Ayehla Zyahn

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Ayehla Zyahn
FO/CSec/CTact, USS Starfire
Lieutenant Ayehla Zyahn

USS Mithrandir

  • Vital Statistics
    • Age: 33
    • Gender: Female
    • Birthplace: Trill
  • Physical Information
    • Eye Color: Brown
    • Hair Color: Brown
    • Height: 5'8" feet
    • Weight: 145lbs
    • Skin Color: White
  • Career Statistics
"What? It was you [who ate the last piece of pie]. I've made my decision : I'm living this ship"
— Ayehla with the USS Titanic's CO, trying to decide if she is going to accept the promotion as FO on the USS Starfire

Physical Description

Ayehla is in incredible shape physically. Being an ex-marine, she had the build for the job.


Ayehla Nodel (now Ayehla Zyahn) is born on Trill in 2382. Her mother, Leihla, is directing a well-known clothes company while her father, Tolas Nodel, is a board director of Trill Science Ministry. Ayehla is the fourth of five children and only woman. Her brothers are : Toran (38), Jynas (35), Raifel (35), and Airon (26).

When she was young, Ayehla loved to follow her older brothers. If they were hard on her, she quickly learned to deal with men which shaped her identity.

Before she was joined, Ayehla was a “tomboy”. She fought her way through and didn’t mind being in a situation where she need to play it tough. During her youth, everything her brothers did, she was doing it, even if it was dangerous. She also inherited her father leadership and at school, she was a dominating figure, not afraid to speak her mind. It even often gave her some problems with her teachers as she was blunt.

Nevertheless, part because of the importance and personality of her mother in her life, Ayehla always tried to keep a feminine touch. She always preferred long hair, and everytime she had the chance, she wore very sexy and feminine clothing. It was not a big surprise to her family when she enrolled as a marine.

She was joined in 2406 which changed her radically. If before, she was afraid of nothing, the joining make her feel more worry about her health and life, and more conscious about the risk (including the risk to the symbiot). With a writer, and a diplomat as previous hosts, she found in peace and dialogue something more rewarding than fighting. For an ex-marine, that was quite a radical change. The change affected her enough to ask a change in her career. She quitted as a marine and become a security officer. Because she didn’t had all the skill necessary, she spent one year and a half at Starfleet Academy to insure the transition, but was quickly promoted to Lieutenant after only one year of active service as a security officer, in recognition of her experiences as a marine.

Ayehla has still very great relations with the other marines of her platoon and they are close enough that they consider each other as a family.

Her previous hosts were : Lonek (architect), Jozhen (Merchant), Uzhra (Nurse), Vehri (Botanist), Voran (Ambassador), Eldwyn (writer), Orihan (freighter pilot), Alaniel (athlete), and Shahydra (nutritionist)


Ayehla was a very intelligent student who had great marks in spite she could have had even better marks if she had really been committed. In fact, she already knew she wanted to become a marine when was 15, and considering the kind of intelligence and skill necessary to reach her objective, she trained consequently, "choosing" the classes where she excelled and sometimes neglecting those not so important for her choice of career. It paid off as she was accepted at 17 in the Starfleet Marine Corps Academy.

At the Academy her skills and intelligence (but also the fact she was more agile than she was strong) lead her to be form in intelligence. She quickly learned gathering information, cover operation, etc. However, the job available in intelligence were not as much in need and Ayehla finished her formation in reconnaisance and was assigned in the reconnaissance platoon in the Geneva Marine Company.

She masters several hand-to-hand, melee weapons as well as several kind of phaser, pistols and explosives. She is also well trained in intelligence and reconnaissance.

At 26, however, after six years as a marine (she was then 2nd Lieutenant), she was accepted by the Symbiotic Commission and was joined to the symbiot “Zyahn”. The joining affected her considerably as she integrated new personality. Her new experiences and identity motivated a change from marine to commissioned officer. She joined Starfleet academy to have a basic in security and tactical. After eighteen months, she specialized in both security and tactical and was assigned back to a ship, the USS Mithrandir.

Pre-Starfleet History

Ayehla joined the Marine Corps as soon as she became eligible and did not anything else before joining. During her years at the "Trill equivalent of High School" Ayehla was part of her school Kayak team who was competing against other Trill schools.

Starfleet History

Ayehla joined Starfleet marine academy and became a marine specialized in reconnaissance. After the academy, she was assigned to the Geneva first company in the Gamma platoon, reconnaissance squad. She served there for three and a half years.

Once joined, she asked for a change of career. She was accepted as a security officer conditional for her to join Starfleet academy and have a Starfleet officer training, what she did for 1 year and a half. At the academy, she specialized in tactics and security.

At 28 (in 2309), she was assigned on the USS Tulsa as a security officer with the rank of ensign senior grade. She served almost four years there.

In 2414, she had been assigned to the USS Mithrandir as the chief security and tactical officer, and was subsequently promoted to lieutenant junior grade. She served there several months until the ship was sent back to the shipyard and the crew re-affected fleet-wide.

She was then transferred on the USS Titanic where she served as a chief of security and second officer for a few months.

On stardate 2414.11.06, she was transferred to the USS Starfire as a First Officer, Chief of Security and Chief Tactical where she is still serving.

Less than a month later, the USS Starfire was recalled to the shipyard after a problem was detected with its hull. She was offered the rank of Major and the position of commanding the marine company on board the USS Soval, position she refused. One week later, she was offered the position of First Officer on the USS Hyperion.

Medical History

Being a marine, she had several scars from her missions. Hopefully, she was never badly hurt during a mission and she is therefore still in one piece.


She has the normal marine training (hand-to-hand, melee, weapon training, zero-mission, etc.). Furthermore, as a reconnaissance marine, she is also specialized in infiltration and in intelligence. She knows many languages and she is able to read through lips of almost all of them. She has also an academic formation in security and tactical. Also, thanks to her previous hosts, she has some skill in diplomacy, cooking, writing and piloting..


None Yet


Since she has been joined, Ayehla as been especially interested by her first host passion for cooking. While she has not her skill, (and also the fact cooking has change a lot in the last few centuries), but she nevertheless like it. Also, having grown with a mother directing a fashion line, she is also very interested in fashion, and love shopping and to wear beautiful dresses. She also practice several sports, including Kayaking and Triathlon.

She also love running and has taken a habit of running 30 minutes every morning before her morning shift. Nevertheless, she still also has that “tomboy” personality and like to challenge boys and doesn't shy away from friendly competitions.


As anticipated for almost every joining, the joining cause Ayehla to change considerably. While she was never emotive, was very thought and was fearless, her personality was changed. She still have difficulty to figure out who she is now and to accept who she have become. Psychologically, her new vulnerability is something she has a lot of difficulty to live with. While she would still like to be that "tomboy" afraid of nothing, truth is she is now someone else.


Crew of the USS Starfire
52nd Fleet Logo
Command Staff: Captain Sanok, Commanding Officer | Lieutenant Ayehla Zyahn, First Officer | Lieutenant S'yves, Second Officer
Operations Staff: Lieutenant S'yves, Chief of Operations
Medical Staff: Ensign Ailyn Andersen, Acting Chief Medical Officer | MCPO. Ti'shi'ah'sh'Solom'aa (Tesha), Medical Officer
Tactical & Security Staff: Lieutenant Ayehla Zyahn, Chief Tactical/Security | Ensign Jessica Signos, AssCTact | Ensign Jg. James Gunn, Security Officer
Engineering Staff: Lieutenant Jg. Wane Corey, Chief Engineering Officer
Science Staff: Ensign Thomas C'Nell, Chief Science Officer