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==[[Image:Romulan warbird 22c.jpg|150px|left]]  [[Romulan Warbird (22nd century)]]==
==[[Image:Romulan warbird 22c.jpg|150px|left]]  [[Romulan Warbird (22nd century)]]==

The 22nd century Romulan warbird was the pinnacle of technology, during the height of the Romulan Empire's expansive period.
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The ship was extensively deployed along a large number of operational theaters and was considered the backbone of the Romulan navy for the duration of the Romulan Campaigns of Expansion throughout the 22nd Century (primarily in the Beta Quadrant)
The UFP had very little interaction with this particular class of vessel during the height of this vessel's career. The primary reason for this was that the vessels were often deployed on the front lines of active combat units engaging against the neighbors of the RSE in the Beta Quadrant.
Several technologies found in the Modern Warbirds can trace their lineage directly back to these early models.

==[[Image:Scorpion Class.jpg|150px|right]]  [[Scorpion Class]]==
==[[Image:Scorpion Class.jpg|150px|right]]  [[Scorpion Class]]==

The Scorpion-class vessels were small attack fighters used aboard the Reman warbird Scimitar in 2379.
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These small, mobile attack vessels were exceptionally maneuverable, so much so that they were able to maneuver through the interior corridors of a Reman warbird.
The vessel was extensively used during the campaigns conducted by Shinzon by the Romulan Star Empire prior to his self-arranged promotion to Praetor.
The vessels were armed with a pair of fixed forward facing disruptor cannons.

==[[Image:Romulan valdore.jpg|150px|left]]  [[Valdore Type]]==
==[[Image:Romulan valdore.jpg|150px|left]]  [[Valdore Type]]==

Similar in design to the D'deridex-class warbird, the Valdore type was a large, fixed-wing vessel, ranging in color from dark-green to brown.
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With a wingspan roughly 900 meters wide, the vessel featured a large section extending forward to create a down-sloped head shape. Warp nacelles were connected at the end of each wing with impulse engines mounted aft. The hull was marked by distinctive "feather" shaped plating.
The Valdore type ships are smaller than the D'deridex vessels but are newer and more heavily armed, with more advanced weaponry. This may explain the significant difference in the appearance of this vessel's weaponry compared to that of the D'deridex which is portrayed firing bright neon green torpedoes and disruptors. Also, the Valdore type significantly outnumbers the D'deridex in terms of numbers within the fleet.

==[[Image:Romulan Cargo Transport.jpg|150px|left]]  [[Romulan Cargo Transport]]==
==[[Image:Romulan Cargo Transport.jpg|150px|left]]  [[Romulan Cargo Transport]]==

Every major spacefaring race in the known galaxy has a dedicated cargo transport vessel, and the Romulan Empire is no exception.
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The vessel consists of a warp capable tug vessel, which 'tows' a series of crago containers behind it. The confisguration of the containers vary on the type of cargo transported, but usually the containers are connected in a three wedge cylindrical conficuration. Each of the components are connected to a central towing hub.
It is this hub that is connected to the aft of the tug. the cargo compartments are accessible by the tug's crew by way of the towing assembly.

==[[Image:noone.jpg|150px|right]]  [[Vessel name]]==
==[[Image:noone.jpg|150px|right]]  [[Vessel name]]==
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