Jennifer Bates

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Jennifer Bates
when she was Assistant Chief Science Officer on the USS Mithrandir
Ensign Jennifer Bates

  • Vital Statistics
    • Age: 37
    • Gender: Female
    • Birthplace:
  • Physical Information
    • Eye Color: Green
    • Hair Color: Blonde
    • Height: 5'8" feet
    • Weight: 143Lbs
    • Skin Color: White
  • Career Statistics
"~An admiral as our new CO? Is that good or bad?~ she started to wonder. "
— Jennifer learning about her new Commanding Officer

Physical Description

See picture


Born on stardate 2377.09.11, Jennifer is the daughter of David Bates and Tracy Couture. David was a Starfleet officer and captain of the USS Charybde until he retired from service at 65 to teach at the Academy, while Tracy is still a History Teacher at Harvard University. Jennifer is the third/fourth children of four. She has one brother and two sisters: - Ryan (41 yo), Politician - Stacy (39 yo), Xeno-archeologist, civilian science vessel “Thanksgiving” - Jessica (37 yo, twin sister), Starfleet, Lieutenant, CMO, USS Scylla. Jennifer spent most of her youth at home (Boston) with her mother, sisters and brothers. With her father in starfleet, her mother a history teacher and later her brother being a politican, she was raised in a very intellectual and political surrounding. Whereas all of her older siblings had strong characters, Jennifer was always a discrete girl. She loved our family and always took care of them, but discretely.

Outside the house, however, Jennifer was a bit more active. If she was often going out, she always kept control. Her father being in starfleet, she saw him only during shore leaves but he has always took great care of his family. At 14, her father was promoted to FO of a Galaxy-Class, and Jennifer and her twin sister, Jessica, spent two year on the ship. This is then she discovered her passion for space...phenomena. At 16, both twin sisters were accepted at Harvard.

As for herself, despite 37, she is neither married nor has any children. She was close to be married with another Starfleet officer, Lieutenant Rettol Suder, a Betazoid serving as Chief Engineer on the USS Resurgent, but he died in 2406 during the Battle of System 663 during the Civil War. She never got into a relationship since.


  • Harvard University - Degree in astrophysics
  • Starfleet Academy - Major in subspace mechanics - Minor in engineering

Pre-Starfleet History

Spent most of her time in Boston and two years on a Galaxy-class ship with her father. Went to Harvard at 16.

Starfleet History

Jennifer completed her formation in science (subspace mechanics) at Starfleet Academy in San Francisco. As she started to get acquainted with her new surrounding, the high expectation, very intellectual and relatively strict atmosphere she grew into make her become tired of being the good girl. She started rather on the wrong foot at the academy, missing classes and dating guys much at the disarray of her family and more especially, her twin sister. This is how she got acquainted with a 3rd year student who had two times her age, Syuvik. At that time, Syuvik had been struggling with emotions and was rather insubordinate with the instructors of the Academy. He was a rather bad influence on her, until he told her, before he left the academy, not to waste her life like he was. Once he left, Jennifer kind of returned to the good girl she had been known at Harvard.

Jennifer graduated in 2400 and was assigned to the USS Noble as a science officer. She served there for six years. When her future husband died in 2406, she took a leave of absence and spent the next eleven months trying to cope with the loss. She finally returned to Starfleet (and the USS Noble) in the middle of 2407. Having left for close to a year, she lost her position as aCSO and has to accept to be a simple science officer. So when the position was available on the USS Mithrandir nine months later, she transferred there. She served on the ship a bit more than four years, having the time to see it be from a Defiant-class to a Nova-class to a Luna-class ship. She also was reunited with her good friends Syuvik when he was assigned as Chief of Security in 2413. At first, she couldn't recognize him such he had changed, for the best. Jennifer being one of the rare person to have known him when he was still a v'tosh ka'tur, that gave her a proximity to Syuvik no one ever had. When the USS Mithrandir was retired of service, she was recruited by Starfleet Intelligence. She spent the following three months following extensive training. As she was more the bureaucratic type than the operative one, her job at Starfleet Intelligence were to write reports and summary for Starfleet Intelligence executive officers. Being both determined and very hard working, she got noticed by Vice-Admiral Thinn who recruited her in his team of advisors and moved to his offices on Starbase 718.

When Vice-Admiral Thinn was assigned to Quezal to investigate the explosion, Jennifer followed him there. She was responsible for supervising the work done by the Quezalth scientists at the capital and report it to her superior.

When the USS Soval was called for a special mission, because of her affinity with the captain, Syuvik, Jennifer was tasked to serve as a Liaison officer between them and Starfleet Intelligence. So, while still a member of Starfleet Intelligence, she is now part of the crew of the USS Soval.

Medical History

Jennifer is in very good health. She takes care of her body, and eat very healthy. Physically, she is not the strongest, nor is she muscled in any significant way. Yet, thanks to her healthy diet, she has a very good stamina and endurance.


Jennifer has a very deep knowledge in astrophysics and subspace mechanics which she uses to her advantage. She is a very good scientist. With a minor in engineering, she also has a very good knowledge of physics. Despite she is not the operative type and was rather recruited to work in an office, she nevertheless followed special training when she was recruited by Starfleet Intelligence.


Awarded Captains Commendation: For exemplary service and meeting all challenges faced with dignity and perseverance.


When she is not scanning for new space phenomena, Jennifer love natures and could normally be found in the arboretum. She is curious by nature, and she needs a lot of leisure in her life. She is not very skilful at it, but she loves playing and listening to music. She also practices sporadically racketball, and hiking, but hates the competition aspect of sports. Despite studying at Stanford, she prefers simple things and she is very modest.


Crew of the USS Mithrandir
52nd Fleet Logo
Command Staff: Captain Kevin Jordan, Commanding Officer | Lieutenant Syuvik, First Officer
Operations Staff: Lieutenant Jason Briggs III, Chief of Operations
Medical Staff: Ensign Kurt Palmer, Acting Chief Medical Officer | Ensign Dave Shepard Jr, Assistant Chief Medical Officer
Counseling Staff: Lieutenant Jerry Hindenburgher, Counsellor
Tactical & Security Staff: Lieutenant Zyahn, Chief Tactical/Security | Gryffen Pendragon, Security Officer
Engineering Staff: Ensign M'Elissa, Chief Engineering Officer | Lieutenant Mila Kudrow, Assistant Chief Engineering Officer | Ensign Hank Stevens, Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
Science Staff: Lieutenant Kenneth McKenzie, Chief Science Officer | Lieutenant (jg) Jezebel Trelawney, Assistant Chief Science Officer | Ensign Jennifer Bates, Assistant Chief Science Officer
Flight Operations: Ensign Natova, CONN Officer
Civilians: Mei Ling Hikaru, Bartender/Manager