Trill Initiate

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Since its inception, the Trill Symbiosis Commission has standardized the joining process through the Trill Initiate Program. Eligible Trill humanoids join and undergo rigorous training and screening to decide their suitability for joining with a symbiont.


On average, only 300 symbionts are available for new hosts each year. Because there are many more humaniod Trill than symbionts, prospective hosts are weeded out by a demanding selection procedure, overseen by the Symbiosis Commission.

It is commonly believed in Trill society that only 1 in 1,000 Trill make acceptable hosts; in fact, this figure is vastly inflated, and is closer to 1 in 2, but the myth is perpetuated very carefully in order to avoid the widespread chaos which would arise if the information were made public.

Unless the joined Trill objects, a prospective host may request a specific symbiont.