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A hospital is a place of medical, surgical, or psychiatric care for sick or injured.

Kira Meru died in a Cardassian hospital in 2353. (DS9: "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night")

A hospital facility was to be built in the Melona colony. It would have faced north and would have been located in a grove of trees. Melona IV was destroyed by the Crystalline entity however and the hospital was never built. (TNG: "Silicon Avatar")

When Captain Jean-Luc Picard as Kamin was living a life on Kataan, his wife Eline refused to send him to a hospital when he was sick and insisted on caring for him herself. (TNG: "The Inner Light")

In early 2375, the Romulan Star Empire constructed a hospital on Derna, a moon of Bajor. They also placed several plasma torpedo launchers, but were unable to bring them online due to a Bajoran blockade. (DS9: "Image in the Sand", "Shadows and Symbols")

Medical Hospitals and Institutes

-Adelman Neurological Institute Central Hospital of Altair IV (Altair IV)

-Mercy Hospital (Earth, San Francisco, California)

-Sisters of Hope Infirmary (Earth, San Francisco, California)

-Starfleet Medical Starfleet Medical Academy Taylor Hospital (Melina II)

-Taylor Hospital (Nel III)

-University of Nairobi (Earth, Nairobi)

-Vulcan Medical Institute (Vulcan)

-Wiemer Medical Facility (Melina II)

-Sikla Medical Facility (Malcor III)

Mental Hospitals and Institutes

-Adelman Neurological Institute Central Bureau of Penology (Earth, Eurasia)

-Elba II colony (Elba II)

-Tantalus colony (Tantalus V)

-Tilonus Institute for Mental Disorders

Hospital Vessels

-Federation hospital ship Hospital Ship 4-2 (Dinaali)

-Medical Transport 136/Nightingale (Kraylor)

-USS Pasteur (Starfleet)