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A neurogenic field is a naturally occurring energy field that forms by many lifeforms' brains as part of the thought process. Each individual's pattern varies depending on their current thought.

The "dream species" of the Delta Quadrant produces a neurogenic field as a product of their hyper REM state. The aliens use a transmitter to amplify their collective neurogenic field, allowing them to induce a similar hyper REM state in others over interstellar distances. One of the first effects of this field is nightmarish dreams.

In 2374, this species captured most of the crew of USS Voyager via their neurogenic field, trapping them in a shared unconsciousness. They released the crew after Commander Chakotay threatened to destroy the cave where their real bodies reside. (VOY: "Waking Moments")

The telepathic pitcher plant produces a powerful neurogenic field that serves as a type of psychogenic manipulation. It uses this field to lure starships to it, by showing their crews their desires. For the USS Voyager crew, this took the form of a wormhole to Earth and communications with the Federation. (VOY: "Bliss", "Shattered")