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The Skorr were a space-faring, bipedal avian race with what appeared to be feathered wings. They existed as a warrior race with advanced technology and the ability to breed vast armies very quickly.

In the mid-21st century Alar, a Skorr philosopher lead his race into a new era of peace. After Alar's death, his thought patterns were preserved in an indurite sculpture referred to as the "Soul of Skorr." (TAS: "The Jihad")

Military Rank Comparisons

Lieutenant Dralar
Lieutenant Dralar
Name: Dralar
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Siradran, Skoria
Species: Skorr
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Not Applicable
Height: 6 foot 6
Weight: 130 lbs
Blood Color: Red
Skin Color: Tan & Brown
Current rank: Lieutenant JG
Current Position: CONN
Assignment: USS Rosenante
The USS Rosenanté NCC–924650
Status: Active

Important People


Alar was a Skorr religious leader, who, to the Skorr, was their salvation and their teacher.

In the mid-21st century he lead his species of warriors into a new era of peace. After his death, his thought patterns were preserved in an indurite sculpture called the "Soul of the Skorr". (TAS: "The Jihad")


Tchar was a male Skorr and the hereditary prince of his race in the 23rd century.

In 2269 he stole his race's holy artifact, the Soul of the Skorr, hoping that this would ignite a galaxy-wide jihad and reestablish the Skorr as a warrior race. Insane, Tchar could not cope with a peaceful galaxy and planned to lead his people in this war.

When the Vedala sent teams to recover the artifact from an unstable "mad planet", Tchar joined Kirk, Spock, Sord, Em/3/Green and Lara, planning to sabotage the quest. As the team neared the strange building housing the missing artifact, Tchar was "abducted" by creatures evidently native to the mad planet. When the team gained entry to the building, he reappeared and challenged the remaining members of the party to honorable combat. He could not allow them to live, but was impressed by their skill in reaching the artifact. He disabled the internal gravity so that his ability to fly would not give him undue advantage. Kirk and Spock, experts in zero-gravity combat, were able to defeat him.

When the party returned to the Vedala asteroid, Tchar was remanded to the custody of the Vedala, who promised to cure him of his madness. (TAS: "The Jihad")