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Operations Officer is an officer that works in the Operations department. Their responsibilites are broad. Example of workload may include: Bridge duty, away missions, logistical, cleaning etc. They are a support function to all other departments to keep all aspects of the ship running smoothly.

A person wishing for an Operations (OPS) position must be well rounded, flexible, and prepared for any situations that may arise. OPS is like a taskmaster, who coordinates the actions of various other ship's departments. This is why it is said that the pulse of a starship runs through the Operations Station. You, as OPS, literally have your finger on that pulse.
Now we can cover the technical systems that you can't work with, with the exception of the computer and power restraints:
Specialized Tactical Systems (phasers, torps, cannons, cloaks, and shields TAC handled)
Specialized Helm Systems (thrusters, impulse and propulsion systems)
engineering tasks that need manual operation (replacing/realigning crystals and such)
Medical Quarantine systems are off limits and have their own short term emergency power systems (you can de-activate them but you'd be torn a strip by your CO AND your medical Chief)
Security Brig systems are the same as medical don't use up that reserve unless you have no choice or are ordered to (and even then be sure to check with med and Sec if their empty then there is no problem. If they're in use then question the COs orders)
So that leaves (everything else, not forgetting that you will be kept busy by your CO so keep in the plot of the SIM): - Transporter, replicators and holodeck systems (same general area) Main Deflector and Sensor Arrays Starbase gangways/loading connections and computer umbilicals Emergency evacuation systems (lifeboats) Shuttlebays, bay doors, shuttlecraft medical facilities, using spare cargo bays (mainly done for medical emergencies/drills)
The Ops Manager's best friend, when anything happens there's a diagnostic you can run, even if nothing is happening, if you aren't doing much, run a diagnostic! There are 5 main levels of
"Level 5 Diagnostic" which is completely automated and takes seconds to complete, the computer runs quick tests to insure whatever you're running the diagnostic on is working. Data is run through the main computer to your terminal.
"Level 4 Diagnostic" similar to Level 5, except that it may take a little longer, instead of just checking that things are OK, the Computer will make a more in depth check of whatever you running it on.
"Level 3 Diagnostic" this is a half-automated process that requires manual intervention and testing, if you're at your console then you'll need to dispatch an eng team unless your diagnosing your own console!
"Level 2 Diagnostic" this is a thorough component check with a little computer assistance.
"Level 1 Diagnostic" The engineer's nightmare! This usually means taking something out of operation so you can take it apart! The computer is not involved.
"Yellow alert" Usually invoked in preparation for a possible crisis situation, it is a shipwide alert and it prepares personnel for a possible red alert. Yellow Alert - you HAVE to watch the level 4 diagnostics and report any oddities, and remember to shut down any leisure activities even for civilians unless the CO specifically asks for a silent yellow alert. Also terminate anything that may be happening that may increase the chance of accident of damage to crew or ship. This includes knocking extensive holodeck programs off, and insuring that all of the ships systems are ready to respond to ANY situation. Mission Operations will take his post and another level 4 on EVERYTHING and a level 5 on the lifeboats and environmentals.
"Red Alert" Red Alert is invoked during states of emergency that may endanger the vessel or the crew, impending emergencies, or combat situations. This is crunch time, everything is checked and double checked, anything can happen and often does!
Engineering - This is you band of helpers, when you can't fix something from where you are sitting these are the trouble shooters and fixers, it is your best interests to keep these people happy, cause when you spot something broke, theses are the people you will have to ask to fix it.
Tactical - Outside of red alert this person has the same right to your resources as everyone else, however in a Red Alert situation you must be able to give them all they need to to their job! **IMPORTANT** During a Red Alert You must treat give them as much priority as your CO/XO, outside of Red Alert, you are not bound to that.

Revision as of 04:18, 2 January 2009

A person wishing for an Operations (OPS) position must be well rounded, flexible, and prepared for any situations that may arise. OPS is like a taskmaster, who coordinates the actions of various other ship's departments. This is why it is said that the pulse of a starship runs through the Operations Station. You, as OPS, literally have your finger on that pulse.

Now we can cover the technical systems that you can't work with, with the exception of the computer and power restraints:

Specialized Tactical Systems (phasers, torps, cannons, cloaks, and shields TAC handled)

Specialized Helm Systems (thrusters, impulse and propulsion systems)

engineering tasks that need manual operation (replacing/realigning crystals and such)

Medical Quarantine systems are off limits and have their own short term emergency power systems (you can de-activate them but you'd be torn a strip by your CO AND your medical Chief)

Security Brig systems are the same as medical don't use up that reserve unless you have no choice or are ordered to (and even then be sure to check with med and Sec if their empty then there is no problem. If they're in use then question the COs orders)

So that leaves (everything else, not forgetting that you will be kept busy by your CO so keep in the plot of the SIM): - Transporter, replicators and holodeck systems (same general area) Main Deflector and Sensor Arrays Starbase gangways/loading connections and computer umbilicals Emergency evacuation systems (lifeboats) Shuttlebays, bay doors, shuttlecraft medical facilities, using spare cargo bays (mainly done for medical emergencies/drills)


The Ops Manager's best friend, when anything happens there's a diagnostic you can run, even if nothing is happening, if you aren't doing much, run a diagnostic! There are 5 main levels of 

"Level 5 Diagnostic" which is completely automated and takes seconds to complete, the computer runs quick tests to insure whatever you're running the diagnostic on is working. Data is run through the main computer to your terminal.

"Level 4 Diagnostic" similar to Level 5, except that it may take a little longer, instead of just checking that things are OK, the Computer will make a more in depth check of whatever you running it on.

"Level 3 Diagnostic" this is a half-automated process that requires manual intervention and testing, if you're at your console then you'll need to dispatch an eng team unless your diagnosing your own console!

"Level 2 Diagnostic" this is a thorough component check with a little computer assistance.

"Level 1 Diagnostic" The engineer's nightmare! This usually means taking something out of operation so you can take it apart! The computer is not involved.


"Yellow alert" Usually invoked in preparation for a possible crisis situation, it is a shipwide alert and it prepares personnel for a possible red alert. Yellow Alert - you HAVE to watch the level 4 diagnostics and report any oddities, and remember to shut down any leisure activities even for civilians unless the CO specifically asks for a silent yellow alert. Also terminate anything that may be happening that may increase the chance of accident of damage to crew or ship. This includes knocking extensive holodeck programs off, and insuring that all of the ships systems are ready to respond to ANY situation. Mission Operations will take his post and another level 4 on EVERYTHING and a level 5 on the lifeboats and environmentals.

"Red Alert" Red Alert is invoked during states of emergency that may endanger the vessel or the crew, impending emergencies, or combat situations. This is crunch time, everything is checked and double checked, anything can happen and often does!

Engineering - This is you band of helpers, when you can't fix something from where you are sitting these are the trouble shooters and fixers, it is your best interests to keep these people happy, cause when you spot something broke, theses are the people you will have to ask to fix it.

Tactical - Outside of red alert this person has the same right to your resources as everyone else, however in a Red Alert situation you must be able to give them all they need to to their job! **IMPORTANT** During a Red Alert You must treat give them as much priority as your CO/XO, outside of Red Alert, you are not bound to that.