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William Galway aboard USS Dennison


Bio of Ensign JG William Galway, a Male Human aged 27, currently assigned to the USS Dennison.

Character Physical Description

Eye Colour Dark brown
Hair Colour Black
Height 6.06
Weight 188
Blood Colour Red
Skin Colour Brown
Physical Description William's look is quite ordinary. Typical height and weight for his age. Very short hair, light brown skin. Keeping fit since after the Academy. No characteristic attributes.

History, Education and Skills

Family and Background

Father, human, StarFleet science officer and mother, human/vulcan, UFP diplomat - both deceased during the holidays on Alpha Centauri, 2404. Brother Douglas (aged 27), assigned to StarFleet's 52nd Fleet JAG Corps. No other close relatives on record.


  • Starfleet Academy, standard 4 year program
    • Operations Major
    • Tactical Minor
      • Commendation at Marksmanship Field Courses.
  • Starfleet Command School, 2 year program
    • Advanced Starship Operations

Pre-Starfleet History

Being born on a StarFleet vessel and raised on a science outpost William could witness and soak up with the Federation culture from the very birth. During trips with his mother he learned that through behavioural discipline and calm thinking one can achieve suprisingly much although, unlike his brother Douglas, he preffered the often visits in the science outpost where he could wonder on some cutting-edge scientific equipment without end. When the hard times begun for the United Federation of Planets William imagined no other option that to join the StarFleet, which was so accustomed with, and learn how to defend the lifestyle he had got used to so much. Keen on technology, resource management and a little bit of weapons and warfare in general - he chose the Engineering major with Tactical minor. He soon discovered however, his real interest being the starships themselves and their operations. Hence he transfered to Operations major, continuing his Tactical courses. His interest in starship operations only deepened over time, resulting in his attendance to Starfleet Command School, with emphasis on Advanced Starship Operations courses.

Starfleet History

Medical History

None. Exceptional sight noted.


Cool and thinking, preffers asking than shooting first. Curious of the world around him. No problems with authority. Apart from starship operations competent in the field of basic engineering. Keen eye, commendation on sharpshooting. Easygoing, friendly.

Other Information


Having fun at the holographic shooting ranges, also programs including stealth infiltration and attack scenarios as well as programing them on his own. Interest in ray weapons, mainly sniper rifles. Examining technology evolution of other races/cultures.

General Notes

No other information currently available.