Douglas 'Ka-BOOM' Bovitsky

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Character Physical Description

Eye Colour Blue

Hair Colour Brown

Height 6

Weight 190

Blood Colour Red

Skin Colour White

Physical Description

He's ordinary , thin , little fat a lot of muscles. Face not pretty, too big eagle nose and too big ears to call him handsome. Has long scar on his back. Couple lesser scars over all body.

History, Education and Skills

Family and Background

Hi's parents are Michael and Helen Bovitzky, engineers in Mars shipyards. He also has a sister who is 4 tears younger. She has joined Starfleet Academy on medical scholaship when he finished it. Doug was lively kid, always running around shipyard, and a curious one. He asked a lot of questions and wanted the answers now. His parents wanted to give him the best best education he could have. He learned science and math quickly. His achievements in art studies were catastrophic. Many times he had the worst grades in class.


Starfleet Marines NCO school MIT - propulsion engineering Starfleet Academy-Marine department

Pre-Starfleet History

When he was 17 he was drafted as Marine NCO. As his draft seargant put it - go to other planets , meet their friendly inhabitants and bomb their houses - . Doug took the bait . He was transfered to Marine NCO school and finished it as a Demolition and Close Quarters Combat specialist. When his contract ended. He joined MIT to get a proper education and have a decent job as his parents did. He finished it with good grades, but couldn't get set up with nice engineering job. Something was calling him to get back to the Marines.

Starfleet History

Medical History

As almost every Marine, he had broken bones and ribs, nothing major. His big scar is a remembrance of accident during a training mission. He fell of a cliff during a rappelling exercise.


He's an able rifle man , especially in close quarters, but he's best at blowing things up. It is his major specialization. He's also a good engineer, not only at design but also as field engineer, able to dismantle, repair and reassemble most of small craft systems.

Other Information


Creating holodeck programs of XX century history wars. Going out into the wild. Creating models of historical flying crafts.

General Notes

He got his nick Ka-BOOM after another accident. He was supposed to blow up bunker door, instead he blew up the whole bunker.
