Keira Mere

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Kiera Merek

Captain Kiera Merek is the Romulan/Human Commanding Officer of the USS Hades A

    • Age: 25
    • Gender: Female
    • Race: Romulan/Human
    • Eye Color: Blue
    • Hair Color: Blonde
    • Height: 1.83 meters
    • Weight: 78.12 kgs
    • Skin Color: Caucasion
    • Rank: Captain
    • Current Assignment: USS Hades
    • Position: Commanding Officer

Physical Description

She stands at close to 2 meters, with an athletic figure. Her blonde hair is cut short enough that you can't tie it in a ponytail, usually tucked behind her pointed ears. Her gray eyes are observant ready to catch the smallest detail.

History, Education and Skills

Family and Background

Daughter of a Romulan Navigator and a Starfleet Engineer, she spent her formative years on a struggling former Romulan Penal Colony in the Carraya system where Klingon prisoners and Romulan jailers had learned to live together. With the fall of the Romulan Star Empire, regular supply runs lessened then ceased all together. The colony held together for five years before sending out a distress call, which was answered by Terran frontier colonists looking to distance themselves from the politics of Starfleet that had lost its ideals. She was raised by her stern Romulan father and her idealistic mother descendant from Terran Northern Europeans. Legends and heroics of Norse Mythology told by her mother gave her a desire to see what lies beyond their colony. Through her career she had a relationship with fellow officer Lt. Cmdr. Ravok which was maintained until his death. She is a member in good standing of Klingon House Kalberoth, and holds the title of Gin'tak.


Primary and Secondary schooling were completed on colony. Lessons were self paced. Modern lessons were balanced with knowledge and everyday use of techniques used before the invention of warp drive. She excelled in encryption, Engineering and self defense.

Pre-Starfleet History

She grew up on a colony. From a young age on the colony she would spend time making repairs and trying to repurpose old or out dated equipment.

Starfleet History

Four years Star Fleet Academy. Double major in Operations and Engineering. On admitance was interrogated by Star Fleet Intelligence to rule out being a Romulan Agent. The accusations were unfounded. She tried out for Nova Squadron, and while her scores were high enough to be considered, she was out scored by other candidates. She had impressed more than one instructor on her practical knowledge of machinery and computer programming. She scored very high marks on her Damage Control Final Practical Examination. One mission to Trill Prime as Acting Chief Engineer, approximately 18 months assigned as Chief Engineer of Mars Facilities before being transferred to the USS Exeter as 2O/Chief Engineer. In one mission, altered nanoprobes were used by a force from the Mirror Universe to subvert the crew. For her actions that helped secure the ship she was awarded the Medal of Distinction and the Captain's Commendation.

Current Assignment

Commanding officer of USS Hades (NCC 640637-A)

Medical History

Her mixed species heritage gives her a hard to match blood type. She broke her left radius and ulna at 6 years old. The bone was set by hand by colony doctors and healed naturally, which is visible to a discerning eye on scans and primitive medical imaging (x-rays or anything pre-tricorder) She like most Vulcanoids is vulnerable to Trellium poisoning. Which was confirmed by genetic testing as part of her entry physical to Star Fleet Academy. Reaction is Unknown.


She spent years fixing and repurposing outdated equipment and decoding encrypted terminals. She holds high ratings in Romulan Self Defense. Has familiarity with metalurgy steaming from her hobbies. She speaks fluent Romulan and Federation Standard, and the Icelandic Terran language. She can identify Klingon being spoken and knows enough to carry a conversation. She hold Ops and Engineer rates and holds class A small craft licenses. (Shuttles, worker bees)

Other Information


Her hobbies include primitive metalworking and listening to old Terran music. She has started taking up karaoke as a way to express herself. She is thinking of also learning a musical instrument or taking real singing lessons.

General Notes
