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Containers of processed Kemocite

Kemocite is a multiphasic isotope of a radiolytic compound. It has many applications depending on its level of refinement; the highest level of refinement achieved as of 2153 was less than six parts per million of impurities.

One place that refined kemocite was a Xindi-Arboreal colony in the Delphic Expanse. Its prime technician was Gralik Durr. In 2153, this facility supplied kemocite to Degra for use in constructing the Xindi superweapon.

When Captain Jonathan Archer told Gralik what the kemocite was being used for, he sabotaged the shipment rather than let it be used in a weapon. In addition, T'Pol and Ensign Hoshi Sato altered the radiolytic signature of a canister in the shipment, creating a tracking signature that could be followed by Enterprise. (ENT: "The Shipment")

Kemocite ore was a substance used on Federation starships in the 24th century, as well. In 2375, the USS Equinox, which was stranded in the Delta Quadrant, had a supply of 2 kilotons of kemocite ore. This supply was due to be transferred to the USS Voyager after the decision was made to abandon the Equinox. (VOY: "Equinox")

Kemocite is highly regulated as contraband by the Federation, and the illegal smuggling of kemocite is a serious offense. In 2372, Quark attempted to smuggle kemocite to the Orion Syndicate, under the guise of taking his ship, the Quark's Treasure, on a test flight to Earth. This would prove to be unsuccessful due to sabotage. It was at this time that kemocite was proven to cause temporal phenomena.

Rom, in an attempt to force the Quark's Treasure out of warp to prevent its destruction, vented Warp Plasma into the cargo hold containing the kemocite. The resulting cascade reaction caused the ship to enter a time warp, causing the Quark’s Treasure to land in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947.

Rom would later return the ship to 2372 by flying into an atom bomb and allowing the remaining kemocite to react to the resulting beta radiation. Odo subsequently arrested Quark for attempted kemocite smuggling. (DS9: "Little Green Men")