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On stardate 2407.06.25 Captain Susan Rivers had finally received their orders to join the remainder of Task Force 19 assembling at Tellar. The Champlain had been completely overhauled and the ship and her crew were as ready as they could possibly be for the final battle against Doenitz forces guarding sector 001

On Stardate: 2407.07.03 Ahmed and the entire Command Staff of the USS Champlain were briefed on the plans to Attack Sector 001 and earth in a final bid to bring an end to the bloody and tenacious Federation Civil War. This Briefing was conducted by Rear Admiral Sevant, Former captain of the USS Boudicca and the Task Force Commander of Task Force 19, ordered to breach the famous Mars defense Perimeter designed to hold of a Borg Invasion.

Read Ahmed's Reaction and thoughts to the mission Briefing Here: Task Force Nineteen Briefing.

Even as the crew of the Champlain begin gearing for the coming battle, Hundreds of ships were converging at Tellar in preparation for the massive offensive.

The assignment given to the Champlain was simple in concept but exceptionall complex in practice. The task force was broken into four smaller battle groups and the remaining bulk of the taskforce, consisting of the USS Boudicca (commanding group B), the USS Champlain (commanding group C), the USS Argyle (commanding Group A), The USS Hades(commanding group D). The Boudicca was tasked to breach the MDF and assault and capture Starbase Valhalla in an attempt to shut down the MDF and allow the remainder of Task Force 19 to bypass the MDF without further losses. The USS Champlain, Hades, and Nimitz were ordered to support the operation of the Boudicca, with the Champlain being specifically tasked with screening the Boudicca and her Battlegroup from enemy raiders.

The basic flow of the battle is listed here:

Stardate: 2407.07.05

  • 1410 HRS: The order to "Cross the River Acheron" is given by Admiral Sevant, the Commanding officer of Task Force 19. Lead elements of the taskforce begin their journey to sector 001 and the final engagement of the civil war.
  • 1414 HRS: Captain Rivers Orders the USS Champlain and Battle Group C to set course for Sector 001.
  • 1415 HRS: Battlegroup Theta commanded by Capt Sarah Smithers orders her specialized assault group underway.

Stardate: 2407.07.09

  • 1328 HRS: The USS Champlain and her accompanying battlegroup drop out of warp and steam towards the MDF. Battle Group A consisting of 20 ships, 4 of which are klingon Negh'Var class vessels, break fromation and begin assaulting the MDF at long range.
  • 1400 HRS: The enemy sends out skirmishing vessels to harass battlegroup A with mixed results.
  • 1407 HRS: The Boudicca begins her run towards the MDF
  • 1410 HRS: Battlegroup Laredo (D) attacks the Uss Champlain and her associated Battle Group. The raiders uncloak, fire a volley of modified torpedoes into the flank of the C-Group then make a strafing run. Both sides take casualties. The C-Group fall back from B-Group to protect the latter's flanks from attack.
  • 1415 HRS: The USS Hades and USS NImitz reach Sector 001. The Hades goes into Tri-Vector Assault mode.
  • 1417 HRS: Group Theta arrives at Sector 001 and begins their assault on a weapons repository located just inside the MDF.
  • 1418 HRS: Battle Group D engage enemy fighters and their support ships.
  • 1425 HRS: Battle group Laredo makes a second attack run against C-Group then retreats from the battlefield behind the protection of the MDF
  • 1449 HRS: The USS Boudicca and her Battlegroup make contact with the MDF.
  • 1455 HRS: The USS Spectre arrives in sector 001 with a Klingon Task force and a group of Ex-Doenitz ships that have defected to the 52nd fleet.
  • 1750 HRS: The USS Boudicca and her battle group finally break through the MDF.
  • 1755 HRS: The USS Champlain and the remnants of Battle Group C breach the MDF while being pursued by the USS Majestic and her Battle group (D)
  • 1800 HRS: Captain Rivers orders Battle group C to form a battleline behind Battlegroup B to guard the Boudicca's rear flank. The C-Group turns about 180-degrees and forms a battle line to handle the majestic and her battle group.
  • 1815 HRS: The USS Majestic and her battlegroup form a wedge formation to better split through the battle line established by Captain Susan Rivers and the remnants of Battlegroup-C.
  • 1820 HRS: The two battle groups led by the USS Majestic and the USS Champlain clash. The battle formations are broken and the battle devolves into complete chaos for the two battelgroups.
  • 1822 HRS: After taking fire from Negh'Vars of Battlegroup-A, Uru Mtenga orders the USS Majestic and the USS Persephone to split off from the rest of his bettlegroup and deal with the Klingon ships. They destroy all three remaining Ngh'Vars and return to the battle with the Champlain.
  • 1825 HRS: The USS Dennison and a small battle group arrive at Sector 001 to aid Task Force 19.
  • 1830 HRS: The USS Boudicca realizes that they are facing the Black Watch led by Admiral Lydia Stakes as well as elements of the 53rd Heavy Assault Fleet. Captain Archibald Stakes appeals to the morality of the enemy battle group and the majority of the Night watch and the 53rd Heavy defect or stand aside. Those resisting are engaged and subdued by the remainder of Battlegroup-B.
  • 1900: The USS Nimitz is destroyed in battle when she rams an enemy ship during a warp core breach. Several members of her crew managed to abandon ship just prior to her destruction.
  • 1907 HRS: The battle between the Majestic and Champlain Battle groups has depeleted both sides resources significantly. The USS Hypatia from the Black Watch joins the battle. Her captain convinces Captain M'tega that they are still loyal to Doentiz, then ambushes their former ally. The Majestic is crippled, giving the heavily damaged Champlain a short respite.
  • 1910 HRS: The USS Dennison joins the USS Hades as a defensive screening force while the Hades reintegrates from Tri-Vector mode and begins rescue operations of the surviving Nimitz Crew.
  • 1911 HRS: The Champlain engages the enemy Prometheus class starship, Persephone. The Champlain loses her dorsal nacelle and an unstoppable warp core breach begins. Once rivers realizes the ship is lost, she orders the abandon ship. The Persephone begins firing on the life boats from the Champlain.
  • 1920 HRS: The USS Boudicca, press their shields against those of Starbase Valhalla. This action causes severe damage to the Keltoi class ship, but causes the Stations dorasal shields to fail. Stakes orders the abandon ship and the crew of the Boudicca use transporters or life pods to get aboard Valhalla following the Marine assault ships.
  • 1922 HRS: Several senior officer "volunteer" to stay aboard while the Champlain is guided towards her enemy like a massive missile.
  • 1930 HRS: In an attempt to give their comrades time to get clear of the Persephone's violent onslaught, the USS Wyvern draws the larger vessel away from the dying Champlain. The Wyvern is knocked out of commission and all her crew killed.
  • 1949 HRS: The USS Champlain manned only by a handful of volunteers use the galaxy class vessel to ram the USS Persephone. Both ships are completely destroyed. The sekelton crew on the Chgamplain is rescued byu the USS Hypatia.
  • 2055 HRS: The rest of Task Force 19 is ordered to go "To Earth!" The offensive for the planet itself begins in ernest. Starbase Valhalla is secured by the 52nd fleet.

Stardate: 2407.07.09

  • 0127 HRS: The USS Dennison and her support ships destroy the Caesar Regnum
  • 0130 HRS: Reports surface that ex-president and dictator Rodrigo Deonitz is captured by Resistance forces in Geneva Switzerland.
  • 0205 HRS: The former president of the United Federation of Planets is restored and the Civil War and the Battle for sector 001 is finally ended.