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A Hyperspanner

A hyperspanner is an adaptable multipurpose engineering tool carried aboard starships. One of its many uses include repairing communication systems.

While exploring a 31st century time pod, Commander Tucker and Lieutenant Reed discovered an access tunnel that seemed to drop several dozen feet, much more then the size of the pod would allow. To prove it wasn't a hologram of some kind, he dropped a hyper spanner down it. After it hit the bottom, he used it as an excuse to go down and retrieve it. (ENT: "Future Tense")

While being rehabilitated for Engineering duties after experiencing 25 years of confinement in his mind, Miles O'Brien identified one of the tools in a set that Jake Sisko used to try to help him regain his memory. (DS9: "Hard Time")

In 2374, Chakotay used a hyperspanner to repair the communications systems aboard a shuttlecraft. (VOY: "Unity")

In 2374, while trapped in a restrictive environmental suit, B'Elanna Torres said that it would be much easier to interplex the comm systems in it if she had a hyperspanner. (VOY: "Day of Honor")

In 2377, The Doctor created a holonovel, Photons Be Free, that portrays an under appreciated holographic doctor who is belittled and oppressed by his crew. In the story, B'Elanna Torres' counterpart, "Torrey," openly proclaims to the protagonist that he is merely a tool, comparing him to a hyperspanner. (VOY: "Author, Author")