Briefing Room, Hydroponics Bays.
Deck 15 - Holodeck M1 & M2, Marine Wardroom, Primary Computer Core (top)
Deck 16 - Main Engineering, M/ARA Warp Core, Observation Lounge
Deck 17 - Main Engineering, M/ARA Warp Core, Engineering Aft Phaser Array
Deck 18 - Main Engineering, M/ARA Warp Core, CEO's Office, Navigational Deflector Array Control Room
Deck 19 - Shuttle Pilots Ready Rooms, Marine Flight Control, Shuttlebay Control Rooms 1+2, Shuttle Bays 1+2 (Top level), Cargo Bay 3 (top)
Deck 20 - Marine Strike Force Staging Area (MSFSA) 1, Marine Combat Transporter (MCT) 1, Armory 1, Fusion Reactor 3, Cargo Bay 3 (Bottom)
Deck 21 - MSFSA 2, MCT 2, Armory 2, Shuttlebay Catwalks 1+2, Shuttle Hangers, Fusion Reactor 3, Tertiary Engineering
Deck 22 - MSFSA 3, MCT 3, Armory 3, Fusion Reactor 3, Tertiary Engineering
Deck 23 - Shuttle Maintenance and Repair Shops, Primary Computer Core (Bottom)
Deck 24 - Shuttlebays 1+2 (base level).
Deck 25 - Marine Brig, Marine Master-at-Arms Office, Medical Staff Quarters.
Deck 26 - Marine Field Hospital, Medical Transporter 2 & 3, Airlock (aft)
Deck 27 - MSFSA 4, MCT 4, Armory 4
Deck 28 - MSFSA 5, MCT 5, Armory 5
Deck 29 - Marine Laundry, Cargo Bay 4
Deck 30 - Organic Reclamation, Defabrication, Engineering Ventral Phaser Array.

~Designed by Regan Plyman for the FGN
Updated by J. Trout