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This post, by J Trout, was what started the current storyline of the Federation Civil War. It began with a mission by the USS Nimitz, in which Admiral Doenitz tried to have the ship destroyed. Captain Susan Rivers brought this fact to the attention of Fleet Admiral Robert LoDona, whom after investigation, did the following:

Stardate: 2406.04.03

(USS Steel Talons - Admirals Quarter, Admirals Office - Admiral Robert LoDona - 0700)

Robert rubbed his exhausted face, then waved away the officer that he had been talking too for the last hour, one of the Captains attached to his office and a former member of SFI to boot. So far, he had only involved about five people in the hunt for information, people he had known and trusted for more years then he had fingers. Even those five seemed too many, but he required more brains and contacts then he himself had.

The results had been far from encouraging. In his mind, there were few questions left to answer, and none of them dealing with the validity of Captain River's accusations. Now, he had to decide just what he was going to do with the 200 ships he had en-route to Starbase Geneva, just how far he was willing to go to protect what he had bled for all of his Starfleet Career.

He pushed a button on the desk, "Get me a data link with the Nimitz, Gold channel secure."

[Aye Sir]

A few seconds passed, then the link was created and LoDona sent through the orders he had preconceived for Rivers and her crew. They were going to scout the position that the Night's Watch had discovered less then a month back in their particular travels, and find the new resting place of the Starbase itself. He leaned back and looked out the window at Earth. It was a wondrous sight, one he was able to see so rarely as he was a Line-Animal, someone always out on the fringe. He had a feeling he wasn’t going to be seeing it for a long time to come.

His decision was made, as if there was ever really a choice in the matter.

"Commander Grailik to my office." he said gruffly to the computer.

(reply Grailik)

Robert looked at the PADD on his desk with all the information that he had received thus-far, and shuddered. This... This wasn’t going to go over well. He considered whom he was going to send it too, those that would make the most difference without starting an all-out civil war within the Federation. It was a small list, out of the half-billion members in Starfleet, he only had a couple hundred in mind. If Starfleet could take care of this problem within their own ranks without the ramifications of complete political fallout and loss of faith in the fleet, then he was all for it.

Grailik arrived, and Robert waved to a seat without a word. He took a deep breath and tapped a button, "Prepare to send a secure communiqué to all ship commanders of the 52nd, all Starfleet Fleet Commanders, the CINCFLT, and the other Admirals in the list I am sending you now." He transmitted the entire list to ship Ops, and waited five seconds in silence. Finally, the Lieutenant on the other end said, =^=Ready at your command.=^=

He looked over at the El Aurian, then turned and looked at his screen. "Begin recording, send on my signal."

A small beep sounded, and Robert wasted no time. "For those that don't know me, I'm Admiral Robert LoDona, CO of the 52nd. It has come to my attention lately that things... are not as they should be." He looked over and hit a button on his desk, the one with all the information he had received from Rivers, everything from Admiral Aragorn, and everything he had found himself. He looked back up once that was done, "I am sending you a full database worth of information, what you choose to do with it is up to you. I can only tell you my thoughts on the matter, and my plans."

He paused, "It is a foul time indeed when the same uniform and oath hides both traitors, and patriots. Such a time has come upon us, a time we must choose who is our friend; those that would help us preserve the Federation, from those that would simply remake it into a twisted shell of its previous glory. I have spent my life defending our boarders, and protecting the enduring philosophy that has become our way of life. In good conscience, I can no longer stand idly by as forces of evil and ambition rip apart the very foundation of the Federation. We no longer have anywhere to hide; we cannot turn blindly away and pray for the best any longer, we must stand our ground once and for all time. We are the Front lines, on the first of many battlegrounds, and we are the last line of defense.

If we fail, we will be left with naught but oblivion."

He stopped before he waxed too-far into the philosophical. He folded his hands together, "We will do what is necessary, anything more then that I cannot tell you. But for the record..." He leaned forward, "I hereby accuse and condemn Admiral Doenitz and all involved of High Treason, I curse their names and vow they will be removed, by any means necessary."

He leaned back again, "I will be in touch, LoDona out."

The screen went blank, and a couple seconds later a small message flashed on his desktop monitor that it had been successfully sent. It might take as long as a month for it to reach the furthest areas of the Federation, but it was out, now they were in danger. He quickly turned in his seat, "Admiral to Bridge, engage the cloak and head for the River, best speed. Make your course that for Geneva."

The Captain, who hadn't yet gotten into his ready-room to read the certified message, replied with a prompt =^=Yes Sir, Geneva direct.=^=

Robert cut the communication, then leaned back in his chair and covered his face. "God help me if I just started a war, but if that is the only path, then it’s a war we will have to fight."