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A pair of Antedeans delegates

Antedeans were a civilization native to the Alpha Quadrant. They were a species of fish-like humanoids from the planet Antede III.

Antedeans found spaceflight extremely traumatic and survived the ordeal by entering a self-induced catatonic state. Upon arrival at the end of a voyage, Antedeans required great quantities of food, known as vermicula to replenish their bodies. Few humans saw an Antedean in the flesh. Antedeans had unsophisticated minds that could be easily read by Betazoids; Worf considered them to be "a handsome race," whereas Lwaxana Troi stated that the "last time [she] saw something like that it was being served on a plate."

In 2365, the USS Enterprise-D escorted two Antedean dignitaries from Antede III to a conference on planet Pacifica. Here the Antedeans were to be given an opportunity to join the Federation. However, upon transport down to Pacifica it was revealed, by Ambassador Troi, that they were in fact assassins and their robes were lined with ultritium. They had planned on blowing up the entire conference. (TNG: "Manhunt")

It might be possible, that the Antedeans were the same species as the Antideans mentioned in DS9: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume". However, their name was clearly spelled Antideans in the script of the DS9 episode.