Vulcana Regar

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Vulcana Regar is a city on Vulcan.

During the late 21st century or early 22nd century, Vulcana Regar was the site of the Ka'Tann Conference. One of the top negotiators at the conference was Ambassador V'Lar, one of the attendees was T'Pol, who was in her early schooling on Vulcan, and who had traveled "a great distance" to see the Ambassador. (ENT: "Fallen Hero")

Late-24th century Starfleet Academy hopeful, T'Shanik, was from Vulcana Regar. (TNG: "Coming of Age")

The Ka'Tann Conference & The treaty of Ka'Tann

The Ka'Tann Conference was a meeting held in Vulcana Regar during the late 2090s or early 2100s, which was held to negotiate the terms of the Treaty of Ka'Tann. Vulcan Ambassador V'Lar was the primary negotiator during this conference. While T'Pol was in her early schooling on Vulcan, she traveled to Vulcana Regar to see V'Lar during her negotiations.

At one of the recesses, during the second Ka'Tann Conference, T'Pol approached V'Lar to question the ambassador about her negotiating tactics, which V'Lar later recalled as being "quite presumptuous coming from one so young." V'Lar later noted that T'Pol's bluntness made the ambassador reconsider some of her positions in negotiating the treaty. (ENT: "Fallen Hero")

It is unclear exactly who this treaty involved, when the treaty was signed, or what or where "Ka'Tann" was. It is possible, too, that this is an alternate name for the Treaty of 2097, which was also signed during this timeframe.

The Treaty of 2097 is a treaty enforced by the Vulcans supporting their claim on the planet Paan Mokar, after having made their claim on the planet in 2097. This treaty was established nearly forty years after the Andorians made their claim on the planet.

Following the Andorian invasion of the planet in 2152, the Vulcans naturally attempted to enforce the Treaty of 2097 in attempt to regain control of the colony. In the attack, two dozen Vulcans were wounded and three were taken hostage. (ENT: "Cease Fire")